为了实现激光约束核聚变(ICF)的自持聚变目标, 对靶壳内氘氚冰的质量提出了极其苛刻的要求, 冰层内表面和靶壳的同心度要求大于99.9%, 冰层内表面均方根粗糙度(RMS)优于1 μm. 高质量的冷冻氘氚靶建立在靶壳内高质量氘氚冰层的前提之上. 单晶是冰层的最好形态, 在靶壳内获得氘氚冰籽晶是基础条件. 本文通过采用逐渐降低升温速率的台阶控温方法, 开展了充气微管内保留籽晶的研究, 揭示了充气微管内保留籽晶的形核机理, 实验结果表明, 利用充气管口可保留稳定、单一的籽晶, 在相同的过冷度下, 当氘氚籽晶c轴方向与充气管轴向平行时, 生长速度较c轴垂直于充气管轴向时的速度慢约1—2个量级, 为获得高质量的籽晶从而形成高质量的氘氚冰提供了参考和支撑.In order to achieve the self-sustaining fusion goal of inertial confinement fusion (ICF), extremely strict requirements for the quality of deuterium-tritium(D-T) ice in the target shell have been put forward. The concentricity between the inner surface of the ice and the target shell is required to be greater than 99.9%, and the root mean square (RMS) roughness of the inner surface of the ice is better than 1 μm. The high-quality ICF target is based on the high-quality D-T ice in the target shell. Single crystal is the best form of D-T ice, and seed crystal in target shell is the basic condition. In this paper, the step temperature control method of gradually reducing the heating rate is used to study the retention of seed crystals in the fill tube, and the nucleation mechanism of retention of seed crystals in the fill tube is revealed. The experimental results show that the use of the fill tube defects can keep stable and single seed crystal, and under the same supercooling, when deuterium tritium seed crystal c-axis and the fill tube are axially parallel, the growth rate is about 1–2 orders of magnitude slower than that when the c-axis is perpendicular to the axial direction of the gas filled tube. The results provide a reference for obtaining high-quality seed crystals, and a basic support for developing the D-T target in China.
- D-T ice /
- nucleation /
- fusion /
- target
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Wang K, Lei H L, Lin W 2012 GF Report, CAEP, Contract No: GF-A0163380G (in Chinese)
[13] 尹剑 2015 硕士学位论文 (北京: 中国工程物理研究院研究生部)
Yin J 2015 M. D. Thesis (Peking: Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics) (in Chinese)
[14] Souers P C 1985 Hydrogen Properties for Fusion Energy (California : University of California Press) p89
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图 4 靶壳内氘氚冰熔融保留籽晶演化过程 (a) D-T燃料层速冻至18.5 K; (b) 缓慢升温至三相区, 19.621 K; (c) 阶梯缓慢升温至19.640 K, 冰层几乎全部融化; (d) 继续降低升温速率, 在得到微小籽晶时恒温保持19.642 K
Fig. 4. Formation of melted residual seed crystal in the target: (a) Target with D-T rapid-cooling to 18.5 K; (b) temperature rised slowly to the three-phase region, 19.621 K; (c) slowly rises in step to 19.640 K, almost all the ice has melted; (d) slow cooling untill the ice is small enough in the target and maintain the temperature at 19.642 K.
表 1 熔体中籽晶面扩展速度和体积增加速度
Table 1. Expansion rate of the seed plane and the volume increase rate.
项目 1 2 3 4 5 6 微管直径/μm 28.8 24 18.9 13.8 12.3 11.1 时间/s 0 35 65 90 95 100 面扩展速度Vf/(μm·s–1) — 2.23 3.68 4.70 6.96 9.00 体积增加速度Vb/(μm3·s–1) — 4891 5342 3981 3726 3872 -
[1] Hamza A V, Nikroo A, Alger E, Antipa N 2016 Fusion Sci. Technol. 69 395
Google Scholar
[2] Biener J, Ho D D, Wild C 2009 Nucl. Fusion 49 112001
Google Scholar
[3] Kucheyev S O, Hamza A V 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 108 091101
Google Scholar
[4] 彭述明, 夏立东, 龙兴贵, 陈绍华, 张伟光, 李海容 2009 原子能科学技术 43 756
Peng S M, Xia L D, Long X G, Chen S H, Zhang W G, Li H R 2009 Atom. Energ. Sci. Technol. 43 756
[5] 彭述明, 张伟光, 龙兴贵, 夏立东, 陈绍华, 尹剑 2008 低温工程 166 60
Google Scholar
Peng S M, Zhang W G, Long X G, Xia L D, Chen S H, Yin J 2008 Cryogenics 166 60
Google Scholar
[6] 余铭铭, 陈绍华, 李海容, 温成伟, 夏立东, 尹剑, 王伟伟, 陈晓华, 张晓安, 周晓松, 彭述明 2016 原子能科学技术 50 2289
Google Scholar
Yu M M, Chen S H, Li H R, Wen C W, Xia L D, Yin J, Wang W W, Chen X H, Zhang X A, Zhou X S, Peng S M 2016 Atom. Energ. Sci. Technol. 50 2289
Google Scholar
[7] Landen O L, Benedetti R, Bleuel D 2012 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54 124026
Google Scholar
[8] Brisset D, Lamaison V, Paquignon G 2007 Fusion Sci. Technol. 52 472
[9] Wittman M D, Harding D R 2008 18th Target Fabrication Meeting Lake Tahoe, California, USA, May 11–15, 2008
[10] Bennett G R, Herrmann M C, Edwards M J 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 205003
Google Scholar
[11] Bernat T P, Huang H, Nikroo A 2005 USA LLNL, Contract No: UCRL- PROC-216248
[12] 王凯, 雷海乐, 林伟 2012 中国国防科学技术报告: 中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心. Contract No: GF-A0163380G
Wang K, Lei H L, Lin W 2012 GF Report, CAEP, Contract No: GF-A0163380G (in Chinese)
[13] 尹剑 2015 硕士学位论文 (北京: 中国工程物理研究院研究生部)
Yin J 2015 M. D. Thesis (Peking: Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics) (in Chinese)
[14] Souers P C 1985 Hydrogen Properties for Fusion Energy (California : University of California Press) p89
[15] 闵乃本 1982 晶体生长的物理基础 (上海: 上海科学技术出版社) 第354页
Min N B 1982 Physical Fundamentals of Crystal Growth (Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Press) p354 (in Chinese)
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