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羊美丽 邹丽 程佳杰 王佳明 江钰帆 郝会颖 邢杰 刘昊 樊振军 董敬敬



羊美丽, 邹丽, 程佳杰, 王佳明, 江钰帆, 郝会颖, 邢杰, 刘昊, 樊振军, 董敬敬

Improvement of performance of CsPbBr3 perovskite solar cells by polyvinylidene fluoride additive

Yang Mei-Li, Zou Li, Cheng Jia-Jie, Wang Jia-Ming, Jiang Yu-Fan, Hao Hui-Ying, Xing Jie, Liu Hao, Fan Zhen-Jun, Dong Jing-Jing
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 全无机CsPbBr3钙钛矿太阳能电池因其优良的特性而受到广泛关注, 但是钙钛矿层具有带隙宽、结晶性较差、表面缺陷较多和水分稳定性差等缺点, 严重制约了全无机CsPbBr3钙钛矿太阳能电池性能的提高和商业化发展. 本文以无空穴传输层的碳基CsPbBr3钙钛矿太阳能电池作为控制组, 在PbBr2前躯液中引入具有丰富疏水F离子的聚偏氟乙烯(polyvinylidene fluoride, PVDF)作为添加剂, 调节CsPbBr3钙钛矿薄膜的生长过程, 改善晶体结构和薄膜形态, 降低缺陷密度及非辐射复合几率. 结果表明, PVDF处理后钙钛矿器件的光伏性能得到了显著改善, 光电转换效率提高至8.17%. 并且在无封装条件下保存1400 h后, 光电转换效率仍可保持90%以上. 这表明适量添加PVDF可以有效提高CsPbBr3薄膜质量及器件性能. 本工作对进一步拓展CsPbBr3钙钛矿太阳能电池的优化设计思路具有重要意义.
    Recently, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells has been enhanced rapidly from 3.8% to 25.8%, which is a top research topic in the field of photovoltaic power generation. However, the preparation of the hybrid perovskite solar cells has high environmental requirements, and the absorber layer is easily caused by the environmental influence and decomposition, resulting in the degradation of device performance. The all-inorganic CsPbBr3 perovskite material has good stability, can be prepared directly in air, and is more economical, showing great potential applications. However, the PCE of all-inorganic CsPbBr3 perovskite solar cells is not high, and at this stage, there is still much room for exploring high-quality controllable preparation of CsPbBr3 films. In this paper, we aim to prepare efficient and stable CsPbBr3 perovskite solar cells with additive engineering.Polymer is one of the most effective additives in perovskite solar cells. The use of polymer additive in perovskite layer can improve the shape-form, structure, and band gap of the film, thus improving the quality of perovskite film. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is a cheap polymer with hydrophobic F ions and long flexible polymer chains, and can be used to prepare efficient and stable perovskite solar cells.In this paper, CsPbBr3 perovskite films are prepared by multi-part spin-coating method. PVDF with enriched hydrophobic F is added into the PbBr2 precursor solution as an additive to adjust the crystalline quality of the perovskite film, and the effects of PVDF on the growth process and device performance of the perovskite film are systematically studied. The results show that the PVDF can be used as a template to promote the growth of perovskite crystals, improve the crystal structure and film shape, thus reducing the defect density and charge recombination, and increasing the PCE of the device to 8.17%. The original efficiency of more than 90% can be maintained after 1400 h of storage under unencapsulated condition. Finally, high-efficiency, stable and low-cost CsPbBr3 perovskite solar cells are obtained, which is important in further expanding the optimized design ideas of CsPbBr3 perovskite solar cells. The PVDF can form hydrogen bonds with perovskite or interact with lead ions to improve the structural stability of perovskite, and the F ions in PVDF can improve the moisture stability of perovskite layers.
      通信作者: 董敬敬, jjdong@cugb.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11404293)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(批准号: 2652019121)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Dong Jing-Jing, jjdong@cugb.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11404293) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. 2652019121).

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    Liu G C, Liu Z H, Wang L, Xie X Y 2021 Chem. Phys. 542 111061Google Scholar


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    Fu Y J, Sun Y P, Tang H, Wang L Y, Yu H Z, Cao D R 2021 Dye. Pigment. 191 109339Google Scholar


    Kojima A, Teshima K, Shirai Y, Miyasaka T 2009 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 6050Google Scholar


    Huo X N, Wang K X, Yin R, Sun W W, Sun Y S, Gao Y K, You T T, Yin P G 2022 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 247 111963Google Scholar


    Zhu J W, He B L, Gong Z K, Ding Y, Zhang W Y, Li X K, Zong Z H, Chen H Y, Tang Q W 2020 ChemSusChem 13 1834Google Scholar


    Ma J J, Li Y H, Li J, Qin M C, Wu X, Lv Z Y, Hsu Y J, Lu X H, Wu Y C, Fang G J 2020 Nano Energy 75 104933Google Scholar


    Yu J X, Liu G X, Chen C M, Li Y, Xu M R, Wang T L, Zhao G, Zhang L 2020 J. Mater. Chem. C 8 6326Google Scholar


    Liu X Y, Liu Z Y, Tan X H, Ye H B, Sun B, Xi S, Shi T L, Tang Z R, Liao G L 2019 J. Power Sources 439 227092Google Scholar


    Su G D, He B L, Gong Z K, Ding Y, Duan J L, Zhao Y Y, Chen H Y, Tang Q W 2019 Electrochim. Acta 328 135102Google Scholar


    Duan J L, Zhao Y Y, He B L, Tang Q W 2018 Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 130 3787Google Scholar


    Duan J L, Zhao Y Y, Yang X Y, Wang Y D, He B L, Tang Q W 2018 Adv. Energy Mater. 8 1802346


    Wang K, Jin Z W, Liang L, Bian H, Bai D L, Wang H R, Zhang J R, Wang Q, Liu S Z 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 4395Google Scholar


    Lin Y H, Sakai N, Da P, Wu J, Sansom H C, Ramadan A J, Mahesh S, Liu J, Oliver R D J, Lim J, Aspitarte L, Sharma K, Madhu P K, Morales-Vilches A B, Nayak P K, Bai S, Gao F, Grovenor C R M, Johnston M B, Labram J G, Durrant J R, Ball J M, Wenger B, Stannowski B, Snaith H J 2020 Sciences 369 96Google Scholar


    Zhu H W, Liu Y H, Eickemeyer F T, Pan L F, Ren D, Ruiz-Preciado M A, Carlsen B, Yang B W, Dong X F, Wang Z W, Liu H L, Wang S R, Zakeeruddin S M, Hagfeldt A, Dar M I, Li X G, Grätzel M 2020 Adv. Mater. 32 1907757Google Scholar


    Zhao Y P, Zhu P C, Wang M H, Huang S, Zhao Z P, Tan S, Han T H, Lee J W, Huang T Y, Wang R, Xue J J, Meng D, Huang Y, Marian J, Zhu J, Yang Y 2020 Adv. Mater. 32 1907769Google Scholar


    Zheng H Y, Xu X X, Xu S D, Liu G Z, Chen S H, Zhang X X, Chen T W, Pan X 2019 J. Mater. Chem. C 7 4441Google Scholar


    Xiang W C, Chen Q, Wang Y Y, Liu M J, Huang F Z, Bu T L, Wang T S, Cheng Y B, Gong X, Zhong J, Liu P, Yao X, Zhao X J 2017 J. Mater. Chem. A 5 5486Google Scholar


    Chen C, Wang X, Li Z P, Du X F, Shao Z P, Sun X H, Liu D C, Gao C Y, Hao L Z, Zhao Q Q, Zhang B Q, Cui G L, Pang S P 2022 Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 61 e202113932Google Scholar


    Chang C Y, Chu C Y, Huang Y C, Huang C W, Chang S Y, Chen C A, Chao C Y, Su W F 2015 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7 4955Google Scholar


    Qi Y, Qu J, Moore J, Gollinger K, Shrestha N, Zhao Y, Pradhan N, Tang J, Dai Q 2022 Org. Electron. 104 106487Google Scholar


    Bi D Q, Yi C Y, Luo J S, Décoppet J D, Zhang F, Zakeeruddin S M, Li X, Hagfeldt A, Grätzel M 2016 Nat. Energy 1 317Google Scholar


    Santhosh N, Daniel R I, Acchutharaman K R, Pandian M S, Ramasamy P 2022 Mater. Today Commun. 31 103446Google Scholar


    Zheng H Y, Liu G Z, Wu W W, Xu H F, Pan X 2021 J. Energy Chem. 57 593Google Scholar


    Cao X B, Zhang G S, Jiang L, Cai Y F, Wang Y, He X, Zeng Q G, Chen J Z, Jia Y, Wei J Q 2021 Green Chem. 23 2104Google Scholar


    Gao B, Meng J 2020 Sol. Energy 211 1223Google Scholar


    Paek S, Schouwink P, Athanasopoulou E N, Cho K T, Grancini G, Lee Y, Zhang Y, Stellacci F, Nazeeruddin M K, Gao P 2017 Chem. Mater. 29 3490Google Scholar


    Zhang Y, Zhuang X H, Zhou K, Cai C, Hu Z Y, Zhang J, Zhu Y J 2017 J. Mater. Chem. C 5 9037Google Scholar


    Chu Z D, Yang M J, Schulz P, Wu D, Ma X, Seifert E, Sun L Y, Li X Q, Zhu K, Lai K J 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 2230Google Scholar


    Lau C F J, Deng X F, Zheng J H, Kim J C, Zhang Z L, Zhang M, Bing J M, Wilkinson B, Hu L, Patterson R, Huang S J, Ho-Baillie A 2018 J. Mater. Chem. A 6 5580Google Scholar


    Luo J S, Jia C Y, Wan Z Q, Han F, Zhao B W, Wang R L 2017 J. Power Sources 342 886Google Scholar


    Liu Z, Shi T, Tang Z, Sun B, Liao G 2016 Nanoscale 8 7017Google Scholar


    Chen H, Liu T, Zhou P, Li S, Ren J, He H C, Wang J S, Wang N, Guo S J 2020 Adv. Mater. 32 1905661Google Scholar


    Zhang P, Cao F R, Tian W, Li L 2022 Sci. China Mater. 65 321Google Scholar

  • 图 1  CsPbBr3薄膜的制备工艺图

    Fig. 1.  Fabrication process of CsPbBr3 film.

    图 2  不同浓度PVDF处理的PbBr2薄膜的SEM图像 (a) 0 mg/mL; (b) 0.3 mg/mL; (c) 0.5 mg/mL; (d) 1.0 mg/mL

    Fig. 2.  SEM images of PbBr2 films treated with different PVDF concentration: (a) 0 mg/mL; (b) 0.3 mg/mL; (c) 0.5 mg/mL; (d) 1.0 mg/mL.

    图 3  不同浓度PVDF处理的CsPbBr3薄膜的SEM图像 (a) 0 mg/mL; (b) 0.3 mg/mL; (c) 0.5 mg/mL; (d) 1.0 mg/mL

    Fig. 3.  SEM images of CsPbBr3 films treated with different PVDF concentration: (a) 0 mg/mL; (b) 0.3 mg/mL; (c) 0.5 mg/mL; (d) 1.0 mg/mL.

    图 4  PVDF处理前后CsPbBr3薄膜的AFM图像 (a) 控制组; (b) 0.5 mg/mL PVDF

    Fig. 4.  AFM images of CsPbBr3 films before and after PVDF treatment: (a) Control; (b) 0.5 mg/mL PVDF.

    图 5  PVDF不同添加量所制备的CsPbBr3薄膜的XRD图谱

    Fig. 5.  XRD patterns of CsPbBr3 films prepared with different amounts of PVDF.

    图 6  PVDF不同添加量所制备的CsPbBr3薄膜 (a) XPS全谱图; (b)—(d)分别对应Cs 3d, Pb 4f及Br 3d的高分辨率XPS图谱

    Fig. 6.  XPS spectra of CsPbBr3 films prepared with different amounts of PVDF: (a) XPS full spectrum; (b)–(d) correspond to the high-resolution XPS spectra of Cs 3d, Pb 4f and Br 3d, respectively.

    图 7  控制组和0.5 mg PVDF处理的CsPbBr3薄膜的FTIR光谱

    Fig. 7.  FTIR spectra of control and 0.5 mg PVDF-treated perovskite films.

    图 8  PVDF处理前后CsPbBr3薄膜的水接触角θca (a) 控制组, θca = 57.30°; (b) 0.5 mg PVDF, θca = 66.31°

    Fig. 8.  Water contact angle θca of CsPbBr3 films before and after PVDF treatment: (a) Control, θca = 57.30°; (b) 0.5 mg PVDF, θca = 66.31°.

    图 9  PVDF制备CsPbBr3钙钛矿晶体 (a) 生长过程; (b) 作用机理; (c) 器件结构示意图

    Fig. 9.  CsPbBr3 perovskite crystal prepared by PVDF: (a) Schematic growth process; (b) mechanism of action; (c) structural schematic of the device.

    图 10  PVDF不同添加量所制备的CsPbBr3薄膜 (a) UV-vis光谱图; (b) 稳态PL光谱图

    Fig. 10.  CsPbBr3 films prepared with different amounts of PVDF: (a) UV-vis spectra; (b) steady-state PL spectra.

    图 11  PVDF不同添加量所制备的CsPbBr3 PSCs的J-V曲线图

    Fig. 11.  J-V curves of CsPbBr3 PSCs prepared with different amounts of PVDF.

    图 12  PVDF不同添加量所制备的CsPbBr3-PSCs的各特性的箱试图(每组准备了26个电池装置) (a) FF; (b) VOC; (c) Jsc; (d) PCE

    Fig. 12.  Box attempts of different characteristics for CsPbBr3 PSCs prepared with different amounts of PVDF (26 cell devices were prepared for each group): (a) FF; (b) VOC; (c) Jsc; (d) PCE.

    图 13  PVDF不同添加量所制备的CsPbBr3 PSCs的瞬态VOC测量光谱

    Fig. 13.  Transient VOC spectrogram of CsPbBr3 PSCs prepared with different amounts of PVDF.

    图 14  PVDF不同添加量所制备的CsPbBr3-PSCs在空气中的稳定性

    Fig. 14.  Stability of CsPbBr3-PSCs prepared with different amounts of PVDF in air.

    表 1  PVDF不同添加量所制备的CsPbBr3 PSCs的光伏参数

    Table 1.  Photovoltaic parameters of CsPbBr3 PSCs prepared with different amounts of PVDF.

    0.3 mg PVDF1.367.037.1274
    0.5 mg PVDF1.318.268.1776
    1.0 mg PVDF1.337.397.4075
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    Wang D, Li W J, Du Z B, Li G D, Sun W H, Wu J H, Lan Z 2020 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 10579Google Scholar


    Liu G C, Liu Z H, Wang L, Xie X Y 2021 Chem. Phys. 542 111061Google Scholar


    Jin I S, Park S H, Kim K S, Jung J W 2020 J. Alloys Compd. 847 156512Google Scholar


    Wan X J, Yu Z, Tian W M, Huang F Z, Jin S Y, Yang X C, Cheng Y B, Hagfeldt A, Sun L C 2020 J. Energy Chem. 46 8Google Scholar


    Fu Y J, Sun Y P, Tang H, Wang L Y, Yu H Z, Cao D R 2021 Dye. Pigment. 191 109339Google Scholar


    Kojima A, Teshima K, Shirai Y, Miyasaka T 2009 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 6050Google Scholar


    Huo X N, Wang K X, Yin R, Sun W W, Sun Y S, Gao Y K, You T T, Yin P G 2022 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 247 111963Google Scholar


    Zhu J W, He B L, Gong Z K, Ding Y, Zhang W Y, Li X K, Zong Z H, Chen H Y, Tang Q W 2020 ChemSusChem 13 1834Google Scholar


    Ma J J, Li Y H, Li J, Qin M C, Wu X, Lv Z Y, Hsu Y J, Lu X H, Wu Y C, Fang G J 2020 Nano Energy 75 104933Google Scholar


    Yu J X, Liu G X, Chen C M, Li Y, Xu M R, Wang T L, Zhao G, Zhang L 2020 J. Mater. Chem. C 8 6326Google Scholar


    Liu X Y, Liu Z Y, Tan X H, Ye H B, Sun B, Xi S, Shi T L, Tang Z R, Liao G L 2019 J. Power Sources 439 227092Google Scholar


    Su G D, He B L, Gong Z K, Ding Y, Duan J L, Zhao Y Y, Chen H Y, Tang Q W 2019 Electrochim. Acta 328 135102Google Scholar


    Duan J L, Zhao Y Y, He B L, Tang Q W 2018 Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 130 3787Google Scholar


    Duan J L, Zhao Y Y, Yang X Y, Wang Y D, He B L, Tang Q W 2018 Adv. Energy Mater. 8 1802346


    Wang K, Jin Z W, Liang L, Bian H, Bai D L, Wang H R, Zhang J R, Wang Q, Liu S Z 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 4395Google Scholar


    Lin Y H, Sakai N, Da P, Wu J, Sansom H C, Ramadan A J, Mahesh S, Liu J, Oliver R D J, Lim J, Aspitarte L, Sharma K, Madhu P K, Morales-Vilches A B, Nayak P K, Bai S, Gao F, Grovenor C R M, Johnston M B, Labram J G, Durrant J R, Ball J M, Wenger B, Stannowski B, Snaith H J 2020 Sciences 369 96Google Scholar


    Zhu H W, Liu Y H, Eickemeyer F T, Pan L F, Ren D, Ruiz-Preciado M A, Carlsen B, Yang B W, Dong X F, Wang Z W, Liu H L, Wang S R, Zakeeruddin S M, Hagfeldt A, Dar M I, Li X G, Grätzel M 2020 Adv. Mater. 32 1907757Google Scholar


    Zhao Y P, Zhu P C, Wang M H, Huang S, Zhao Z P, Tan S, Han T H, Lee J W, Huang T Y, Wang R, Xue J J, Meng D, Huang Y, Marian J, Zhu J, Yang Y 2020 Adv. Mater. 32 1907769Google Scholar


    Zheng H Y, Xu X X, Xu S D, Liu G Z, Chen S H, Zhang X X, Chen T W, Pan X 2019 J. Mater. Chem. C 7 4441Google Scholar


    Xiang W C, Chen Q, Wang Y Y, Liu M J, Huang F Z, Bu T L, Wang T S, Cheng Y B, Gong X, Zhong J, Liu P, Yao X, Zhao X J 2017 J. Mater. Chem. A 5 5486Google Scholar


    Chen C, Wang X, Li Z P, Du X F, Shao Z P, Sun X H, Liu D C, Gao C Y, Hao L Z, Zhao Q Q, Zhang B Q, Cui G L, Pang S P 2022 Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 61 e202113932Google Scholar


    Chang C Y, Chu C Y, Huang Y C, Huang C W, Chang S Y, Chen C A, Chao C Y, Su W F 2015 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7 4955Google Scholar


    Qi Y, Qu J, Moore J, Gollinger K, Shrestha N, Zhao Y, Pradhan N, Tang J, Dai Q 2022 Org. Electron. 104 106487Google Scholar


    Bi D Q, Yi C Y, Luo J S, Décoppet J D, Zhang F, Zakeeruddin S M, Li X, Hagfeldt A, Grätzel M 2016 Nat. Energy 1 317Google Scholar


    Santhosh N, Daniel R I, Acchutharaman K R, Pandian M S, Ramasamy P 2022 Mater. Today Commun. 31 103446Google Scholar


    Zheng H Y, Liu G Z, Wu W W, Xu H F, Pan X 2021 J. Energy Chem. 57 593Google Scholar


    Cao X B, Zhang G S, Jiang L, Cai Y F, Wang Y, He X, Zeng Q G, Chen J Z, Jia Y, Wei J Q 2021 Green Chem. 23 2104Google Scholar


    Gao B, Meng J 2020 Sol. Energy 211 1223Google Scholar


    Paek S, Schouwink P, Athanasopoulou E N, Cho K T, Grancini G, Lee Y, Zhang Y, Stellacci F, Nazeeruddin M K, Gao P 2017 Chem. Mater. 29 3490Google Scholar


    Zhang Y, Zhuang X H, Zhou K, Cai C, Hu Z Y, Zhang J, Zhu Y J 2017 J. Mater. Chem. C 5 9037Google Scholar


    Chu Z D, Yang M J, Schulz P, Wu D, Ma X, Seifert E, Sun L Y, Li X Q, Zhu K, Lai K J 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 2230Google Scholar


    Lau C F J, Deng X F, Zheng J H, Kim J C, Zhang Z L, Zhang M, Bing J M, Wilkinson B, Hu L, Patterson R, Huang S J, Ho-Baillie A 2018 J. Mater. Chem. A 6 5580Google Scholar


    Luo J S, Jia C Y, Wan Z Q, Han F, Zhao B W, Wang R L 2017 J. Power Sources 342 886Google Scholar


    Liu Z, Shi T, Tang Z, Sun B, Liao G 2016 Nanoscale 8 7017Google Scholar


    Chen H, Liu T, Zhou P, Li S, Ren J, He H C, Wang J S, Wang N, Guo S J 2020 Adv. Mater. 32 1905661Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2023-04-19
  • 修回日期:  2023-06-14
  • 上网日期:  2023-06-20
  • 刊出日期:  2023-08-20

