对超快过程的探测和控制决定了人类在微观层面认识和改造物质世界的能力. 阿秒光源可完成对组成物质的电子运动及其关联效应进行超高时空分辨的探测和操控, 为人类认识微观世界提供了全新手段, 被认为是激光科学史上最重要的里程碑之一. 世界主要科技强国都将阿秒科学列为未来10年重要的科技发展方向. 利用强激光与物质相互作用产生高次谐波是突破飞秒极限实现高亮度阿秒脉冲辐射的重要方案之一, 成为了近年来激光等离子体领域的研究热点. 本文聚焦强激光与等离子体相互作用中的高次谐波和阿秒脉冲辐射, 主要介绍其产生机制、研究进展和前沿应用, 并对未来的发展趋势和创新突破进行展望.The realizing of the detection and control of ultrafast process conduces to understanding and remoulding the physical world at a microcosm level. The attosecond light source with attosecond temporal resolution and nanometer spatial resolution can realize real-time detection and manipulation of the atomic-scale electronic dynamics and relevant effects of the substances. Therefore, attosecond science is considered as one of the most important milestones in the history of laser science. and has been listed as an important scientific and technological development direction in the coming 10 years. High-order harmonic generation (HHG) from intense laser-matter interaction is one of the most important routes to breaking through the femtosecond limit and achieving brilliant attosecond pulse radiations, and thus having aroused great interest in recent years. After more than 20-year development, the research about attosecond pulse generation by laser-gas interaction has reached a mature stage. This method produces the shortest isolated pulse in the world to date, with a pulse width being only 43 as. However, this method based on ionization-acceleration-combination encounters inevitable difficulties in pursuing the relativistically intense attosecond pulses and the highest possible photon energy. Quite a lot of studies have proved that the HHG efficiency from laser-plasma interaction can be a few orders of magnitude higher than that in gaseous media, which makes it possible to produce pulses with shorter pulse width and higher photon energy. In this article, we introduce the main generation mechanisms, research progress and frontier applications of HHG through the laser-plasma interaction process. In Section 2, we introduce the HHG generation mechanisms, including coherent wake emission, which is used to describe the HHG process driven by a nonrelativistic laser; relativistic oscillating mirror, which can well explain most of HHG processes generated from plasma-vacuum interface in relativistic regime; coherent synchrotron emission, which is suited to explain the HHG synchronously emitted from isolated electron sheets. The research progress is summarized in Section 3 from the aspects of radiation efficiency, polarization characteristics, phase characteristics, generation and diagnosis of isolated attosecond pulses, etc. Frontier applications of these ultra-broadband intense attosecond pulses are presented in the last section, such as the study of electronic dynamics, process, coherent diffraction imaging, diagnosis of extreme states of matter, the generation of extremely intense fields, etc. Finally, an outlook on the future development trends and innovation breakthroughs is also presented.
- intense lasers /
- plasma /
- high-order harmonics /
- attosecond pulses
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图 2 (a)强激光稠密等离子体相互作用驱动高次谐波辐射的物理方案; (b)—(d) 相关的三种主要辐射机制示意图 (b)相干尾场辐射(coherent wake emission, CWE), (c)相对论振荡镜(relativistically oscillating mirror, ROM), (d)相干同步辐射(coherent synchrotron emission, CSE)
Fig. 2. (a) Schematic for high-order harmonic generation from intense laser interaction with overdense plasmas. (b)–(d) Schematics for three main radiation mechanisms: (b) Coherent wake emission (CWE); (c) relativistically oscillating mirror (ROM); (d) coherent synchrotron emission (CSE).
图 3 一维粒子模拟中获得的典型CWE机制的谐波辐射过程和辐射特性 (a)电子密度分布随时间的变化, 绿线为Brunel电子轨迹, 紫色部分为对应时刻产生的频率介于3—15倍频之间的高次谐波; (b) 反射光的频谱分布. 这里采用强度为
$3.4\times10^{17}\;{\rm{W/cm^2}}$ 的800 nm激光以45°角斜入射预等离子体尺度为$0.05\lambda$ , 最大电子密度为$200 n_{\rm c}$ 的等离子体靶Fig. 3. Typical harmonic radiation process and radiation characteristics of CWE mechanism in one-dimensional (1D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation. (a) Temporal evolution of electron density. The green lines and the purple part are the trajectories of Brunel electrons and the high-order harmonic of the corresponding time with frequency between 3ω – 15ω respectively. (b) The spectrum of the reflected laser. Here, a laser with intensity of
$3.4\times10^{17}\;{\rm{W/cm^2}}$ and wavelength$\lambda=800\;{\rm{nm}}$ is incident on a plasma target with preplasma scale length of$0.05\lambda$ and the maximum electron density of$200 n_{\rm c}$ at an angle of 45°.图 4 一维粒子模拟中获得的典型ROM机制的谐波辐射过程和辐射特性 (a)电子密度分布随时间的变化, 蓝色部分为对应时刻产生的频率介于15—150倍频之间的高次谐波; (b)反射光的频谱分布, 红色虚线为理论预测的标度率
$I_n\propto n^{-8/3}$ . 这里强度为$7.7\times10^{21}\;{\rm{W/cm^2}}$ 的800 nm激光正入射初始电子密度为$250 n_{\rm c}$ 的等离子体靶, 靶表面无预等离子体Fig. 4. Typical harmonic radiation process and radiation characteristics of ROM mechanism from 1D PIC simulation: (a) Temporal evolution of electron density, and the bule part is the high-order harmonic of the corresponding time with frequency between
$15\omega–150\omega$ ; (b) spectrum of the reflected laser, and the dashed red line is the prediction of theory$I(\omega)\propto\omega^{-8/3}$ . Here, the incident laser iradiates the target normally, the intensity and wavelength of which are$7.7\times10^{21}\;{\rm{W/cm^2}}$ and 800 nm respectively. The electron density of the target is$250 n_{\rm c}$ and there is no preplasma.图 5 典型CSE机制的谐波辐射过程和辐射特性 (a)电子密度分布随时间的变化, 蓝色部分为对应时刻产生的频率介于15—150倍频之间的高次谐波; (b)反射光的频谱分布, 红色虚线为理论预测的标度率
$I_n\propto n^{-4/3}$ . 这里强度为$7.7\;\times $ $ 10^{21}\;{\rm{W/cm^2}}$ 的800 nm激光以$63^{\circ}$ 角斜入射预等离子体尺度为$0.033\lambda$ , 最大电子密度为$95 n_{\rm c}$ 的等离子体靶Fig. 5. Typical harmonic radiation process and radiation characteristics of CSE mechanism. (a) Temporal evolution of electron density, and the bule part is the high-order harmonic of the corresponding time with frequency between
$15\omega– 150\omega$ ; (b) spectrum of the reflected laser, and the dashed red line is the prediction of theory$I(\omega)\propto\omega^{-4/3}$ . Here, a laser with intensity of$7.7\times10^{21}\;{\rm{W/cm^2}}$ is incident on a plasma target with preplasma scale length of$0.033\lambda$ and the maximum electron density of$95 n_{\rm c}$ at an angle of$63^{\circ}$ . Here$\lambda=800 \;{\rm{nm}}$ is the wavelength of lasers.表 1 谐波偏振的选择定则
Table 1. Selection rules for polarization of harmonics
入射激光偏振方向 奇次谐波 偶次谐波 P P P S S P 正入射线偏振L L — 正入射圆偏振C — — 注: P, S分别表示P极化和S极化激光, L表示线偏振光, C表示圆偏振光. -
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[35] Gao J, Li B, Liu F, Cai H, Chen M, Yuan X, Ge X, Chen L, Sheng Z, Zhang J 2019 Phys. Plasmas 26 103102
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[37] Edwards M R, Mikhailova J M 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 125001
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