Amorphous SiOx:C particles are prepared by pyrolyzing method, and then they are calcined in an air ambient at different temperatures. The structures mophologies and optical properties of samples are analyzed with FTIR spectrum, scanning electron microscopy and fluorescent microscope, respectively. The results show that the luminescence band is blue-shifted with the increase of the annealing temperature. The particles exhibit the highest photoluminescence intensity with the 417 nm peak when annealed at 500 ℃. And the particles possess red, green or blue light emissions at room temperature when irradiated with appropriate wavelengths. Upon heating at a higher temperature (600 ℃ or 800 ℃), the fluorescence intensity of the SiOx:C sample decreases. We think that the phenomenon is attributed to the reduction of the number of oxygen defects in the sample heated at high temperature.
- amorphous SiOx:C nanoparticles /
- photoluminescence /
- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy /
- heat treatment
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[1] Canham L T 1990 Appl. Phys. Lett. 57 1046
[2] Kim T Y, Park N M, Kim K H, Sung G Y, Ok Y W, Seong T Y, Choi C J 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 5355
[3] Hessel C H, Henderson E J, Veinot J G C 2006 Chem. Mater. 18 6139
[4] Matthew C B, Kelly P K, Yu P R, Joseph M L, Qing S, Wyatt K M, Randy J E, Arthur J N 2007 Nano. Lett. 7 2506
[5] Park J H, Gu L, von Maltzahn G, Ruoslahti E, Bhatia S N, Sailor M J 2009 Nature Mater. 8 331
[6] Heinrich J L, Curtis C L, Credo G M, Sailor M J, Kavanagh K L 1992 Science 255 66
[7] Godefroo S, Hayne M, Jivanescu M, Stesmans A, Zacharias M, Lebedev O I, van Tendeloo G, Moshchalkov V V 2008 Nature Nanotech. 3 174
[8] Zheng L R, Huang B B, Wei J Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8612 (in Chinese) [郑立仁, 黄柏标, 尉吉勇 2009 58 8612]
[9] Zheng L R, Huang B B, Wei J Y 2009 Chem. J. Chinese U. 30 250 (in Chinese) [郑立仁, 黄柏标, 尉吉勇 2009 高等学校化学学报 30 250]
[10] Zheng L R, Huang B B, Wei J Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2306 (in Chinese) [郑立仁, 黄柏标, 尉吉勇 2009 58 2306]
[11] Peng X S, Wang X F, Zhang J, Wang Y W, Sun S H, Meng G W, Zhang L D 2002 Appl. Phys. A 74 831
[12] Kar S, Chaudhuri S 2005 Solid State Commun. 133 151
[13] Skuja L, Tanimura K, Itoh N 1996 J. Appl. Phys. 80 3518
[14] Salh R, von Czarnowski A, Fitting H J 2005 Phys. Status Solidi 2 580
[15] Fitting H-J, Salh R, Schmidt B 2008 J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 354 1697
[16] Fitting H-J, Salh R, Schmidt B 2007 Semiconductors 41 453
[17] Lau S P, Marshall J M, Dyes T E 1995 Phil. Mag. B 72 323
[18] Choi K, Uchida Y, Matsumura M 1996 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 35 1648
[19] Liao L S, Bao X M, Zheng X Q, Li N S, Min N B 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 850
[20] Rebohle L, Lehmann J, Prucnal S, Kanjilal A, Nazarov A, Tyagulskii I, Skorupa W, Helm M 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 071908
[21] Ogi T, Kaihatsu Y, Iskandar F, Wang W N, Okuyama K 2008 Adv. Mater. 20 3235
[22] Bhusari D M, Kshirsagar S T 1993 J. Appl. Phys. 73 15
[23] Wang L, Xu J, Ma T F, Li W, Huang X F, Chen K J 1999 J. Alloys Compds. 290 273
[24] Inagaki N, Tasaka S, Ake H 1994 Polym. Bull. 33 709
[25] Locovsky G, Manitini M J, Srivastava J K, Irene E A 1987 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 5 530
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