In order to improve the performance of the wavelet analysis in the process of the heart sound signals, in this paper, we construct a wavelet basis which is exclusively used for processing the heart sound signals on the basis of wavelet theory construction. Firstly, we propose a general method of constructing a compactly supported biorthogonal wavelet which has even length filter banks, Secondly, according to the characteristics of heart sound signals, we discuss the structure principle of heart sound wavelet and a synthesis model of heart sound signals based on the heart sound wavelets. Finally, we construct the heart sound wavelet on the basis. In order to highlight the advanced nature and practical application of heart sound wavelet in processing heart sound signals, the theory and numerical simulation of heart sound wavelet are analyzed more comprehensively. Experimental results show that compared with commonly using the db and bior series wavelets, using the heart sound wavelet to process the heart sound signals can obtain good denoising effect, accurate classified information about heart sound and low reconstruction error rate. So the heart sound wavelet provides a new method of deep studying of heart sound feature extraction and identification and has a positive significance in describing the details of the individual characteristics of the heart sounds. The paper designs a method of the special wavelet which is based on the application object, which provides a new approach to the selection of wavelet basis in engineering applications.
- biorthogonal wavelet /
- heart sound wavelet /
- constructor method /
- a synthesis model of heart sound signals
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[1] Wang Y, Wang H B, Liu L H, Qiao J X 2010 The 1st International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering Wuhan, China, June 25-27, 2010 p5018
[2] Chen T H, Han L Q, Xing S X, Guo P Y 2010 Comput. Simulat. 27 401 (in Chinese) [陈天华, 韩立群, 邢素霞, 郭培源 2010 计算机仿真 27 401]
[3] Guo X M, Tang L P 2010 Appl. Res. Comput. 27 4555 (in Chinese) [郭兴明, 汤丽平2010计算机应用研究 27 4555]
[4] Deng K, Zhang L, Luo M K 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 030506
[5] Gao G R, Liu Y P, Pan Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 139701 (in Chinese) [高国荣, 刘艳萍, 潘琼 2012 61 139701]
[6] Zhao J Y, Liu H Y, Ma H S, Zhou H D 2006 Chin. J. Biomed. Engineer. 25 538 (in Chinese) [赵继印, 刘海英, 马洪顺, 周怀得 2006中国生物医学工程学报 25 538]
[7] Hadi H M, Mashor M Y, Mohamed M S, Tat K B 2008 Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control 2008 (CCE 2008) 5th International Conference Mexico, November 12-14, 2008 p177
[8] Vikhe P S, Hamde S T, Nehe N S 2009 Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies, 2009 (ACT ’09) Trivandrum, Kerala, December 28-29, 2009 p367
[9] Sherif Omran, Tayel M 2003 Circuits and Systems, 2003 IEEE 46th Midwest Symposium Cairo, Egypt, December 30, 2003 p392
[10] Wang P, Kim Y, Soh C B 2005 Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2005 (IEEE-EMBS 2005) 27th Annual International Conference Shanghai, China, January 17-18, 2006 p7572
[11] Zhong L S, Guo X M, Yang Y, Xiao S Z 2011 Chin. J. Appl. Physiol. 2 255 (in Chinese) [钟丽莎, 郭兴明, 杨勇, 肖守中 2011中国应用生理学杂志 2 255]
[12] Kumar D, Carvalho P, Antunes M, Henriques J, Sa e Melo A, Schmidt R, Habetha J 2007 Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2007 (EMBS 2007) 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Lyon, France, August 22-26, 2007 p1277
[13] Zhao L, Feng J, Zhai G J, Zhang L H 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 1943 (in Chinese) [赵莉, 冯稷, 翟光杰, 张利华 2005 54 1943]
[14] Cheng X F, Ma Y, Liu C, Zhang X J, Guo Y F 2012 Sci. China: Inf. Sci. 55 281
[15] Mallat S 2010 A Wavelet. Tour of Signal Processing (3rd Ed.) (Beijing: China Machine Press) pp22-303
[16] Fan Y B, Pan Z K, Wang Z Y 2011 Wavelets Theory, Algorithms and Filter Banks (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Science Press) pp47-204 (in Chinese) [范延滨, 潘振宽, 王正彦 2011 小波理论算法与滤波器组 1 (北京: 科学出版社) 第47-204页]
[17] Cheng X F, Ma Y, Zhang S B, Zhang Y, Guo Y F 2010 Chin. J. Sci. Instrum. 31 1712 (in Chinese) [成谢锋, 马勇, 张少白, 张瑛, 郭宇锋 2010仪器仪表学报 31 1712]
[18] Shen H, Wang J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 118702 (in Chinese) [沈韡, 王俊 2011 60 118702]
[19] Xiong Q, Zhou S H, Li R M, Wang Z D, Zeng J P 2010 J. Jishou Univ. (Natural Sciences Edition) 31 61 (in Chinese) [熊琦, 周少华, 李锐敏, 王镇道, 曾建平 2010 吉首大学学报 (自然科学版) 31 61]
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