The approximate solution for a class of nonlinear disturbed dispersive equation is considered using a simple and valid technique. We first introduce the solitary wave solution of the corresponding typical differential equation, and then the approximate solution of the singular solitary wave for an original nonlinear disturbed dispersive equation is obtained using the homotopic mapping method.
- solitary wave /
- disturbed dispersive equation /
- homotopic mapping
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[1] [1]McPhaden M J,Zhang D 2002 Nature 415 603
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[19] [19]He J H 2002 Approximate Analytical Methods in Engineering and Sciences (Shengzhou: Henan Science and Technology Press) (in Chinese)[何吉欢 2002 工程和科学计算中的近似分析方法 (郑州 河南科学技术出版社)]
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[41] [41]Mo J Q,Lin W T 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 370
[42] [42]Mo J Q,Lin W T 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 743
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