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佟磊 赵明亮 张钰如 宋远红 王友年



佟磊, 赵明亮, 张钰如, 宋远红, 王友年

Hybrid simulation of radio frequency biased inductively coupled Ar/O2/Cl2 plasmas

Tong Lei, Zhao Ming-Liang, Zhang Yu-Ru, Song Yuan-Hong, Wang You-Nian
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 在刻蚀工艺中, 通常会在感性耦合等离子体源的下极板上施加偏压源, 以实现对离子能量和离子通量的独立调控. 本文采用整体模型双向耦合一维流体鞘层模型, 在Ar/O2/Cl2放电中, 研究了偏压幅值和频率对等离子体特性及离子能量角度分布的影响. 研究结果表明: 当偏压频率为2.26 MHz时, 随着偏压的增加, 除了Cl离子和ClO+离子的密度先增加后降低最后再增加外, 其余带电粒子、O原子和Cl原子的密度都是先增加后基本保持不变最后再增加. 当偏压频率为13.56和27.12 MHz时, 除了Cl离子和$ {\text{Cl}}_2^ + $离子外, 其余粒子密度随偏压的演化趋势与低频结果相似. 随着偏压频率的提高, 在低偏压范围内(<200 V), 由于偏压源对等离子体加热显著增加, 导致了带电粒子、O原子和Cl原子的密度增加; 而在高偏压范围内(>300 V), 由于偏压源对等离子体加热先减弱后增强, 导致除了$ {\text{Cl}}_2^ + $离子和Cl离子外, 其余带电粒子、O原子和Cl原子的密度都是先下降后增加的. 此外, 随着偏压频率的增加, 离子能量分布中的高能峰和低能峰彼此靠近, 离子能峰间距变窄, 并最终变成单峰结构. 本文的结论对于优化等离子体刻蚀工艺具有重要意义.
    In the etching process, a bias source is usually applied to the substrate of the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) to realize independent modulation of the ion energy and ion flux. In this work, a hybrid model, i.e. a global model combined bi-directionally with a fluid sheath model, is employed to investigate the plasma properties and ion energy distribution function (IEDF) in biased inductively coupled Ar/O2/Cl2 plasmas. The results indicate that at a bias frequency of 2.26 MHz, the Cl ion density and ClO+ ion density first increase with bias voltage rising, and then they decrease, and finally they rise again, which is different from the densities of other charged species, such as O and Cl atoms. At the bias frequency of 13.56 MHz and 27.12 MHz, except Cl and $ {\text{Cl}}_2^ + $ ions, the evolutions of other species densities with bias voltage are similar to the results at lower bias frequency. The evolution of the species densities with bias frequency depends on the bias voltage. For instance, in the low bias voltage range (< 200 V), the densities of charges species, O and Cl atoms increase with bias frequency increasing due to a significant increase in the heating of the plasma by the bias source. However, when the bias voltage is high, say, higher than 300 V, except $ {\text{Cl}}_2^ + $ and Cl ions, the densities of other charged species, O and Cl atoms first decrease with bias frequency increasing and then they increase due to a decrease and then an increase in the heating of the plasma by the bias source. In addition, as the bias frequency increases, the peak separation of IEDF becomes narrow, the high energy peak and low energy peak approach each other and they almost merge into one peak at high bias frequency. The results obtained in this work are of significant importance in improving the etching process.
      通信作者: 张钰如, yrzhang@dlut.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12275041, 11935005, 12020101005)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Yu-Ru, yrzhang@dlut.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12275041, 11935005, 12020101005).

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  • 图 1  混合模型示意图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic of configuration for the hybrid model.

    图 2  不同偏压频率下, 基态中性粒子密度随偏压幅值的变化

    Fig. 2.  Evolutions of the densities of ground state neutral particles with bias voltage for different bias frequencies.

    图 3  不同偏压频率下, 吸收功率和损失功率随偏压幅值的变化 (a) 2.26 MHz; (b) 6.78 MHz; (c) 13.56 MHz; (d) 27.12 MHz

    Fig. 3.  Evolutions of the power deposition and power loss with bias voltage for different bias frequencies: (a) 2.26 MHz; (b) 6.78 MHz; (c) 13.56 MHz; (d) 27.12 MHz.

    图 4  不同偏压频率下, ClO分子的产生速率和损失速率随偏压幅值的变化 (a) 2.26 MHz; (b) 6.78 MHz; (c) 13.56 MHz; (d) 27.12 MHz

    Fig. 4.  Evolutions of the generation and loss rates of ClO molecules with bias voltage for different bias frequencies: (a) 2.26 MHz; (b) 6.78 MHz; (c) 13.56 MHz; (d) 27.12 MHz.

    图 5  不同偏压频率下, 带电粒子密度随偏压幅值的变化 (a) Ar+; (b) $ {\text{O}}_2^ + $; (c) O+; (d) O; (e) $ {\text{Cl}}_2^ + $; (f) Cl+; (g) Cl; (h) ClO+; (i) 电子密度

    Fig. 5.  Evolutions of the densities of charged species with bias voltage for different bias frequencies: (a) Ar+; (b) $ {\text{O}}_2^ + $; (c) O+; (d) O; (e) $ {\text{Cl}}_2^ + $; (f) Cl+; (g) Cl; (h) ClO+; (i) electron density.

    图 6  不同偏压频率下, Cl离子的产生速率和损失速率随偏压幅值的变化 (a) 2.26 MHz; (b) 6.78 MHz; (c) 13.56 MHz; (d) 27.12 MHz

    Fig. 6.  Evolutions of the generation and loss rates of Cl ions with bias voltage for different bias frequencies: (a) 2.26 MHz; (b) 6.78 MHz; (c) 13.56 MHz; (d) 27.12 MHz.

    图 7  不同偏压频率下, ClO+离子的产生速率和损失速率随偏压幅值的变化 (a) 2.26 MHz; (b) 6.78 MHz; (c) 13.56 MHz; (d) 27.12 MHz

    Fig. 7.  Evolutions of the generation and loss rates of ClO+ ions with bias voltage for different bias frequencies: (a) 2.26 MHz; (b) 6.78 MHz; (c) 13.56 MHz; (d) 27.12 MHz.

    图 8  偏压频率为27.12 MHz时, $ {\text{Cl}}_2^ + $离子的产生速率和损失速率随偏压幅值的变化

    Fig. 8.  Evolutions of the generation and loss rates of $ {\text{Cl}}_2^ + $ ions with bias voltage at bias frequency of 27.12 MHz.

    图 9  不同偏压频率下, 解离率随偏压幅值的变化 (a) Cl2 (ν = 0); (b) O2

    Fig. 9.  Evolutions of the dissociation fraction with bias voltage for different bias frequencies: (a) Cl2 (ν = 0); (b) O2

    图 10  不同偏压频率下, 电负度随偏压幅值的变化

    Fig. 10.  Evolution of the electronegativity with bias voltage for different bias frequencies.

    图 11  不同偏压频率和幅值下, Ar+离子的离子能量角度分布

    Fig. 11.  IEADFs of Ar+ ions for different bias frequencies and bias voltages.

    图 12  偏压幅值为125 V, 不同偏压频率下各离子的能量分布 (a) $ {\text{O}}_2^ + $; (b) O+; (c) $ {\text{Cl}}_2^ + $; (d) Cl+

    Fig. 12.  IEDFs of ions for different bias frequencies at bias voltage of 125 V: (a) $ {\text{O}}_2^ + $; (b) O+; (c) $ {\text{Cl}}_2^ + $; (d) Cl+.

    表 1  Ar/O2/Cl2混合气体放电中考虑的粒子

    Table 1.  Plasma species considered in Ar/O2/Cl2 discharges.

    基态中性粒子 Ar, O2, O3, O, Cl2 (ν = 0), Cl, ClO
    Arm, Arr, Ar(4p), O2(a), O(D),
    Cl2 (ν = 1), Cl2 (ν = 2), Cl2 (ν = 3)
    正离子 Ar+, $ {\text{O}}_2^ + $, O+, $ {\text{Cl}}_2^ + $, Cl+, ClO+
    负离子/电子 O, Cl, e
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    表 2  中性粒子与器壁的相互作用[6,29-32,35]

    Table 2.  Reactions of neutral species on the wall[6,29-32,35].

    No. Reaction ${\gamma _l}$
    1 ${\text{Cl + wall }} \to {\text{ }}\dfrac{{1}}{{2}}{\text{C}}{{\text{l}}_{2}}\left( {\nu = {0}} \right)$ 方程(3)
    2 ${\text{Cl + wall }} \to {\text{ }}\dfrac{{1}}{{2}}{\text{ClO}}$ 方程(4)
    3 ${\text{O + wall }} \to {\text{ }}\dfrac{{1}}{{2}}{{\text{O}}_{2}}$ 0.09
    4 ${\text{O}}\left( {\text{D}} \right){\text{ + wall }} \to {\text{ }}\dfrac{{1}}{{2}}{{\text{O}}_{2}}$ 0.09
    5 ${\text{C}}{{\text{l}}_{2}}\left( \nu \right){\text{ + wall }} \to {\text{ C}}{{\text{l}}_{2}}\left( {\nu - {1}} \right)$ 1
    6 ${{\text{O}}_{2}}\left( {\text{a}} \right){\text{ + wall }} \to {\text{ }}{{\text{O}}_{2}}$ 0.007
    7 ${\text{O}}\left( {\text{D}} \right){\text{ + wall }} \to {\text{ O}}$ 0.1
    8 ${\text{A}}{{\text{r}}^ * }{\text{ + wall }} \to {\text{ Ar}}$ 1
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    表 3  偏压频率为13.56 MHz时, 不同偏压幅值下的时间平均鞘层厚度和鞘层电压降

    Table 3.  Time-averaged sheath thickness and voltage drop across the sheath for different bias voltage amplitudes, at bias frequency of 13.56 MHz.

    25 V50 V75 V100 V125 V150 V175 V200 V
    ${\bar d_{\text{s}}}{\text{ /mm}}$4.674.754.794.804.814.854.935.03
    ${\bar V_{\text{s}}}{\text{ /V}}$31.3255.4779.98104.63129.34154.1178.88203.70
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    Zhang Y R, Gao F, Wang Y N A 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 095206Google Scholar


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