As is well known, the efficient method to wind partitioning and reconstruction is to introduce the velocity potential and stream function which are calculated from divergence and vorticity by solving two Poisson's equations. Since velocity potential and stream function are coupled at the boundary of limited domain, the wind partitioning problem is nonunique. To vercome the nonuniqueness of the wind portioning, a new variational adjoint method combined with regularization is proposed in this paper, which is based on the control of velocity potential and stream function boundary values under Dirichlet conditions. The cost function is composed of two parts, one is the observation term to minimize the error of the reconstructed wind field, and the other is the regularization term to guarantee the uniqueness of the reconstruction problem by seeking a stable regularization solution within meteorological content. The results of numerical experiments demonstrate that after choosing an appropriate regularization parameter, the new variational adjoint method combined with regularization is efficient and suitable for wind portioning and reconstruction in a limited domain.
- variational adjoint method /
- regularization method /
- stream function and velocity potential /
- wind partition and reconstruction
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[1] Krishnamurti T, Ramanathan Y 1982 J. Atmos. Sci. 39 1290
[2] Ran L K, Gao S T, Li C Y 1995 Chin. J. Atmos. Sci. 19 209 (in Chinese) [冉令坤, 高守亭, 李崇银 1995 大气科学 19 209]
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[5] Gao S T, Sun J H, Cui X P 2008 Chin. J. Atmos. Sci. 32 854 (in Chinese) [高守亭, 孙建华, 崔晓鹏 2008 大气科学 32 854]
[6] Baede A P M, Jarraud M M, Cubasch U 1979 ECMWF Tech. Rep. 15 39
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[19] Tikhonov A N, Arsenin V Y 1977 Solution of Ill-Posed Problems (New York: Winston and Sons) p224
[20] Huang S X, Wu R S 2005 Mathematical and Physical Problems in Atmospheric Science (Beijing: Meteorological Press) p422 (in Chinese) [黄思训, 伍荣生 2005 大气科学中的数学物理问题 (北京: 气象出版社) 第422页]
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[23] Li K T, Ma Y C 1990 Hilbert Space Methods for Mathematical Equation (Vol. 1) General Function and Sobolev Spaces (Xi'an: Xi'an Jiao- tong University Press) p222 (in Chinese) [李开泰, 马逸尘 1990 数理方程 Hilbert 空间方程方法(上)广义函数和Sobolev空间 (西安: 西安交通大学出版社) 第222页]
[24] Le Dimet F X, Mohamed O 1993 Tellus A 45 449
[25] Li Z J, Chao Y, McWilliams J C 2006 Mon. Wea. Rev. 134 3384
[26] Kirsch A 1996 An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Inverse Problems (New York: Springer-Verlag) p48
[27] Liu D C, Nocedal J 1989 Math. Program. 45 503
[28] Engl H W 1987 J. Optim. Theory. Appl. 52 209
[29] Barker D M, Huang W, Guo Y R, Bourgeois A J, Xiao Q N 2004 Mon. Wea. Rev. 132 897
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