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吴明宇 弭光宝 李培杰 黄旭


吴明宇, 弭光宝, 李培杰, 黄旭

Formation mechanisms of Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC during solid-state sintering between multilayer graphene and TiAl alloy composite

Wu Ming-Yu, Mi Guang-Bao, Li Pei-Jie, Huang Xu
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 向TiAl合金中添加C元素反应形成的Ti2AlC相与Ti3AlC相分别具有改善TiAl合金塑性和强度的作用. 一般地, 液相烧结过程中会发生L + TiC→Ti2AlC(Ti3AlC)的包晶反应, 但在固相烧结过程中Ti2AlC与Ti3AlC的形成可能具有不同机制. 本文以多层石墨烯为碳源, 通过1100—1350 ℃的固相烧结获得C与TiAl合金的界面反应组织, 借助微观组织表征与分析, 发现Ti2AlC与Ti3AlC生成过程中没有TiC参与. 进一步计算发现TiC/TiAl, Ti2AlC/TiAl与Ti3AlC/TiAl的界面能分别约为1.2, 0.87和0.39 J·m2, 据此得出Ti2AlC与Ti3AlC可以不经TiC中间相直接形成. 此外, 研究还发现在1150—1250 ℃几乎只生成Ti2AlC相, 但1250—1350 ℃界面产物组成为Ti3AlC + 少量Ti2AlC相, 原因在于烧结温度对基体α相含量存在影响, 进而影响Ti2AlC与Ti3AlC的形成倾向. 在1150—1250 ℃, TiAl合金基体由γ + 少量α相组成, Ti2AlC具有较高形成倾向; 1250—1350 ℃基体几乎完全转化为α相, α相含量增大对Ti3AlC的形成具有促进作用. 研究结果表明, 通过控制TiAl合金与多层石墨烯的固相烧结温度, 可以调控Ti2AlC与Ti3AlC的相对含量, 进而有望改善TiAl合金的塑性与强度.
    Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC formed by the reaction between C and TiAl alloy can improve the plasticity and strength of TiAl alloy respectively. Generally, the peritectic reaction of L + TiC→Ti2AlC (Ti3AlC) occurs in the process of liquid-phase sintering, but different formation mechanisms of Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC may exist in the solid-state sintering. In this work, multilayer graphene is employed to fabricate the reaction interface with TiAl alloy under 1100–1350 ℃, which is the common solid-state sintering temperature of TiAl alloy. According to the microstructure characterization and analysis, Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC are verified to contain no TiC. The interface energy values of TiC/TiAl, Ti2AlC/TiAl and Ti3AlC/TiAl are calculated to be about 1.2, 0.87 and 0.39 J·m2, respectively, indicating that Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC can be formed directly without TiC mesophase. Besides, only Ti2AlC is observed to be formed at 1150–1250 ℃, while the interface products at 1250–1350 ℃ change into Ti3AlC with a small amount of Ti2AlC. The mechanism that the sintering temperature affects the formation tendency of Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC can be ascribed to the content of α phase. The TiAl alloy matrix is composed of γ and a few α phases at 1150–1250℃, but almost completely transforms into α phase at 1250–1350 ℃, and the increase in the α content can promote the formation of Ti3AlC. The above results demonstrate the possibility of regulating the relative content of Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC through controlling the sintering temperature, which provides a promising method to improve the plasticity and strength of TiAl alloy.
      通信作者: 弭光宝,
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金“叶企孙”科学基金(批准号: U2141222)和中国航发创新基金(批准号: CXPT-2018-36)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Mi Guang-Bao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U2141222) and the Innovation Fund of AECC, China (Grant No. CXPT-2018-36).

    Appel F, Clemens H, Fischer F D 2016 Prog. Mater. Sci 81 55Google Scholar


    Ouyang P X, Mi G B, Cao J X, Huang X, He L J, Li P J 2018 Mater. Today Comm 16 364Google Scholar


    Yamaguchi M, Inui H, Ito K 2000 Acta Mater 48 307Google Scholar


    Gao B, Peng H, Liang Y, Lin J, Chen B 2021 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 881 141059


    Kan W, Chen B, Peng H, Liang Y, Lin J 2020 Mater. Lett. 259 126856


    Lapin J, Pelachova T, Bajana O 2019 J. Alloys Compd 797 754Google Scholar


    Fang H, Chen R, Liu Y, Tan Y Guo J 2019 Intermetallics 115 106630Google Scholar


    Gouma P I, Mills M J, Kim Y W 1998 Phil. Mag Lett 78 59Google Scholar


    Wu H, Fan G H, Cui X P, Geng L, Yuan F, Pang J C, Wei L S, Huang M 2013 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 585 439Google Scholar


    Wu M Y, Mi G B, Li P J, Huang X, Cao C X 2020 J. Aeron. Mater 40 45


    Nieto A, Bisht A, Lahiri D, Zhang C, Agarwal A 2016 Int. Mater. Rev 62 241


    Wu M Y, Mi G B, Li P J, Huang X, Cao C X 2022 Mater. Lett 310 131515Google Scholar


    Guo B S, Ni S, Yi J H, Shen R J, Tang Z H, Du Y, Song M 2017 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 698 282Google Scholar


    Song Y, Chen Y, Liu W W, Li W L, Wang Y G, Zhao D, Liu X B 2016 Mater. Des 109 256Google Scholar


    Chen Y L, Yan M, Sun Y M, Mei B C, Zuo J Q 2009 Ceram. Int 35 1807Google Scholar


    Song X J, Cui H Z, Hou N, Wei N, Han Y, Tian J, Song Q 2016 Ceram. Int 42 13586Google Scholar


    MSIT, Cornish L, Cacciamani G, Cupid D M, Keyzer J D [2021-5-6]


    Kim Y W 1992 Acta Metall. Mater 40 1121Google Scholar


    王苹, 梅炳初, 洪小林, 朱教群, 周卫兵, 严明, 2007 武汉理工大学学报 29 5

    Wang P, Mei B C, Hong X L, Zhu J Q, Zhou W B, Yan M 2007 J. Wuhan Univ. Technol. 29 5 (in Chinese)


    Pietzka M A, Schuster J C 1994 J. Phase Equilib 15 392Google Scholar


    Chen Y, Chu M Y, Wang L J, Bao X H, Lin Y, Shen J Y 2011 Phys. Status Solidi A 208 1879Google Scholar


    胡庚祥 蔡珣 戎咏华 2013 材料科学基础 (上海: 上海交通大学出版社) 第130页

    Hu G X, Cai X, Rong Y H 2013 Fundamentals of Materials Science (Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press) p130 (in Chinese)


    Merwe J, Woltersdorf J, Jesser W A 1986 Mater. Sci. Eng 81 1Google Scholar


    刘文胜, 黄伯云, 周科朝, 唐建成 2000 材料导报 14 19

    Liu W S, Huang B Y, Zhou K C, Tang J C 2000 Mater. Rep. 14 19 (in Chinese)


    Zhang W J, Reddy B V, Deevi S C 2001 Scr. Mater 45 645Google Scholar


    Kumpfert J 2001 Adv. Eng. Mater 3 851Google Scholar


    Todorova T Z, Gaier M, Zwanziger J W, Plucknett K P 2019 J. Alloy. Compd 789 712Google Scholar


    Arusei G K, Chepkoech M, Amolo G O, Wambua N 2020 arXiv: 2011.07102 v1 [cond-mat. mtrl]


    Zhang X W, Wang X H, Li F Z, Zhou Y C 2010 J. Am. Ceram. Soc 92 2698


    Schuster J C, Nowotny H, Vaccaro C 1980 J. Solid State Chem 32 213Google Scholar


    Болецкая B М1979 Metal Sci. Heat Treatm. Metals 12 37(in Russian)


    Vanloo F, Bastin G F 1989 Metall. Meter. Trans. A 20 403

  • 图 1  MLG及TiAl合金粉体形貌 (a) MLG与TiAl粉体混合后的SEM形貌; (b) MLG的初始TEM形貌

    Fig. 1.  Morphology of MLG and TiAl powders: (a) SEM morphology of MLG mixed with TiAl powders; (b) original morphology of MLG under TEM.

    图 2  1100 ℃烧结后由未反应的MLG与TiAl基体组成的界面组织

    Fig. 2.  Interface structure composed of unreacted MLG and TiAl matrix sintered at 1100 ℃.

    图 3  1150 ℃烧结后MLG/TiAl的界面组织 (a) 部分反应的MLG及形成的Ti2AlC; (b) Ti2AlC的SAED图样

    Fig. 3.  Interface structure of MLG/TiAl composite sintered at 1150 ℃: (a) Partly reacted MLG and formed Ti2AlC; (b) SAED pattern of Ti2AlC.

    图 4  1300 ℃烧结后MLG/TiAl的界面组织 (a) 部分反应的MLG及生成Ti3AlC的TEM形貌; (b) Ti3AlC的SAED图样

    Fig. 4.  Interface structure of MLG/TiAl composite sintered at 1300 ℃: (a) TEM morphology of partly reacted MLG and formed Ti3AlC; (b) SAED pattern of Ti3AlC.

    图 5  Ti-Al-C 三元相图 (a) 1000 ℃等温截面图[17]; (b) 1250 ℃部分等温截面图[17]; (c) Ti-Al二元相图[18]

    Fig. 5.  Ternary diagram of Ti-Al-C: (a) Section at 1000 ℃[17]; (b) partial section at 1250 ℃[17]; (c) Ti-Al binary diagram[18]

    图 6  晶体结构示意图 (a) TiAl; (b) Ti3Al; (c) TiC; (d) Ti3AlC; (e) Ti2AlC

    Fig. 6.  Schematic diagram of crystal structure: (a) TiAl; (b) Ti3Al; (c) TiC; (d) Ti3AlC; (e) Ti2AlC.

    图 7  晶面原子排列示意图 (a) TiAl(111); (b) Ti3Al(0001); (c) Ti3AlC(111); (d) Ti2AlC(0001)

    Fig. 7.  Schematic diagram of atoms arrayed in crystal plane: (a) TiAl(111); (b) Ti3Al(0001); (c) Ti3AlC(111); (d) Ti2AlC(0001).

    图 8  C与TiAl合金的反应路径 (a) 液相烧结经由TiC发生包晶反应; (b) 1150—1250 ℃固相烧结界面反应形成Ti2AlC; (c) 1250—1350 ℃固相烧结界面反应形成Ti3AlC

    Fig. 8.  Reaction paths of C and TiAl alloy: (a) peritectic reaction via TiC during liquid-phase sintering; (b) Ti2AlC formed at 1150—1250 ℃ by solid-state sintering interface reaction; (c) Ti3AlC formed at 1250—1350 ℃ by solid-state sintering interface reaction.

    表 1  Ti-Al-C主要化合物的摩尔生成自由能

    Table 1.  Molar free energy of formation of compounds formed by Ti-Al-C.

    化合物摩尔生成自由能 ΔfGm/(kJ·mol–1)
    TiAl30.06522T – 289.37
    TiAl0.02224T – 91.078
    Ti3Al0.01678T – 109.75
    TiC0.01522T – 189.07
    Ti2AlC0.03045T – 387.13
    Ti3AlC0.1208T – 583.45
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    表 2  C与TiAl的摩尔反应自由能ΔrGm(kJ·mol–1)

    Table 2.  Molar free energy ΔrGm of reaction between C and TiAl (kJ·mol–1).

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    表 3  Ti-Al-C化合物晶体结构数据

    Table 3.  Crystal structure data of Ti-Al-C compounds.

    aTiAlPmˉ3ma = b = 4.0051 Å, c = 4.0707 Å
    bTi3AlP63/mmca = b = 5.764 Å, c = 4.664 Å
    cTiCFmˉ3ma = b = c = 4.328 Å
    dTi3AlCPmˉ3ma = b = c = 4.156 Å
    eTi2AlCP63/mmca = b = 3.063 Å, c = 13.668 Å
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    表 4  TiAl, Ti3Al, TiC, Ti2AlC, Ti3AlC的基本物理参数[24-30]

    Table 4.  Basic physical parameters of TiAl, Ti3Al, TiC, Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC[24-30].

    泊松比 ν0.230.280.2280.1640.25
    线膨胀系数 α/10–612—14.512—14.57.749.6210.1
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    表 5  TiAl/TiC, TiAl/Ti2AlC, α/Ti2AlC, TiAl/Ti3AlC和α/Ti3AlC的界面能

    Table 5.  Interfacial energy of TiAl/TiC, TiAl/Ti2AlC, α/Ti2AlC, TiAl/Ti3AlC and α/Ti3AlC.

    温度/℃σγ /TiC/(J·m2)σγ /H/(J·m2)σα /H/(J·m2)σγ /P/(J·m2)σα /P/(J·m2)
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    表 6  MLG与TiAl合金反应生成单C原子层的TiC, Ti2AlC, Ti3AlC的总能量变化

    Table 6.  Total energy change of the interface reaction between MLG and TiAl with the formation of TiC, Ti2AlC, Ti3AlC per C atom layer.

    界面反应产物反应式1150 ℃总能量变化ΔE/J1250 ℃总能量变化ΔE/J
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    Yamaguchi M, Inui H, Ito K 2000 Acta Mater 48 307Google Scholar


    Gao B, Peng H, Liang Y, Lin J, Chen B 2021 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 881 141059


    Kan W, Chen B, Peng H, Liang Y, Lin J 2020 Mater. Lett. 259 126856


    Lapin J, Pelachova T, Bajana O 2019 J. Alloys Compd 797 754Google Scholar


    Fang H, Chen R, Liu Y, Tan Y Guo J 2019 Intermetallics 115 106630Google Scholar


    Gouma P I, Mills M J, Kim Y W 1998 Phil. Mag Lett 78 59Google Scholar


    Wu H, Fan G H, Cui X P, Geng L, Yuan F, Pang J C, Wei L S, Huang M 2013 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 585 439Google Scholar


    Wu M Y, Mi G B, Li P J, Huang X, Cao C X 2020 J. Aeron. Mater 40 45


    Nieto A, Bisht A, Lahiri D, Zhang C, Agarwal A 2016 Int. Mater. Rev 62 241


    Wu M Y, Mi G B, Li P J, Huang X, Cao C X 2022 Mater. Lett 310 131515Google Scholar


    Guo B S, Ni S, Yi J H, Shen R J, Tang Z H, Du Y, Song M 2017 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 698 282Google Scholar


    Song Y, Chen Y, Liu W W, Li W L, Wang Y G, Zhao D, Liu X B 2016 Mater. Des 109 256Google Scholar


    Chen Y L, Yan M, Sun Y M, Mei B C, Zuo J Q 2009 Ceram. Int 35 1807Google Scholar


    Song X J, Cui H Z, Hou N, Wei N, Han Y, Tian J, Song Q 2016 Ceram. Int 42 13586Google Scholar


    MSIT, Cornish L, Cacciamani G, Cupid D M, Keyzer J D [2021-5-6]


    Kim Y W 1992 Acta Metall. Mater 40 1121Google Scholar


    王苹, 梅炳初, 洪小林, 朱教群, 周卫兵, 严明, 2007 武汉理工大学学报 29 5

    Wang P, Mei B C, Hong X L, Zhu J Q, Zhou W B, Yan M 2007 J. Wuhan Univ. Technol. 29 5 (in Chinese)


    Pietzka M A, Schuster J C 1994 J. Phase Equilib 15 392Google Scholar


    Chen Y, Chu M Y, Wang L J, Bao X H, Lin Y, Shen J Y 2011 Phys. Status Solidi A 208 1879Google Scholar


    胡庚祥 蔡珣 戎咏华 2013 材料科学基础 (上海: 上海交通大学出版社) 第130页

    Hu G X, Cai X, Rong Y H 2013 Fundamentals of Materials Science (Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press) p130 (in Chinese)


    Merwe J, Woltersdorf J, Jesser W A 1986 Mater. Sci. Eng 81 1Google Scholar


    刘文胜, 黄伯云, 周科朝, 唐建成 2000 材料导报 14 19

    Liu W S, Huang B Y, Zhou K C, Tang J C 2000 Mater. Rep. 14 19 (in Chinese)


    Zhang W J, Reddy B V, Deevi S C 2001 Scr. Mater 45 645Google Scholar


    Kumpfert J 2001 Adv. Eng. Mater 3 851Google Scholar


    Todorova T Z, Gaier M, Zwanziger J W, Plucknett K P 2019 J. Alloy. Compd 789 712Google Scholar


    Arusei G K, Chepkoech M, Amolo G O, Wambua N 2020 arXiv: 2011.07102 v1 [cond-mat. mtrl]


    Zhang X W, Wang X H, Li F Z, Zhou Y C 2010 J. Am. Ceram. Soc 92 2698


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