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张更 王巧 沙立婷 李亚捷 王达 施思齐



张更, 王巧, 沙立婷, 李亚捷, 王达, 施思齐

Phase-field model and its application in electrochemical energy storage materials

Zhang Geng, Wang Qiao, Sha Li-Ting, Li Ya-Jie, Wang Da, Shi Si-Qi
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 随着计算机技术的快速发展, 计算研究在探究材料体系微结构演化方面展示出巨大的优势. 作为材料动力学的一种计算研究方法, 相场模型不仅可以避免复杂的界面追踪, 而且便于处理各类外场因素, 因而受到广泛关注. 藉此本文介绍了相场模型的理论框架以及目前主流的多元多相系相场模型: Carter模型, Steinbach模型和Chen模型, 并从相场变量的解释、耦合热力学数据库的方式、体系自由能密度的构建方式以及演化方程等方面对上述三个模型进行了系统地概括和比较. 进一步, 聚焦于相场模型在各向异性输运和相分离、弹性和塑性变形、裂纹扩展和断裂、枝晶生长机制等方面的应用, 系统展示了相场模型在描述电化学储能材料微结构演化以及改进其性能方面的巨大潜力. 最后, 从相场模型的理论改进和应用拓展两个方面, 讨论并展望了电化学储能材料相场模拟的未来发展方向和亟待解决的关键问题.
    With the rapid progress of computer technology, computational research exhibits significant advantages in investigating microstructure evolution of material systems. As a computational research method of material dynamics, increasing attention has been paid to the phase-field model because of its avoidance of complicated interface tracking and convenience of dealing with applied fields. Theoretical framework of the phase-field model and three current phase-field models for multicomponent multiphase systems (the Carter, Steinbach, and Chen models) are introduced and reviewed in terms of interpretation of phase-field variables, way of coupling thermodynamic database, way of constructing the free energy density, and evolution equations. This review only focuses on the application of the phase-field model in electrochemical energy storage materials, and introduces its existing phase-field simulation results, which demonstrates that the phase-field model has tremendous potential in describing the microstructure evolution (anisotropic transport and phase separation, elastic and plastic deformation, crack propagation and fracture, dendrite growth, etc) and improving the performance of electrochemical energy storage materials. Finally, from two aspects of improving phase-field theory and extending application, future development trend and problems to be solved of phase-field simulations in electrochemical energy storage materials are discussed and looked ahead.
      通信作者: 李亚捷, liyajiejuly@shu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11874254)和上海市浦江人才计划(批准号: 2019PJD016)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Li Ya-Jie, liyajiejuly@shu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11874254) and Shanghai Pujiang Talents Program, China (Grant No. 2019PJD016)

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  • 图 1  相变界问题的尖锐界面和扩散界面的对比

    Fig. 1.  Comparison between sharp and diffusive interfaces for phase boundary problems.

    图 2  相场变量与Steinbach模型、Chen模型中的相权重函数的比较

    Fig. 2.  Comparison of phase field and phase-weight functions in Steinbach and Chen models.

    图 3  相场模型中研究电化学储能材料微结构演化的步骤

    Fig. 3.  Steps for investigating microstructure evolution of electrochemical energy storage materials in phase-field model.

    图 4  (a) 锂离子嵌入到FePO4时活跃面(010)快速扩散(蓝色箭头)和相分离示意图[43]; (b) LiFePO4相变过程中的三种可能的扩散路径: 体扩散、表面扩散和电解液扩散[45]

    Fig. 4.  (a) Schematic diagram of diffusion of active surface (010) (blue arrows) and phase separation when Li-ion intercalates FePO4[43]; (b) three potential migration paths in phase transition of LiFePO4: bulk, surface, and electrolyte diffusions[45].

    图 5  硅颗粒的弹性和塑性变形[50-52]

    Fig. 5.  Elastic and plastic deformations of Si particles[50-52].

    图 6  锂化过程中的裂纹扩展 (a)初始状态; (b)相偏析导致裂纹扩展; (c)相界面赶上裂纹尖端; (d)裂纹尖端在相界面处开始分叉; (e)相界面离开裂纹尖端向中心移动; (f)反应停止[73]

    Fig. 6.  Crack propagation during lithiation process: (a) Initial state; (b) phase segregation generates crack propagation; (c) the phase interface catches up with the crack tip; (d) the crack tip starts to branch at the phase interphase; (e) phase interface leaves crack tip and moves towards center; (f) the reaction stops [73].

    图 7  相场模型模拟的Li枝晶生长 (a) 序参量, (b) Li+浓度和(c)电势的演化[87]

    Fig. 7.  Dendrite growth of Li simulated by phase-field model: evolution of (a) order parameter, (b) concentration of Li+, and (c) electric potential [87].

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    Li G, Liu Z, Huang Q, Gao Y, Regula M, Wang D, Chen L Q, Wang D 2018 Nat. Energy 3 1076Google Scholar


    Li G, Liu Z, Wang D, He X, Liu S, Gao Y, AlZahrani A, Kim S H, Chen L Q, Wang D 2019 Adv. Energy Mater. 9 1900704Google Scholar


    Xu F D, Graff G L, Zhang i, Sushko M L, Chen X, Shao Y, Engelhard M H, Nie Z, Xiao J, Liu X, Sushko P V, Liu J, Zhang J G 2013 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135 4450Google Scholar


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    Liang L, Qi Y, Xue F, Bhattacharya S, Harris S J, Chen L Q 2012 Phys. Rev. E 86 051609Google Scholar


    Chen L, Zhang H W, Liang L Y, Liu Z, Qi Y, Lu P, Chen J, Chen L Q 2015 J. Power Sources 300 376Google Scholar


    Tan J, Tartakovsky A M, Ferris K, Ryan E M 2016 J. Electrochem. Soc. 163 A318Google Scholar


    Yurkiv V, Foroozan T, Ramasubramanian A, Shahbazian-Yassar R, Mashayek F 2018 Electrochim. Acta 265 609Google Scholar


    Yurkiv V, Foroozan T, Ramasubramanian A, Shahbazian-Yassar R, Mashayek F 2018 MRS Commun. 8 1285Google Scholar


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    Hong Z J, Viswanathan V 2018 ACS Energy Lett. 3 1737Google Scholar


    Hong Z J, Viswanathan V 2020 ACS Energy Lett. 5 2466Google Scholar


    Hong Z J, Viswanathan V 2019 ACS Energy Lett. 4 1012Google Scholar


    Mu W, Liu X, Wen Z, Liu L 2019 J. Energy Storage 26 100921Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2020-08-26
  • 修回日期:  2020-10-21
  • 上网日期:  2020-11-20
  • 刊出日期:  2020-11-20

