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Small angle X-ray scattering study of the microstructure and interface characteristics of single crystal superalloys during creep process

Wu Zhong-Hua Sun Guang-Ai Liu Yi Chen Bo Yan Guan-Yun Wang Jie Huang Chao-Qiang Wu Er-Dong Li Wu-Hui


Small angle X-ray scattering study of the microstructure and interface characteristics of single crystal superalloys during creep process

Wu Zhong-Hua, Sun Guang-Ai, Liu Yi, Chen Bo, Yan Guan-Yun, Wang Jie, Huang Chao-Qiang, Wu Er-Dong, Li Wu-Hui
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  • The two-dimensional scattering patterns for micro-structural changes during creep observed by SAXS are different from that obtained by SANS technique. The changes in morphology and size characteristics of different regions of the secondary γ' precipitates have been demonstrated by the variation of SAXS scattering intensity. The results show that the secondary γ' precipitates have two types of feature sizes, which have similar trends of change during the creep process characterized by decreasing in the first and second stage and increasing in the final stage. As comparison shows, the larger γ' precipitates have more noticeable changes. The elements of the secondary γ' precipitates diffuse seriously in the second stage with the character of creep 15 h, the surfaces of γ' phase are blurred, and interfaces of two-phase become clear again in the final stage. Due to the increasing size or the reducing number of the secondary γ' phase, the total ares of interfaces between the secondary γ' precipitates and matrix phase then decreases.

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    Sun G A, Chen B, Chen H, Wu E D, Zhang J, Ji V, Hughes D, Pirling T 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2549 (in Chinese)[孙光爱、陈 波、陈 华、吴二冬、张 俊、稽 宁、Hughes D、 Pirling T 2009 58 2549]


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    Zhang J X, Murakumo T, Koizumi Y, Kobayashi T, Harada H 2003 Acta Mater. 51 5073


    Zrnik J, Strunz P, Maldini M, Wiedenmann A, Davydov V 2008 J. Phys.Condens.Matter 20 104261


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    Rogante M, Lebedev V T 2008 Mater. Desig. 29 1060


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    Du X M, Wu E D, Dong B Z, Wu Z H, Yuan X Z 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5782 (in Chinese) [杜晓明、吴二冬、董宝中、吴忠华、苑学众 2008 57 5782]


    Ratel N 2007 Investigation of the strain induced rafting of γ' particles in single crystals nickel based superalloys p72, Dissertation, Joseph Fourier University.


    Gilles R, Mukherji D, Strunz P, Barbier B, Wiedenmann A, Wahi R P 1998 Scripta Mater. 38 803


    Qin X Z, Guo J T, Yuan C, Hou J S, Ye H Q 2008 Mater. Lett. 62 258


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    Gilles R, Mukherji D, Strunz P, Lieske S, Wiedenmann A, Wahi R P 1998 Scripta Mater. 39 715


    Zhu Y P 2008 X-ray Small Angle Scattering- theory, testing, calculation and application (Beijing: Chemical Industry Press)p39 (in Chinese)[朱育平 2008 小角X射线散射─理论、测试、计算及应用 (北京:化学工业出版社)第39页]


    Ratel N, Deme B, Bastie P, Caron P 2008 Scripta Mater. 59 1167


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  • [1]

    Mughrabi H, Tetzlaff U 2000 Adv. Eng. Mater. 2 319


    Roger C R 2006 The superalloys fundamentals and applications (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) p91


    Ma S, Brown D, Bourke M A M, Daymond M R, Majumdar B S 2005 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 399 144


    Wu E D, Zhang J, Chen B, Sun G A, Ji V, Hughes D, Pirling T 2008 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 104255


    Sun G A, Chen B, Chen H, Wu E D, Zhang J, Ji V, Hughes D, Pirling T 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2549 (in Chinese)[孙光爱、陈 波、陈 华、吴二冬、张 俊、稽 宁、Hughes D、 Pirling T 2009 58 2549]


    Yu Q M, Yue Z F, Wen Z X 2008 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 477 319


    Wu E, Li J C, Zhang J, Wang S C, Xie G, Zhang J, Chen B, Sun G A, Ji V, Hughes D, Pirling T 2008 Metall. Mater. Trans. A 39 3141


    Jacques A, Diologent F, Bastie P 2004 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 387-389 944


    Gilles R, Mukherji D, Hoelzel M, Strunz P 2006 Acta Mater. 54 1307


    Biermann H, Strehler M, Mughrabi H 1996 Metall. Mater. Trans. A 27 1003


    Link T, Epishin A, Bruckner U, Portella P 2000 Acta Mater. 48 1981


    Guinier A, Fournet G 1955 Small-angle scattering of X-rays (New York: Wiley Press)


    Zhang J X, Wang J C, Harada H, Koizumi Y 2005 Acta Materialia 53 4623


    Yu J J, Sun X F, Zhao N R, Jin T, Guan H R, Hu Z Q 2007 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 460-461 420


    Zhang J X, Murakumo T, Koizumi Y, Kobayashi T, Harada H 2003 Acta Mater. 51 5073


    Zrnik J, Strunz P, Maldini M, Wiedenmann A, Davydov V 2008 J. Phys.Condens.Matter 20 104261


    Ratel N, Bruno G, Deme B 2005 J. Phys.Condens.Matter 17 7061


    Rogante M, Lebedev V T 2008 Mater. Desig. 29 1060


    Veron M, Bastie P 1997 Acta Mater. 45 3277


    Du X M, Wu E D, Dong B Z, Wu Z H, Yuan X Z 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5782 (in Chinese) [杜晓明、吴二冬、董宝中、吴忠华、苑学众 2008 57 5782]


    Ratel N 2007 Investigation of the strain induced rafting of γ' particles in single crystals nickel based superalloys p72, Dissertation, Joseph Fourier University.


    Gilles R, Mukherji D, Strunz P, Barbier B, Wiedenmann A, Wahi R P 1998 Scripta Mater. 38 803


    Qin X Z, Guo J T, Yuan C, Hou J S, Ye H Q 2008 Mater. Lett. 62 258


    Gilles R, Mukherji D, Strunz P, Barbier B, Wiedenmann A, Wahi R P 1998 Phys. B 241-243 347


    Gilles R, Mukherji D, Strunz P, Lieske S, Wiedenmann A, Wahi R P 1998 Scripta Mater. 39 715


    Zhu Y P 2008 X-ray Small Angle Scattering- theory, testing, calculation and application (Beijing: Chemical Industry Press)p39 (in Chinese)[朱育平 2008 小角X射线散射─理论、测试、计算及应用 (北京:化学工业出版社)第39页]


    Ratel N, Deme B, Bastie P, Caron P 2008 Scripta Mater. 59 1167


    Brass A M, Chene J 2000 Scripta Mater. 43 913


    Strunz P, Mukherji D, Nath O, Gilles R, Rosler J 2006 Phys. B 385-386 626


    Schmidt P W 1991 J. Appl. Cryst. 24 414


    Nabarro F R N 1996 Metall. Mater. Trans. A 27 513


    Svoboda J, Lukas P 1996 Acta Mater. 44 2557


    Meng Z F 1996 Small-angle X-ray scattering theory and application (Changchun: Jilin Science and Technology Press)p126(in Chinese)[孟昭富 1996 小角X射线散射理论及应用(长春:吉林科学技术出版社)第126页]

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  • Received Date:  14 March 2010
  • Accepted Date:  15 May 2010
  • Published Online:  15 January 2011

