A nonsingular high-order terminal sliding-mode observer of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) is presented, of which the state variable is the current of rotor-oriented d-q reference frame, to obtain the accurate information about angular speed and rotor position for high-performance vector control system. A nonsingular terminal sliding-mode observer is used to improve dynamic response of the observer speed and robustness of the current observer, and the high-order sliding mode method is adopted to estimate the chattering phenomenon of the conventional sliding-mode. Meanwhile, to obtain the regulator parameters of speed and current loop, an integral-feedback method of estimating the rotor speed is adopted, and the inner current loop is realized using a decoupling and diagonal internal model control algorithm. Experimental results of 2 MW PMSM drive system show that the proposed method can accurately estimate the position and speed of the rotor, and the system has good dynamic and static performances.
- interior permanent magnet synchronous motor /
- sensorless control /
- nonsingular terminal sliding-mode observer /
- high-order sliding mode control
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[1] Chen Q, Ren X M 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2310 (in Chinese) [陈强, 任雪梅 2010 59 2310]
[2] Li D, Wang S L, Zhang X H, Yang D Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2939 (in Chinese) [李东, 王时龙, 张小洪, 杨丹 2009 58 2939]
[3] Piippo A, Salomaki J, Luomi J 2008 IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 44 1614
[4] Gheorghe D A, Cristian I P 2008 IEEE Trans. En. Convers. 23 93
[5] Wang J K, Sun Y B 2008 Modern Motor Contr. Technol. (Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press) p182 (in Chinese) [王加宽, 孙宜标 2008 现代电机控制技术 (北京: 机械工业出版社) 第182页]
[6] Sakorn P, Somboon N 2012 IEEE Trans. Power Electr. 27 588
[7] Wang H X, Xiao F, Ma W M, Chen M L 2011 Electric Machine and Control. 15 49 (in Chinese) [王颢雄, 肖飞, 马伟明, 陈明亮 2011 电机与控制学报 15 49]
[8] Foo G, Rahman M F 2010 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 57 1270
[9] Su J Y, Li T C, Yang G J 2009 Proceedings of the CSEE 29 98 (in Chinese) [苏健勇, 李铁才, 杨贵杰 2009 中国电机工程学报 29 98]
[10] Zheng X M, Li Q M, Shi H Y 2011 Control. Theory and Appl. 28 1467 (in Chinese) [郑雪梅, 李秋明, 史宏宇 2011 控制理论与应用 28 1467]
[11] Shi H Y, Feng Y 2012 Acta Autom. Sin. 38 288 (in Chinese) [史宏宇, 冯勇 2012 自动化学报 38 288]
[12] Feng Y, Zhang J F, Yu X H 2009 IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics 56 3424
[13] Yang Z S, Zhong Y S 2009 Proceedings of the CSEE 29 84 (in Chinese) [杨书生, 钟宜生 2009 中国电机工程学报 29 84]
[14] Feng Y, Yu X, Man Z 2002 Automatica 38 2159
[15] Chung S K 2000 IEEE Trans. Power Electronics 15 431
[16] Harndfors L, Nee H P 2000 IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics 47 77
[17] Harnefors L, Pietilainen K, Gertmar L 2001 IEEE Trans. Industrial Applications 48 161
[18] Harndfors L, Nee H P 1998 IEEE Trans. Industrial Applications 34 133
[19] Chan T F, Wang W, Borsje P 2008 IET Electric Power Applications 2 88
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