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Electronic structures and optical properties of transition metals (Fe, Co, Ni, Zn) doped rutile TiO2

Zhang Xiao-Chao Zhao Li-Jun Fan Cai-Mei Liang Zhen-Hai Han Pei-De


Electronic structures and optical properties of transition metals (Fe, Co, Ni, Zn) doped rutile TiO2

Zhang Xiao-Chao, Zhao Li-Jun, Fan Cai-Mei, Liang Zhen-Hai, Han Pei-De
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  • The geometric structures of transition metals (Fe, Co, Ni and Zn) doped rutile TiO2 are studied using the first-principles method based on the density functional theory. The lattice parameters, the electronic energy band structure, and the optical properties are calculated and discussed. The results show that the errors between calculated and experimental values of lattice parameters are less than 3.6%. Appropriate dopants of transition metal ions not only influence the band structure of rutile TiO2 system and broaden the scope of light absorption, but also play an important role in trapping electrons, improving the effective separation of electronic-hole pair and enhancing light absorption ability. The optimum Fe, Co, Ni, Zn doped rutile TiO2 systems in theory are Ti0.75Fe0.25O2, Ti0.75Co0.25O2, Ti0.75Ni0.25O2, Ti0.17Zn0.17O2, respectively. The 3d orbits of Fe, Co, Ni split into two groups of energy bands, t2g and eg states contribute to the higher level of valence band and the lower level of conduction band, respectively, which is conducive to the generation of electronic-hole pair and the enhancement of photocatalytic performance of rutile TiO2. Zn 3d orbit is completely filled with electrons, and the electrons are hardly excited, so the photocatalytic activity of rutile TiO2 is not obviously improved.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 20876104, 20771080), and the Key Science and Technology Program of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 20090311082).

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    Hossain F M, Murch G E, Sheppard L, Nowotny J 2007 Solid State Ionics 178 319


    Bian L, Song M X, Zhou T L, Zhao X Y, Dai Q Q 2009 J. Rare Earths 27 461


    Yu X H, Li C S, Tang A, Ling Y, Tang T A, Wu Q, Kong J J 2010 Comput. Mater. Sci. 49 430


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    Baizaee S M, Mousavi N 2009 Physica B 404 2111


    Karakitsou K E, Verykios X E 1993 Phys. Chem. 97 1184


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    Wantala K, Laokiat L, Khemthong P, Grisdanurak N, Fukaya K 2010 J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng. 41 612


    Wang X H, Li J G, Kamiyama H, Katada M, Ohashi N, Moriyoshi Y, Ishigaki T 2005 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 10982


    Kim S, Gislason J J, Morton R W, Pan X Q, Sun H P, Laine R M 2004 Chem. Mater. 16 2336


    Xu X G, Jiang Y, Yu G H, Liu Q L, Geng W T 2008 Phys. Lett. A372 2098


    Geng W T, Kim K S 2003 Phys. Rev. B 68 125203


    Chen Q L, Tang C Q 2006 J. Mater. Sci. Engin. 24 514 (in Chi-nese) [陈琦丽, 唐超群 2006 材料科学与工程学报 24 514]

  • [1]

    Fujishima A, Hond A K 1972 Nature 238 37


    Khan S U M, Al-Shahry M, Ingler Jr W B 2002 Science 297 2243


    Niishiro R, Kato H, Kuto A 2005 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 7 2241


    Wang J, Zhang G, Zhang Z H, Zhang X D, Zhao G, Wen F Y, Pan Z J, Li Y, Zhang P, Kang P L 2006 Water Res. 40 2143


    Chen X B, Liu L, Yu P Y, Mao S S 2011 Science 331 746


    Zhao J, Yang X 2003 Build. Environ. 38 645


    O’Regan B, Grätzel M 1991 Nature 353 737


    Bach U, Lupo D, Comte P, J. Moser E, Weissörtel F, Salbeck J, Spreitzer H, Grätzel M 1998 Nature 395 583


    Burdett J K, Hughbanks T, Miller G J, Richardson Jr J W, Smith J V 1987 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 109 3639


    Litter M I 1999 Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 23 89


    Luan Y, Fu P F, Dai X G, Du Z W 2004 Prog. in Chem. 16 738(in Chinese) [栾勇, 傅平丰, 戴学刚, 杜竹玮 2004 化学进展 16 738]


    Eslava S, McPartlin M, Thomson R I, Rawson J M, Wright D S 2010 Inorg. Chem. 49 11532


    Melghit K, Al-Shukeili O S, Al-Amri I 2009 Ceram. Int. 35 433


    Barakat M A, Schaeffer H, Hayes G, Ismat-Shah S 2004 Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 57 23


    Uhm Y R, Woo S H, Kim W W, Kimb S J, Rhee C K 2006 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 304 e781


    Jing L Q, Xin B F, Yuan F L, Xue L P, Wang B Q, Fu H G 2006 J. Phys. Chem. B 110 17860


    Liu G G, Zhang X Z, Xu Y J, Niu X S, Zheng L Q, Ding X J 2005 Chemosph. 59 1367


    Choi W, Termin A, Hoffmann M R 1994 J. Phys. Chem. 98 13669


    Gao G Y, Yao K L, Liu Z L 2006 Phys. Lett. A 359 523


    Wendt S, Sprunger P T, Lira E, Madsen G K H, Li Z, Hansen J, Matthiesen J, Blekinge-Rasmussen A, L gsgaard E, Hammer B, Besenbacher F 2008 Science 320 1755


    Zhang Z J, Meng D W, Wu X L, He K H, Fan X Y, Liu W P, Huang L W, Zheng J P 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 037802 (in Chinese) [章正杰, 孟大维, 吴秀玲, 何开华, 樊孝玉, 刘卫平, 黄利武, 郑建平 2011 60 037802]


    Restori R, Schwarzenbach D, Schneider J R 1987 Acta Cryst. B 43 251


    Hohenberg P, Kohn W 1964 Phys. Rev. 136 B864


    Segall M D, Lindan P L D, Probert M J 2002 J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 14 2717


    Perdew J P, Burke K, Ernzerhof M 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 3865


    Monkhorst H J, Pack J D, Freeman D L 1979 Solid State Commun.29 723


    Umebayashi T, Yamaki T, Itoh H, Asai K 2002 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 63 1909


    Hossain F M, Murch G E, Sheppard L, Nowotny J 2007 Solid State Ionics 178 319


    Bian L, Song M X, Zhou T L, Zhao X Y, Dai Q Q 2009 J. Rare Earths 27 461


    Yu X H, Li C S, Tang A, Ling Y, Tang T A, Wu Q, Kong J J 2010 Comput. Mater. Sci. 49 430


    Perdew J P 1983 Phys. Rev. Lett. 51 1884


    Zhao X Y, Liu Q J, Zhang J, Zhu Z Q 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 6592 (in Chinese) [赵宗彦, 柳清菊, 张瑾, 朱忠其 2007 56 6592]


    Baizaee S M, Mousavi N 2009 Physica B 404 2111


    Karakitsou K E, Verykios X E 1993 Phys. Chem. 97 1184


    Ding T, Liu Z F, Song K 2008 Prog. in Chem. 20 1283 (in Chi-nese) [丁涛, 刘占芳, 宋恺 2008 化学进展 20 1283]


    Wantala K, Laokiat L, Khemthong P, Grisdanurak N, Fukaya K 2010 J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng. 41 612


    Wang X H, Li J G, Kamiyama H, Katada M, Ohashi N, Moriyoshi Y, Ishigaki T 2005 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 10982


    Kim S, Gislason J J, Morton R W, Pan X Q, Sun H P, Laine R M 2004 Chem. Mater. 16 2336


    Xu X G, Jiang Y, Yu G H, Liu Q L, Geng W T 2008 Phys. Lett. A372 2098


    Geng W T, Kim K S 2003 Phys. Rev. B 68 125203


    Chen Q L, Tang C Q 2006 J. Mater. Sci. Engin. 24 514 (in Chi-nese) [陈琦丽, 唐超群 2006 材料科学与工程学报 24 514]

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  • Received Date:  12 May 2011
  • Accepted Date:  05 April 2012
  • Published Online:  05 April 2012

