设计了一种新型负曲率太赫兹光纤, 光纤由六条均匀分布在包层内部并嵌套等边三角形结构的包层管组成. 通过改变包层管和三角形边的厚度来研究负曲率光纤的有效模场面积、纤芯功率比、限制损耗、色散等性能. 当包层管和三角形厚度为90 μm时, 光纤的限制损耗在2.36 THz时可以达到0.005 dB/cm, 当频率范围在2.1—2.8 THz时, 色散系数在 ± 0.19 ps/(THz·cm), 纤芯功率比达到了99%以上, 并且拥有较好的有效模场面积. 进一步, 将包层管和三角形边厚度保持在90 μm不变, 调整三角形边的弯曲程度, 继续研究以上性能, 结果表明在内弯曲的状态下可以将限制损耗降低60%. 该工作为高效率、高性能的太赫兹光纤提供了合理的结构设计以及理论分析.In the terahertz communication and imaging systems, terahertz fibers have aroused great interest in the past several years. Countering the terahertz wave applications ‘inefficient transmission’ calls for a rapid development in terahertz fibers that could achieve low confinement loss, chromatic dispersion and large refraction of power at the same time. In this paper, a new type of negative curvature terahertz fiber is designed, which consists of six cladding tubes evenly distributed in the cladding and nested with equilateral triangle structure. By using full vector finite element method and changing the thickness of cladding tube and triangle, the effective mode field area, core power ratio, confinement loss, dispersion and other parameters of negative curvature fiber are studied. Here, the thickness range of 70–100 μm is selected. It is found that the confinement loss of optical fiber can reach 0.005 dB/cm at 2.36 THz, the dispersion coefficient can float up and down at ±0.1 ps/(THz·cm) at the frequency range of 2.1–2.8 THz, the core power ratio can reach above 99% in the same frequency range. Compared with the known terahertz negative curvature fiber, the nested triangle negative curvature fiber has lower confinement loss and wide transmission bandwidth of 2.1–2.8 THz. After that, when the cladding tube and the triangle thickness are kept at 90 μm, the bending degree of the triangle edge is changed, and the above properties are further studied. When the triangle edge is bent in and out, the transmission performance of the fiber is analyzed. It is found that when the triangle edge is bent inward, the transmission characteristics of terahertz wave is much better than that when the triangle edge is bent outward. When the triangle edge is bent inwards, the confinement loss is obviously reduced, reaching 0.002 dB/cm at 2.36 THz. Compared with triangle straight edge, the confinement loss is reduced by 40% and still maintaining 99% core power ratio at certain frequency band. The designed terahertz fiber will have an important application value in the fields of sensing and imaging systems with low loss and wide bandwidth. This makes the Topas COC-based terahertz fiber very suitable for guiding terahertz wave over the desired frequency range.
- terahertz fiber /
- confinement loss /
- power ratio /
- dispersion
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表 1 设计的光纤结构与其他结构的性能对比
Table 1. Performance comparison between the designed optical fiber structure and other structures.
[1] Yan D X, Wang Y Y, Xu D G, Liu P X, Yan C, Shi J, Liu H X, He Y X, Tang L H, Feng J C, Guo J Q, Shi W, Zhong K, Tsang Y H, Yao J Q 2017 Photon. Res. 5 82
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[2] Yan D X, Zhang H W, Xu D G, Shi W, Yan C, Liu P X, Shi J, Yao J Q 2016 J. Lightwave Techonl. 34 3373
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[3] Li J S, Zouhdi S 2012 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 24 625
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[4] Li J S, Li H, Zhang L 2015 IEEE Trans. Thz. Sci. Techn. 5 551
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[5] Li J S, Xu D G, Yao J Q 2010 Appl. Opt. 49 4494
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[6] Shi Z W, Cao X X, Wen Q Y, Wen T L, Yang Q H, Chen Z, Shi W S, Zhang H W 2018 Adv. Opt. Mater. 6 1700620
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[7] Li J S 2017 Opt. Express 25 19422
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[8] 李晓楠, 周璐, 赵国忠 2019 68 238101
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Li X N, Zhou L, Zhao G Z 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 238101
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[9] 熊梦杰, 李进延, 罗兴, 沈翔, 彭景刚, 李海清 2017 66 094204
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Xiong M J, Li J Y, Luo X, Shen X, Peng J G, Li H Q 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 094204
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[10] Yan D X, Li J S 2019 Optik 180 824
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[11] Chen H B, Wang H, Hou H L, Chen D R 2012 Opt. Commun. 285 3726
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[15] Vincetti L, Setti V, Zoboli M 2010 IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 22 972
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[16] Wang Y Y, Couny F, Roberts P J, Benabid F 2010 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, California, United States, 16–21 May, 2010, pCPDB4
[17] Setti V, Vincetti L, Argyros A 2013 Opt. Express 21 3388
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[18] Cruz A L S, Serrao V A, Barbosa C L, Franco M A R,Cordeiro M B C,Argyros A,Tang X L 2015 J. Microwaves, Optoelectron. Electromagn. Appl. 14 SI-45
[19] Sultana J, Islam M S, Cordeiro C M B, Dinovitser A, Kaushik M, Ng Brian W H, Abbott D 2020 Fibers 8 14
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[20] Yan D X, Zhang H W, Xu D G, Shi W, Yan C, Liu P X, Shi J, Yao J Q 2016 Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 3373
[21] 张果, 孙帅, 张尧, 盛泉, 史伟, 姚建铨 2019 红外与激光工程 49 118
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Zhang G, Sun S, Zhang Y, Sheng Q, Shi W, Yao J Q 2019 Infrared and Laser Engineering. 49 118
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[22] Liu H, Wang Y, Xu D, et al. 2017 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 50 375103
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[23] Wu Z Q, Zhou X Y, Shi Z H, Xia H D, Huang J, Jiang X D, Wu W D 2016 Opt. Eng. 55 037105
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[24] Habib M A, Anower M S, Abdulrazak L F, Reza M S 2019 Opt. Fiber Technol. 52 101933
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[25] 魏薇, 张志明, 唐莉勤, 丁镭, 范万德, 李乙钢 2019 68 114209
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Wei W, Zhang Z M, Tang L Q, Ding L, Fan W D, Li Y G 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 114209
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[26] Zhang L, Ren G J, Yao J Q 2013 Optoelectron. Lett. 9 438
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[27] 陈翔, 胡雄伟, 李进延 2019 激光与光电子学进展 56 050602
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Chen X, Hu X W, Li J Y 2019 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 56 050602
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[28] Wu Z Q, Shi Z H, Xia H D, Zhou X Y, Deng Q H, Huang J, Jiang X D, Wu W D 2016 IEEE Photon. J. 8 1
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[29] Bikash K P, Kawsar A 2019 Opt. Fiber Technol. 53 102031
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[30] 崔莉, 赵建林, 张晓娟, 杨德兴 2008 光学学报 28 1172
Google Scholar
Cui L, Zhao J L, Zhang X J, Yang D X 2008 Acta Optica Sinica 28 1172
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[31] 姬江军, 孔德鹏, 马天, 何晓阳, 陈琦, 王丽莉 2014 红外与激光工程 43 1909
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Jiang J J, Kong D P, Ma T, He X Y, Chen Q, Wang L L 2014 Infrared and Laser Engineering 43 1909
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[32] Belardi W, C. Knight J 2013 Opt. Express 21 21912
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