Traditional four-dimensional variational (4D-Var) bogus data assimilation (BDA) will upset the internal dynamical balance of wind and mass fields, which will generate spurious fast oscillations in the prediction and cause the numerical simulation failure. How to effectively suppress the spurious fast oscillations is very important. In this paper (part I), the digital filter weak constraint 4D-Var is tested in BDA experiments. Initialization and simulation experiments are conducted for typhoon Chaba (2010) using this approach. Results show that the initial noise property is different for typhoon case and rainfall case, and the difference in surface pressure tendency is small in assimilation time and large at the initial stage in different digital filter weight setting BDA experiments. The vertical velocity field of 700 hPa and divergence field of 850 hPa in typhoon areas are both weakened in digital filter weak constraint 4D-Var experiments. Compared with the traditional 4D-Var experiment, the track and intensity predictions are improved obviously in digital filter weak constraint 4D-Var experiment with a proper digital filter weight setting, and the track prediction is apparently improved. Meanwhile, the optimal digital filter weight for different typhoon cases is different, and how to optimally select the digital filter weight is very important. In Part Ⅱ, a digital filter weight selection method will be proposed for BDA experiment.
- digital filter weak constraint /
- four dimensional variational data assimilation /
- typhoon initialization
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[4] Zhong J, Fei J F, Cheng X P, Huang X G 2014 Science China: Earth Sciences (have accepted)
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[20] Zhong J, Huang S X, Du H D, Zhang L 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 034301
[21] Zhong J, Huang S X, Fei J F, Du H D, Zhang L 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 064301
[22] Zhang L, Huang S X, Shen C, Shi W L 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 119201
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[25] Wang W, Cindy B, Michael D, Jimy D, Dave G, Michael K, Kelly K, Lin H C, John M, Syed R, Zhang X 2012 ARW Version 3 Modeling system User's Guide (New York: National Center for Atmospheric Research) pp148-202
[26] Zhong J, Fei J F, Dong G, Cheng X P, Sun Y M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 (accepted) (in Chinese) [钟剑, 费建芳, 董钢, 程小平, 孙一妹 2014 63] (已接受)
[1] Huang X Y, Xiao Q N, Barker D M, Zhang X, Michalakes J, Huang W, Henderson T, Bray J, Chen Y S, Ma Z Z, Dudhia J, Guo Y R, Zhang X Y, Won D J, Lin H C, Kuo Y H 2009 Mon. Wea. Rev. 137 299
[2] Yuan B, Fei J F, Wang Y F, Lu H C, Han Y Q 2010 Journal of Tropical Meteorology 26 475 (in Chinese) [袁炳, 费建芳, 王云峰, 陆汉城, 韩月琪 2010 热带气象学报 26 475]
[3] Zhong J, Fei J F, Huang S X, Du H D 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 149203 (in Chinese)[钟剑, 费建芳, 黄思训, 杜华栋 2012 61 149203]
[4] Zhong J, Fei J F, Cheng X P, Huang X G 2014 Science China: Earth Sciences (have accepted)
[5] Wang S C 2008 Study on Weak Constrain in Four Dimension Variational Data Assimilation (Nanjing: PLA university of Science and Techonology) pp 113-121 (in Chinese) [王舒畅 2008 四维变分同化中弱约束研究(南京: 解放军理工大学)第113–121页]
[6] Lynch P, Huang X Y 1992 Mon. Wea. Rev. 120 1019
[7] Huang X Y, Lynch P 1993 Mon. Wea. Rev. 121 589
[8] Chen M, Huang X Y 2006 Mon. Wea. Rev. 134 1222
[9] Chen M, Huang X Y, Wang W 2012 Acta Meteorologica Sinica 70 109 (in Chinese)[陈敏, Huang X Y, WANG W 2012 气象学报 70 109]
[10] Wang S C, Huang S X, Zhang W M, Zhu X Q, Cao X Q, Li Y 2008 Journal of Tropical Meteorology 14 1
[11] Claude F, Ludovic A 2011 Mon. Wea. Rev. 139 774
[12] De Pondeca M S F V, Zou X 2001 Tellus 53A 192
[13] Peng S Q, Zou X 2002 Meteorol Atmos Phys 81 237
[14] Peng S Q 2004 Mesoscale data assimilation for improving quantitative precipitation forecasts (Florida: The Florida state University college of Arts and Sciences) pp 8-30
[15] Peng S Q, Zou X 2010 J. Geophys. Res. 115 D 23111
[16] Wee T K, Kuo Y H 2004 Mon. Wea. Rev. 132 543
[17] Gauthier P, Thepaut J N 2001 Mon. Wea. Rev. 129 2089
[18] Zhang W M, Cao X Q, Song J Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 249202 (in Chinese) [张卫民, 曹小群, 宋君强 2012 61 249202]
[19] Wang S C, Li Y, Zhang W M, Zhao J, Cao X Q 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 099203 (in Chinese) [王舒畅, 李毅, 张卫民, 赵军, 曹小群 2011 60 099203]
[20] Zhong J, Huang S X, Du H D, Zhang L 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 034301
[21] Zhong J, Huang S X, Fei J F, Du H D, Zhang L 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 064301
[22] Zhang L, Huang S X, Shen C, Shi W L 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 119201
[23] Zhang L, Huang S X, Shen C, Shi W L 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 129201
[24] Lynch P 1997 Mon. Wea. Rev. 125 655
[25] Wang W, Cindy B, Michael D, Jimy D, Dave G, Michael K, Kelly K, Lin H C, John M, Syed R, Zhang X 2012 ARW Version 3 Modeling system User's Guide (New York: National Center for Atmospheric Research) pp148-202
[26] Zhong J, Fei J F, Dong G, Cheng X P, Sun Y M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 (accepted) (in Chinese) [钟剑, 费建芳, 董钢, 程小平, 孙一妹 2014 63] (已接受)
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