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Extraction of nonlinear characteristics from eddy current magnetic field of Al-alloy weld and their classification

Gao Peng Wang Chao Zhi Ya Li Yang Wang Li-Bin Cong Zheng


Extraction of nonlinear characteristics from eddy current magnetic field of Al-alloy weld and their classification

Gao Peng, Wang Chao, Zhi Ya, Li Yang, Wang Li-Bin, Cong Zheng
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  • GMR (giant magneto resistance) sensor can be used to measure the eddy current magnetic field of the Al-alloy weld. The nonlinear time series analysis method is introduced to study the signals from the eddy current magnetic field of the weld in three different states, which include good, lack of penetration, and clustered blowhole weld. Several nonlinear characteristic parameters, such as Lyapunov exponent and correlation dimension etc., are extracted. The results show that the eddy current magnetic field of the Al-alloy weld has distinguished chaotic features. Analysis of the Lempel-Ziv complexity and approximate entropy for different signals leads to the conclusion that these two complex measures are sensitive to the eddy current magnetic field of the weld zone. Through these methods, nonlinear characteristics of eddy current magnetic field of the weld can be obtained for identifying and classifying the type of the weld, which will serve as an efficient supplementary diagnostic tool to reveal different patterns of the welds.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No.NCET-10-0621), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 11272229).

    Zuo D G, Li F, Hua X M, Wu Y X 2007 Eletr. Weld. Mach. 37 1 (in Chinese)[左敦桂, 李芳, 华学明, 吴毅雄 2007 电焊机 37 1]


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    Zhuang J Z, Ning X B, Zou M, Sun B, Yang X 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2805 (in Chinese)[庄建军, 宁新宝, 邹鸣, 孙飙, 杨希 2008 57 2805]


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    Zuo D G, Li F, Hua X M, Wu Y X 2007 Eletr. Weld. Mach. 37 1 (in Chinese)[左敦桂, 李芳, 华学明, 吴毅雄 2007 电焊机 37 1]


    Zhang W C, Yang L J, Lv X Q 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 152 (in Chinese)[张伟超, 杨立军, 吕小青 2011 60 152]


    Cao B, Xiang Y P, Lv X Q, Zeng M, Huang S S 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 865


    Fan M B, Yin Y D, Cao B H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 088105 (in Chinese)[范孟豹, 尹亚丹, 曹丙花 2012 61 088105]


    Hao K S, Huang S L, Zhao W, Wang K 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 078103 (in Chinese)[郝宽胜, 黄松岭, 赵伟, 王珅 2011 60 078103]


    Rao B, Raj B, Jayakumar T, Kalyanasundaram P 2002 NDT & E Int. 35 393


    Yusa N, Janousek L, Rebican M, Chen Z, Miya K, Chigusa N, Ito H 2006 Nucl Eng Des 236 1852


    Yusa N, Machida E, Janousek L, Rebican M, Chen Z, Miya K 2005 Nucl Eng Des 235 1469


    Allweins K, Kreutzbruck M V, Gierelt G 2005 J Appl Phys 97 10Q1021


    Ye B, Huang P J, Fan M B, Gong X, Hou D B, Zhang G X, Zhou Z K 2009 Nondestruct Test Eva 24 19


    Du M, Jin N D, Gao Z K, Zhu L, Wang Z Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 230507 (in Chinese)[杜萌, 金宁德, 高忠科, 朱雷, 王振亚 2012 61 230507]


    Jin N D, Dong F, Zhao S 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 720 (in Chinese)[金宁德, 董芳, 赵舒 2007 56 720]


    Jin N D, Zheng G B, Hu L Y 2006 Chinese J. GEOPHYS 49 1552 (in Chinese)[金宁德, 郑桂波, 胡凌云 2006 地球 49 1552]


    Luo X L, Wang J, Han C X, Deng B, Wei X L, Bian H R 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 028701


    Wolf A, Swift J B, Swinney H L, Vastano J A 1985 Physica D 16 285


    Grassberger P, Procaccia I 1983 Physica D 9 189


    Grassberger P, Procaccia I 1984 Physica D 13 34


    Lempel A, Ziv J 1976 IEEE T Info Theory 22 75


    Zhang D Z 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3152 (in Chinese)[张佃中 2007 56 3152]


    Kaspar F, Schuster H G 1987 Phys Rev A 36 842


    Zhao J Y, Jin N D 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 094701 (in Chinese) [赵俊英, 金宁德 2012 61 094701]


    Pincus S M 1991 Proc Natl Acad Sci. USA 88 2297


    Han C X, Wang J, Che Y Q, Deng B, Guo Y, Guo Y M, Liu Y Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5880 (in Chinese)[韩春晓, 王江, 车艳秋, 邓斌, 郭义, 郭永明, 刘阳阳 2010 59 5880]


    Zhuang J Z, Ning X B, Zou M, Sun B, Yang X 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2805 (in Chinese)[庄建军, 宁新宝, 邹鸣, 孙飙, 杨希 2008 57 2805]


    Cai J P, Li Z, Song W T 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 1871 (in Chinese)[蔡觉平, 李赞, 宋文涛 2003 52 1871]


    Hou W, Feng G L, Dong W J 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3940 (in Chinese)[侯威, 封国林, 董文杰 2005 54 3940]


    Vieira A P, Moura E P, Goncalves L L, Rebello J M A 2008 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 38 748


    Lv X Q, Cao B, Zeng M, Huang S S 2005 Trans. China Weld. Ins. 26 65 (in Chinese)[吕小青, 曹彪, 曾敏, 黄石生 2005 焊接学报 26 65]


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  • Received Date:  25 December 2013
  • Accepted Date:  13 February 2014
  • Published Online:  05 July 2014

