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Plateau surface energy balance components and interannual variability in response to climate fluctuations

Xia Lu Zhang Qiang


Plateau surface energy balance components and interannual variability in response to climate fluctuations

Xia Lu, Zhang Qiang
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  • In this paper land surface observations and meteorological data are received from Semiarid Climate and Environment Observatory of Lanzhou University (SACOL) and Yuzhong Station from 2006 to 2012. The climate changes of temperature and precipitation in the seven years are analyzed in Yuzhong, and the inter-annual variation of the components of surface energy balance in land surface is discussed. The Bowen ratio and the energy inter-annual fluctuation imbalance are also studied. Explorations of surface energy balance components as well as the land surface process parameters feedback on the temperature, precipitation interannual fluctuations on the Loess Plateau are carried out. Results show that the surface energy components are responsible to the fluctuations of the climate background. But the sensitivity varies; the net radiation and air temperature are more relevant to each other, and the sensible heat and latent heat have a better correlation with precipitation. Discussions are divided into summer and winter half year results, in which the winter half year balance component surface has a better correlation with climatic fluctuations. In the winter half year, each component has a high degree of correlation with temperature, showing that in this area each component of the land surface energy balance component corresponding to the change of temperature is more remarkable The rising trend of Bowen ratio is corresponding to the reduction of precipitation, indicating that the drought is deepened The change of the energy closure shows that the deepening of energy balance unclosure is due to the change of the climate background.
    • Funds: Project supposed by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40830597), and the State Key Program for Basic Research of China (Grant Nos. 2013CB430200, 2013CB430206).

    Wang S, Zhang Q 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 059203 (in Chinese)[王胜, 张强 2011 60 059203]


    Ma J Y, Liang H, Luo Y, Li S K 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 069601 (in Chinese)[马金玉, 梁宏, 罗勇, 李世奎 2011 60 069601]


    Li H Q, Guo W D, Sun G D, Zhang Y C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 019201 (in Chinese)[李红祺, 郭维栋, 孙国栋, 张耀存 2011 60 019201]


    Yue P, Zhang Q, Niu S J, Wang R Y, Sun X Y, Wang S 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 219201 (in Chinese)[岳平, 张强, 牛生杰, 王润元, 孙旭映, 王胜 2012 61 219201]


    Yue P, Zhang Q, Li Y H, Wang R Y, Wang S, Sun X Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 099202 (in Chinese)[岳平, 张强, 李耀辉, 王润元, 王胜, 孙旭映 2013 62 099202]


    Li H Y 2012 M. S. Thesis (Lanzhou: Lanzhou University) (in Chinese) [李宏宇2012 硕士学位论文 (兰州:兰州大学)]


    Zhang Q, Wang S 2008 Adv. Earth. Sci. 23 167 (in Chinese)[张强王胜 2008 地球科学进展 23 167]


    Zhang Q, Hu X J, Wang S, Liu H Y, Zhang J, Wang R Y 2009 Adv. Earth. Sci. 24 363 (in Chinese)[张强, 胡向军, 王胜刘宏谊, 张杰, 王润元 2009 地球科学进展 24 363]


    Liu H Z, Xu G, Dong W J, Fu C B, Shi L Q 2006 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 30 108 (in Chinese)[刘辉志, 徐刚, 董文杰, 符淙斌, 石立庆 2006 大气科学 30 108]


    Liu H Z, Dong W J, Fu C B, Shi L Q 2004 Climate And Environmental Research 9 378[刘志辉, 董文杰, 符淙斌, 石立庆 2004 气候与环境研究 9 378]


    Xu G 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [徐钢 2001 博士学位论文 (北京:中国科学院研究生院)]


    Guo D L, Yang M X, Qu P, Wang G N 2009 Glaciol. Georyol. 31 1116 (in Chinese)[郭东林, 杨梅学, 屈鹏, 万国宁, 王学佳 2009 冰川冻土 31 1116]


    Ye D Z, Ji J J 2005 Adv. Earth. Sci. 20 1047 (in Chinese)[叶笃正, 季劲钧 2005 地球科学进展 20 1047]


    Liu H Z, Dong W J, Fu C B, Shi L Q 2004 Climatic EnvironRes 9 378 (in Chinese) [刘辉志, 董文杰, 符淙斌, 石立庆 2004 气候与环境研究 9 378]


    Meng X X, Fu C B 2009 Climatic EnvironRes 14 352 (in Chinese) [孟祥新, 符淙斌 2009 气候与环境研究 14 352]


    Li H Y, Zhang Q, Shi J S, Zhao J H, Wang S 2012 Acta Meteor Sinica 70 1137 (in Chinese)[李宏宇, 张强, 史晋森, 赵建华, 王胜 2012 气象学报 70 1137]


    Wang W Y, Zhang Q, Yang F L 2013 Acta Meteor Sinica 71 952 (in Chinese)[王文玉, 张强, 阳伏林 2013 气象学报 71 952]


    Ma Y M, Yao T D, Hu Z Y, Wang J M 2009 Adv. Earth. Sci. 24 1280 (in Chinese)[马耀明, 姚檀栋, 胡泽勇, 王介民 2009 地球科学进展 24 1280]


    Ma Y M, Yao T D, Wang J M 2006 Plateau Meteor. 25 343 (in Chinese) [马耀明, 姚檀栋, 王介民 2006 高原气象 25 343]


    Zhao T B, Fu C B, Ke Z J, Guo W D 2010 Adv. Earth. Sci. 25 242 (in Chinese) [赵天保, 符淙斌, 柯宗建, 郭维栋 2010 地球科学进展 25 242]


    Yang K, Toshio KOIKE 2008 Adv Atmos Sci. 25 974


    Wang J M 1999 Plateau Meteor 18 280 (in Chinese)[王介民 1999 高原气象 18 280]


    Lv D Y, Chen Z Z, Chen J Y, Wang G C, Ji J J, Chen H B, Liu Z L 2005 Acta Meteor. Sin. 63 571 (in Chinese)[吕达仁, 陈佐忠, 陈家宜王庚辰, 季劲钧, 陈洪滨刘钟龄 2005 气象学报 63 571]


    Zhang Q, Huang R H, Wei G A 2005 Adv. Earth. Sci. 20 427 (in Chinese) [张强, 黄荣辉, 卫国安 2005 地球科学进展 20 427]


    Li H Y, Zhang Q, Wang S 2010 Adv. Earth. Sci. 25 1070 (in Chinese) [李宏宇, 张强, 王胜 2010 地球科学进展 25 1070]


    Yang X G, Ma P L, Wang R Y, Yang Q G, Liu H Y 2005 J. Desert Res. 25 55 (in Chinese)[杨兴国, 马鹏里, 王润元, 杨启国, 刘宏谊 2005 中国沙漠 25 55]


    Zhao J B, Du J, Huang C C 2002 J. Desert Res. 22 257 (in Chinese) [赵景波, 杜娟, 黄春长2002 中国沙漠 22 257]


    Zhao J B Hou Y J, Huang C C 2003 J. Desert Res. 23 612 (in Chinese) [赵景波, 侯甬坚, 黄春长2003 中国沙漠 23 612]


    Zhang Q, Li H Y, Zhang L Y, Yue P, Shi J S 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 019201 (in Chinese)[张强, 李宏宇, 张立阳, 岳平, 史晋森 2013 62 019201]


    Wang S, Zhang Q, Yue P, Zen J, Li H Y 2011 Plateau Meteor 30 982 (in Chinese)[王胜, 张强, 岳平, 曾剑, 李宏宇 2011 高原气象 30 982]


    Sun Z X, Zhang Q 2011 J. Desert Res. 31 1302 (in Chinese)[孙昭萱, 张强 2011 中国沙漠 31 1302]


    Zhang Q, Huang J, Zhang L, Zhang L Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 139202 (in Chinese)[张强, 黄菁, 张良, 张立阳 2013 62 139202]


    Wei Z G, Wen J, Lv S H 2005 Plateau Meteor. 24 494 (in Chinese) [韦志刚, 文军, 吕世华 2005高原气象 24 494]


    Wen J, Wei Z, Lv S H, Chen S Q, Ao Y H, Liang L 2007 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 24 301


    Liu Y Y, Wen J, Wei Z G, Li Z C, Zhang T T, Liu R 2007 Plateau Meteor 26 928 (in Chinese) [刘远永, 文军, 韦志刚, 李振朝, 张堂堂, 刘蓉, 2007 高原气象 26 928]


    Wang X W, Wang Y R, Zhang C J 2007 J. Desert Res. 27 123 (in Chinese)[王锡稳, 王毅荣, 张存杰 2007 中国沙漠 27 123]


    Yang X G, Zhang Q, Wang R Y, Ma P L, Yang Q G, Liu H Y 2004 Plateau Meteor. 23 828 (in Chinese) [杨兴国, 张强, 王润元, 马鹏里, 杨启国, 刘宏谊 2004 高原气象 23 828]


    Yang Q G, Yang X G, Ma P L, Wang R Y, Liu H Y 2005 Adv. Earth. Sci. 2 1012 (in Chinese) [杨启国, 杨兴国, 马鹏里王润元, 刘宏谊 2005 地球科学进展 2 1012]


    Huang J P, Zhang W, Zuo J Q, Bi J R, Shi J S, Wang X, Chang Z L, Huang Z W, Yang S, Zhang B D, Wang G Y, Feng G H, Yuan J Y, Zhang L, Zuo H C, Wang S G, Fu C B, Chou J F 2008 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 25 906


    Zhang Q, Li H Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin 59 5888 (in Chinese)[张强, 李宏宇 2010 59 5888]


    Zhang Q, Zeng J, Zhang L Y, Yao T 2012 Chin Sci. Earth. Sci. (in Chinese) 42 1385[张强, 曾剑, 张立阳, 姚彤2012 中国科学:地球科学 42 1385]


    Yue P, Zhang Q, Yang J H, Li H Y, Sun X Y, Yang Q G, Zhang J Z 2011 Acta Ecol. Sin. 31 6866 (in Chinese)[岳平, 张强, 杨金虎, 李宏宇, 孙旭映, 杨启国, 张建忠 2011 生态学报 31 6866]


    Liu Y, Huang J, Shi G, Takamura T, Khatri P, Bi J, Shi J, Wang T, Wang X, Zhang B 2011 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 11455


    Zuo J Q, Huang J P, Wang J M, Zhang W, Bi J R, Wang G Y, Li W J, Fu P J 2009 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 26 679


    Li S, Zhong Z 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 029201


    Ran L K, Yang W X, Chu Y L 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 079102


    Dai X G, Wang P, Zhang K J 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 119201


    Zhang Q, Wang S 2007 Prog. Nat. Sci. 17211 (in Chinese) [张强, 王胜 2007 自然科学进展 17 211]


    Zhang Q, Zeng J, Zhang L Y 2012 Sci. China Earth Sci. 55 1872

  • [1]

    Wang S, Zhang Q 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 059203 (in Chinese)[王胜, 张强 2011 60 059203]


    Ma J Y, Liang H, Luo Y, Li S K 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 069601 (in Chinese)[马金玉, 梁宏, 罗勇, 李世奎 2011 60 069601]


    Li H Q, Guo W D, Sun G D, Zhang Y C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 019201 (in Chinese)[李红祺, 郭维栋, 孙国栋, 张耀存 2011 60 019201]


    Yue P, Zhang Q, Niu S J, Wang R Y, Sun X Y, Wang S 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 219201 (in Chinese)[岳平, 张强, 牛生杰, 王润元, 孙旭映, 王胜 2012 61 219201]


    Yue P, Zhang Q, Li Y H, Wang R Y, Wang S, Sun X Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 099202 (in Chinese)[岳平, 张强, 李耀辉, 王润元, 王胜, 孙旭映 2013 62 099202]


    Li H Y 2012 M. S. Thesis (Lanzhou: Lanzhou University) (in Chinese) [李宏宇2012 硕士学位论文 (兰州:兰州大学)]


    Zhang Q, Wang S 2008 Adv. Earth. Sci. 23 167 (in Chinese)[张强王胜 2008 地球科学进展 23 167]


    Zhang Q, Hu X J, Wang S, Liu H Y, Zhang J, Wang R Y 2009 Adv. Earth. Sci. 24 363 (in Chinese)[张强, 胡向军, 王胜刘宏谊, 张杰, 王润元 2009 地球科学进展 24 363]


    Liu H Z, Xu G, Dong W J, Fu C B, Shi L Q 2006 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 30 108 (in Chinese)[刘辉志, 徐刚, 董文杰, 符淙斌, 石立庆 2006 大气科学 30 108]


    Liu H Z, Dong W J, Fu C B, Shi L Q 2004 Climate And Environmental Research 9 378[刘志辉, 董文杰, 符淙斌, 石立庆 2004 气候与环境研究 9 378]


    Xu G 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [徐钢 2001 博士学位论文 (北京:中国科学院研究生院)]


    Guo D L, Yang M X, Qu P, Wang G N 2009 Glaciol. Georyol. 31 1116 (in Chinese)[郭东林, 杨梅学, 屈鹏, 万国宁, 王学佳 2009 冰川冻土 31 1116]


    Ye D Z, Ji J J 2005 Adv. Earth. Sci. 20 1047 (in Chinese)[叶笃正, 季劲钧 2005 地球科学进展 20 1047]


    Liu H Z, Dong W J, Fu C B, Shi L Q 2004 Climatic EnvironRes 9 378 (in Chinese) [刘辉志, 董文杰, 符淙斌, 石立庆 2004 气候与环境研究 9 378]


    Meng X X, Fu C B 2009 Climatic EnvironRes 14 352 (in Chinese) [孟祥新, 符淙斌 2009 气候与环境研究 14 352]


    Li H Y, Zhang Q, Shi J S, Zhao J H, Wang S 2012 Acta Meteor Sinica 70 1137 (in Chinese)[李宏宇, 张强, 史晋森, 赵建华, 王胜 2012 气象学报 70 1137]


    Wang W Y, Zhang Q, Yang F L 2013 Acta Meteor Sinica 71 952 (in Chinese)[王文玉, 张强, 阳伏林 2013 气象学报 71 952]


    Ma Y M, Yao T D, Hu Z Y, Wang J M 2009 Adv. Earth. Sci. 24 1280 (in Chinese)[马耀明, 姚檀栋, 胡泽勇, 王介民 2009 地球科学进展 24 1280]


    Ma Y M, Yao T D, Wang J M 2006 Plateau Meteor. 25 343 (in Chinese) [马耀明, 姚檀栋, 王介民 2006 高原气象 25 343]


    Zhao T B, Fu C B, Ke Z J, Guo W D 2010 Adv. Earth. Sci. 25 242 (in Chinese) [赵天保, 符淙斌, 柯宗建, 郭维栋 2010 地球科学进展 25 242]


    Yang K, Toshio KOIKE 2008 Adv Atmos Sci. 25 974


    Wang J M 1999 Plateau Meteor 18 280 (in Chinese)[王介民 1999 高原气象 18 280]


    Lv D Y, Chen Z Z, Chen J Y, Wang G C, Ji J J, Chen H B, Liu Z L 2005 Acta Meteor. Sin. 63 571 (in Chinese)[吕达仁, 陈佐忠, 陈家宜王庚辰, 季劲钧, 陈洪滨刘钟龄 2005 气象学报 63 571]


    Zhang Q, Huang R H, Wei G A 2005 Adv. Earth. Sci. 20 427 (in Chinese) [张强, 黄荣辉, 卫国安 2005 地球科学进展 20 427]


    Li H Y, Zhang Q, Wang S 2010 Adv. Earth. Sci. 25 1070 (in Chinese) [李宏宇, 张强, 王胜 2010 地球科学进展 25 1070]


    Yang X G, Ma P L, Wang R Y, Yang Q G, Liu H Y 2005 J. Desert Res. 25 55 (in Chinese)[杨兴国, 马鹏里, 王润元, 杨启国, 刘宏谊 2005 中国沙漠 25 55]


    Zhao J B, Du J, Huang C C 2002 J. Desert Res. 22 257 (in Chinese) [赵景波, 杜娟, 黄春长2002 中国沙漠 22 257]


    Zhao J B Hou Y J, Huang C C 2003 J. Desert Res. 23 612 (in Chinese) [赵景波, 侯甬坚, 黄春长2003 中国沙漠 23 612]


    Zhang Q, Li H Y, Zhang L Y, Yue P, Shi J S 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 019201 (in Chinese)[张强, 李宏宇, 张立阳, 岳平, 史晋森 2013 62 019201]


    Wang S, Zhang Q, Yue P, Zen J, Li H Y 2011 Plateau Meteor 30 982 (in Chinese)[王胜, 张强, 岳平, 曾剑, 李宏宇 2011 高原气象 30 982]


    Sun Z X, Zhang Q 2011 J. Desert Res. 31 1302 (in Chinese)[孙昭萱, 张强 2011 中国沙漠 31 1302]


    Zhang Q, Huang J, Zhang L, Zhang L Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 139202 (in Chinese)[张强, 黄菁, 张良, 张立阳 2013 62 139202]


    Wei Z G, Wen J, Lv S H 2005 Plateau Meteor. 24 494 (in Chinese) [韦志刚, 文军, 吕世华 2005高原气象 24 494]


    Wen J, Wei Z, Lv S H, Chen S Q, Ao Y H, Liang L 2007 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 24 301


    Liu Y Y, Wen J, Wei Z G, Li Z C, Zhang T T, Liu R 2007 Plateau Meteor 26 928 (in Chinese) [刘远永, 文军, 韦志刚, 李振朝, 张堂堂, 刘蓉, 2007 高原气象 26 928]


    Wang X W, Wang Y R, Zhang C J 2007 J. Desert Res. 27 123 (in Chinese)[王锡稳, 王毅荣, 张存杰 2007 中国沙漠 27 123]


    Yang X G, Zhang Q, Wang R Y, Ma P L, Yang Q G, Liu H Y 2004 Plateau Meteor. 23 828 (in Chinese) [杨兴国, 张强, 王润元, 马鹏里, 杨启国, 刘宏谊 2004 高原气象 23 828]


    Yang Q G, Yang X G, Ma P L, Wang R Y, Liu H Y 2005 Adv. Earth. Sci. 2 1012 (in Chinese) [杨启国, 杨兴国, 马鹏里王润元, 刘宏谊 2005 地球科学进展 2 1012]


    Huang J P, Zhang W, Zuo J Q, Bi J R, Shi J S, Wang X, Chang Z L, Huang Z W, Yang S, Zhang B D, Wang G Y, Feng G H, Yuan J Y, Zhang L, Zuo H C, Wang S G, Fu C B, Chou J F 2008 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 25 906


    Zhang Q, Li H Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin 59 5888 (in Chinese)[张强, 李宏宇 2010 59 5888]


    Zhang Q, Zeng J, Zhang L Y, Yao T 2012 Chin Sci. Earth. Sci. (in Chinese) 42 1385[张强, 曾剑, 张立阳, 姚彤2012 中国科学:地球科学 42 1385]


    Yue P, Zhang Q, Yang J H, Li H Y, Sun X Y, Yang Q G, Zhang J Z 2011 Acta Ecol. Sin. 31 6866 (in Chinese)[岳平, 张强, 杨金虎, 李宏宇, 孙旭映, 杨启国, 张建忠 2011 生态学报 31 6866]


    Liu Y, Huang J, Shi G, Takamura T, Khatri P, Bi J, Shi J, Wang T, Wang X, Zhang B 2011 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 11455


    Zuo J Q, Huang J P, Wang J M, Zhang W, Bi J R, Wang G Y, Li W J, Fu P J 2009 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 26 679


    Li S, Zhong Z 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 029201


    Ran L K, Yang W X, Chu Y L 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 079102


    Dai X G, Wang P, Zhang K J 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 119201


    Zhang Q, Wang S 2007 Prog. Nat. Sci. 17211 (in Chinese) [张强, 王胜 2007 自然科学进展 17 211]


    Zhang Q, Zeng J, Zhang L Y 2012 Sci. China Earth Sci. 55 1872

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  14 November 2013
  • Accepted Date:  03 February 2014
  • Published Online:  05 June 2014

