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Calculation and analysis of surface acoustic wave properties of ZnO film on diamond under different excitation conditions

Qian Li-Rong Yang Bao-He


Calculation and analysis of surface acoustic wave properties of ZnO film on diamond under different excitation conditions

Qian Li-Rong, Yang Bao-He
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  • In the last twenty years, the ZnO/diamond layered structure for surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices have been widely studied and have attracted great attention, due to its advantages of high acoustic velocity, high electromechanical coupling coefficient and high power durability. Distinguished from the conventional single-crystal substrate (such as quartz, lithium niobate), ZnO/diamond layered structure shows dispersive SAW properties, which can be excited by four ways: interdigital transducer (IDT)/ZnO/diamond, IDT/ZnO/shorting metal/diamond, ZnO/IDT/diamond, and shorting metal/ ZnO/IDT/diamond. In this paper, the formulation based on the stiffness matrix method for calculating the effective permittivity of ZnO/diamond layered structure under four excitation conditions is given first. Then, by using this formulation, the SAW properties of the monocrystalline ZnO (002) film on polycrystalline diamond and the polycrystalline ZnO (002) film on polycrystalline diamond are calculated respectively. Based on the results of calculation, the ZnO film thicknesses qualified to design and fabricate SAW device are analyzed in detail. Finally, we discuss the function of diamond film thickness of ZnO/diamond/Si layered structure so as to avoid the influence of the silicon substrate on the SAW properties.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2013AA030801), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50972105), the Key Technology Research and Development Program of Tianjin, China (Grant No. 10ZCKFGX01200), and the Tianjin Key Program for Development of Science and Technology, China (Grant No. 10SYSYJC27700).

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    Higaki K, Nakahata H, Kitabayashi H, Fujii S, Tanabe K, Seki Y, Shikata S 1997 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 44 1395


    Fujii S, Seki Y, Yoshida K, Nakahata H, Higaki K, Kitabayashi H, Shikata S 1997 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 183


    Guang Y, Santos P V 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3515 (in Chinese) [杨光, Santos P V 2007 56 3515]


    Pedrós J, Garcia-Gancedo L, Ford C, Barnes C, Griffiths J, Jones G, Flewitt A 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 110 103501


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    Luo J, Zeng F, Pan F, Li H, Niu J, Jia R, Liu M 2010 Appl. Surf. Sci. 256 3081


    Luo J, Fan P, Pan F, Zeng F, Zhang D, Zheng Z, Liang G, Cai X 2012 Phys. Status Solidi RRL 6 381


    Luo J, Pan F, Fan P, Zeng F, Zhang D, Zheng Z, Liang G 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 172909


    Hachigo A, Malocha D C 1998 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 45 660


    Wu T T, Chen Y Y 2002 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 49 142


    Wu T T, Chen Y Y, Chou T T 2002 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 271


    Nakahata H, Hachigo A, Higaki K, Fujii S, Shikata S, Fujimori N 1995 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 42 362


    Adler E L, Solie L 1995 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 341


    Campbell J J, Jones W R 1968 IEEE Sonics and Ultrason. 15 209


    Adler E L 1990 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 37 485


    Levent Degertekin F, Honein B, Khuri-Yakub B 1996 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 559


    Pastureaud T, Laude V, Ballandras S 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 2544


    Tan E L 2002 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 49 929


    Wang L, Rokhlin S L 2004 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 51 453


    Zhang V Y, Lefebvre J E, Bruneel C, Gryba T 2001 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 48 1449


    Milsom R F, Reilly N H C, Redwood M 1977 IEEE Sonics and Ultrason. 24 147


    Donghai Q, Wen L, Smith P M 1999 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 46 1242


    Smith P M 2001 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 48 171


    Peach R C 2006 IEEE Ultrason. Symp. Vancouver, BC, Oct. 2-6, 2006 p371


    Chen Y Y, Hsu J C, Wu T T 2004 J. Chin. Inst. Eng. 27 823


    Hashimoto K 2000 Surface acoustic wave devices in telecommunications: modelling and simulation (Berlin: Springer) p165


    Benetti M, Cannata D, Di Pictrantonio F, Verona E 2005 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 52 1806


    Carlotti G, Socino G, Petri A, Verona E 1987 IEEE Ultrason. Symp. Denver, Colorado, USA, Oct. 14-16, 1987 p295


    Jaffe H, Berlincourt D A 1965 Proc. IEEE 53 1372


    Hachigo A, Nakahata H, Itakura K, Fujii S, Shikata S 1999 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 325


    Nakahata H, Hachigo A, Itakura K, Shikata S 2000 IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 349


    Morgan D 2007 Surface acoustic wave filters (2nd Edn.) (Oxford: Elsevier) p343


    Shikata S, Nakahata H, Higaki K, Hachigo A, Fujimori N, Yamamoto Y, Sakairi N, Takahashi Y 1993 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 277

  • [1]

    Nakahata H, Higaki K, Fujii S, Hachigo A, Kitabayashi H, Tanabe K, Seki Y, Shikata S 1995 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 361


    Higaki K, Nakahata H, Kitabayashi H, Fujii S, Tanabe K, Seki Y, Shikata S 1997 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 44 1395


    Fujii S, Seki Y, Yoshida K, Nakahata H, Higaki K, Kitabayashi H, Shikata S 1997 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 183


    Guang Y, Santos P V 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3515 (in Chinese) [杨光, Santos P V 2007 56 3515]


    Pedrós J, Garcia-Gancedo L, Ford C, Barnes C, Griffiths J, Jones G, Flewitt A 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 110 103501


    Fu Y, Garcia-Gancedo L, Pang H, Porro S, Gu Y, Luo J, Zu X, Placido F, Wilson J, Flewitt A 2012 Biomicrofluidics 6 024105


    Pan F, Luo J T, Yang Y C, Wang X B, Zeng F 2012 Sci. China Tech. Sci. 55 421


    Luo J, Zeng F, Pan F, Li H, Niu J, Jia R, Liu M 2010 Appl. Surf. Sci. 256 3081


    Luo J, Fan P, Pan F, Zeng F, Zhang D, Zheng Z, Liang G, Cai X 2012 Phys. Status Solidi RRL 6 381


    Luo J, Pan F, Fan P, Zeng F, Zhang D, Zheng Z, Liang G 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 172909


    Hachigo A, Malocha D C 1998 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 45 660


    Wu T T, Chen Y Y 2002 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 49 142


    Wu T T, Chen Y Y, Chou T T 2002 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 271


    Nakahata H, Hachigo A, Higaki K, Fujii S, Shikata S, Fujimori N 1995 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 42 362


    Adler E L, Solie L 1995 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 341


    Campbell J J, Jones W R 1968 IEEE Sonics and Ultrason. 15 209


    Adler E L 1990 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 37 485


    Levent Degertekin F, Honein B, Khuri-Yakub B 1996 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 559


    Pastureaud T, Laude V, Ballandras S 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 2544


    Tan E L 2002 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 49 929


    Wang L, Rokhlin S L 2004 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 51 453


    Zhang V Y, Lefebvre J E, Bruneel C, Gryba T 2001 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 48 1449


    Milsom R F, Reilly N H C, Redwood M 1977 IEEE Sonics and Ultrason. 24 147


    Donghai Q, Wen L, Smith P M 1999 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 46 1242


    Smith P M 2001 IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 48 171


    Peach R C 2006 IEEE Ultrason. Symp. Vancouver, BC, Oct. 2-6, 2006 p371


    Chen Y Y, Hsu J C, Wu T T 2004 J. Chin. Inst. Eng. 27 823


    Hashimoto K 2000 Surface acoustic wave devices in telecommunications: modelling and simulation (Berlin: Springer) p165


    Benetti M, Cannata D, Di Pictrantonio F, Verona E 2005 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 52 1806


    Carlotti G, Socino G, Petri A, Verona E 1987 IEEE Ultrason. Symp. Denver, Colorado, USA, Oct. 14-16, 1987 p295


    Jaffe H, Berlincourt D A 1965 Proc. IEEE 53 1372


    Hachigo A, Nakahata H, Itakura K, Fujii S, Shikata S 1999 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 325


    Nakahata H, Hachigo A, Itakura K, Shikata S 2000 IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 349


    Morgan D 2007 Surface acoustic wave filters (2nd Edn.) (Oxford: Elsevier) p343


    Shikata S, Nakahata H, Higaki K, Hachigo A, Fujimori N, Yamamoto Y, Sakairi N, Takahashi Y 1993 Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 1 277

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  • Received Date:  08 January 2013
  • Accepted Date:  22 February 2013
  • Published Online:  05 June 2013

