为解决基于X光条纹相机技术的时间分辨光谱诊断系统存在测谱范围窄、谱分辨较差的问题, 采用双通道电四极透镜在空间方向聚焦电子和平板电极在时间方向压缩电子的方法, 研制出一种双通道条纹相机扫描变像管, 这种变像管可同时对两条阴极发射电子束进行聚焦扫描偏转, 能大幅度提升变像管有效阴极长度, 从而提升时间分辨光谱诊断系统的测谱范围和谱分辨. 实测结果表明, 研制的变像管有效阴极长度达到44 mm, 空间分辨优于15 lp/mm , 偏转灵敏度优于40 mm/kV. 进一步优化变像管结构和采用高灵敏度图像记录系统以去除像增强器, 可将变像管有效阴极提升到50 mm, 空间分辨提升到25 lp/mm.
The time-resolved X-ray spectroscopy measurement system based on X-ray streak camera technology is indispensable diagnostic equipment in the study of laser inertial fusion research and high-energy-density physics. However, limited by the effective photocathode length of the X-ray streak tube, the time-resolved spectral measurement system usually used has the shortcomings of narrow spectrum range and poor spectral resolution. In order to overcome the shortcomings, a novel dual-channel streak tube is developed, which consists of a photocathode, a prefocusing electrode group in temporal direction, an electric quadrupole lens electrode group, a main focusing electrode group in temporal direction, a deflector plate, and a phosphor screen. The photocathode has two slits. When X-rays are incident, two electron beams can be emitted simultaneously. The electric quadrupole lens electrode group is composed of 8 arc electrodes. Two electric quadrupole lenses are formed by the 8 arc electrodes in the spatial direction. Two electron beams emitted from the cathode of the streak tube are first accelerated and prefocused by the prefocusing electrode group in the time direction, and then compressed by the main focusing electrode group in the time direction. In the spatial direction, two electron beams are focused by the two electric quadrupole lenses independently. This novel streak tube structure can focus two electron beams at the same time, thereby increasing the effective photocathode length and maintaining the compact structure of streak tube without increasing the aberration. The cathode voltage of the designed streak tube is –12 kV, the distance from cathode to grid is 5 mm, and the cathode-grid field strength is 2.4 kV/mm. The cathode is divided into two sections, the spacing between sections is about 13 mm, the length of each section is more than 20 mm, the magnification of the image converter tube is about 1.56 times, the distance between the cathode and the phosphor screen is 300 mm, and the longest size along the cathode direction is 90 mm. The test results of the performance of the streak tube show that the actual effective cathode length of the developed tube reaches 44 mm, the spatial resolution is better than 15 lp/mm, and the deflection sensitivity is better than 40 mm/kV. The effective cathode and spatial resolution of the tube can be increased to 50 mm and 25 lp/mm by further optimizing the structure of the tube and removing the image intensifier with a high sensitivity image recording system, respectively. -
- X-ray streak camera /
- streak tube /
- time-resolved spectrum diagnosis /
- two cathodes
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图 1 双阴极变像管结构 1-光阴极, 2-平板电极I, 3-平板电极II, 4-平板电极III, 5-电四极透镜聚焦组, 6-平板电极IV, 7-平板电极V, 8-平板电极VI, 9-偏转板, 10-荧光屏
Fig. 1. Structure of dual-cathode streak tube: 1-photocathode, 2-plate electrode I, 3-plate electrode II, 4-plate electrode III, 5-quadrupole lens, 6-plate electrode IV, 7-plate electrode V, 8-plate electrode VI, 9-deflector, 10-screen.
[1] Schirmann D, Mens A, Sauneuf R, et al. 1992 SPIE 1757 139128
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[2] Kimbrough J R, Bell P M, Christianson G B, Lee F D, Kalantar D H, Perry T S, Sewall N R, Wootton A J 2001 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72 748
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[3] Pitre V, Magnan S, Kieffera J C, Dorchies F, Sa1 in F, Goulmy C, Rebuffie J C 2004 SPIE 5194 503581
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[4] Feng J, Shin H J, Nasiatka J R, Wan W, Young A T, Huang G, Comin A, Byrd J, Padmore H A 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 134102
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[6] 胡昕, 刘慎业, 丁永坤, 杨勤劳, 田进寿, 何小安 2009 光学学报 29 2871
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[7] Opachich Y P, Kalantar D H, MacPhee A G, et al. 2012 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 125105
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[8] 李晋, 胡昕, 杨品, 杨志文, 陈韬, 刘慎业 2013 强激光与粒子束 25 2616
Li J, Hu X, Yang P, Yang Z W, Chen T, Liu S Y 2013 High Power Laser Part. Beams 25 2616
[9] 朱敏, 田进寿, 温文龙, 王俊锋, 曹希斌, 卢裕, 徐向晏, 赛小锋, 刘虎林, 王兴, 李伟华 2015 64 098501
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[10] MacPhee A G, Dymoke-Bradshaw A K L, Hares J D, Hassett J, et al. 2016 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 11E202
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[11] 李晋, 杨志文, 胡昕, 张兴, 王峰 2021 红外与激光工程 50 20210402
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[12] Eagleton R T, James S F 2004 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75 3969
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[13] 胡昕, 江少恩, 崔延莉, 黄翼翔, 丁永坤, 刘忠礼, 易荣清, 李朝光, 张景和, 张华全 2007 56 1447
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Hu X, Jiang S E, Cui Y L, Huang Y X, Ding Y K, Liu Z L, Yi R Q, Li C G, Zhang J H, Zhang H Q 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 1447
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[15] Millecchia M, Regan S P, Bahr R E, Romanofsky M, Sorce C 2012 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 10E107
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[16] Nilson P M, Ehrne F, Mileham C, et al. 2016 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 11D504
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[20] Olson R E, Rochau G A, Landen O L, Leeper R J 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 032706
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[22] Stillman C R, Nilson P M, Ivancic S T, Golovkin I E, Mileham C, Begishev I A, Froula D H 2017 Phys. Rev. E 95 063204
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[23] Pikuz S A, Shelkovenko T A, Chandler K M, Mitchell M D, Hammer D A, Skobelev I Y, Shlyaptseva A S, Hansen S B 2004 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 10 3666
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