A three-degree-of-freedom nonlinear dynamic model of piecewise highline system during underway replenishment is investigated when the lumped mass swings in which the influences of piecewise characteristic of highline cable's static profile due to cargo deadweight, the incline angle and the horizontal motion of the sending end are considered. Considering 1:2 internal resonance and primary resonance, ordinary differential equations are gained by decoupling the inertial terms. Perturbation analysis and numerical analysis are carried out by adopting the multiple-scale method, which will be the theoretical basis of the further research of nonlinear dynamics.
- piecewise /
- the highline system /
- swing /
- multiple-scale method
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[1] Lu Y J 1996 Shipbuliding of China 37 17 (in Chinese)[卢永锦 1996 中国造船 37 17]
[2] He X J, Zhang L X, Ren A D 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 3088 (in Chinese)[何学军, 张良欣, 任爱娣 2010 59 3088]
[3] Zhang L X, He X J, Ren A D 2010 Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Application of Mathematics and Physics V2: Advances on Applied Mathematics and Computation Mathematics Nanjing, China, May 8–9, 2010 p104
[4] Ren A D, He X J, Zhang L X 2010 The International Conference on E-Product, E-Service and E-Entertainment Henan, China, November 4–6, 2010 p4662
[5] Rega G 2004 Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. 57 443
[6] Jensen C N, Nielsen S R K, Svrensen J D 2002 J. Sound Vib. 256 499
[7] Chen L Q, Yang X D 2005 J. Sound Vib. 2 879
[8] Nayfeh A H,Mook D T 1979 Nonlinear Osciallations (New York: John Wiley and Sons) p72 060501-8
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