现实生活中, 与国计民生密切相关的基础设施网络大多不是独立存在的, 而是彼此之间相互联系或依赖的, 于是用于研究这些系统的多层网络模型随之产生. 多层网络中的节点在失效或者遭受攻击后会因“层内”和“层间”的相互作用而产生级联效应, 从而使得失效能够在网络层内和层间反复传播并使得失效规模逐步放大. 因此, 多层网络比单个网络更加脆弱. 多层网络级联失效产生的影响和损失往往是非常巨大的, 所以对多层网络级联失效的预防和恢复的研究具有重大意义. 就多层网络级联失效的预防而言, 主要包含故障检测, 保护重要节点, 改变网络耦合机制和节点备份等策略. 就多层网络发生级联失效后的恢复策略而言, 主要包含共同边界节点恢复、空闲连边恢复、加边恢复、重要节点优先恢复、更改拓扑结构、局域攻击修复、自适应边修复等策略.In real life, most of the infrastructure networks closely related to the national economy and people's livelihood do not exist independently, but are interconnected with or dependent on each other, so the multilayer network model is proposed to study the independent complex systems and infrastructures. When the nodes in the multilayer network suffer initial failure or attack, the cascade occurs due to the interaction between the “intra-layer” and “inter-layer”, and the failure can propagate in the network layer and across the layers iteratively, so that the scale of the failures is enlarged gradually. As a result, many multilayer networks are more fragile than single networks. The cascading failure of multilayer network usually brings very serious catastrophes to our society. So, conducting the research on preventing the multilayer network from cascading failure and recovering is of great significance. As far as the prevention of cascading failure is concerned, what are mainly included are the strategies such as the fault detection, the protection of important nodes, the optimization of the coupling method of networks, and the backup of nodes. As for the recovery of multi-layer network, included mainly are the strategies such as common boundary node recovery, the idle connected link recovery, the link addition, the priority recovery of important nodes, the topology perturbation, and the repairing of localized attack and adaptive link.
- complex network /
- cascade failure /
- precaution strategy /
- recovery strategy
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图 2 级联失效迭代过程的建模[10] (a) 网络在初始状态下遭到攻击; (b), (c)和(d) 网络在遭受攻击后网络级联失效的不同阶段, 并最终达到了稳态, 级联过程结束
Fig. 2. Modeling of cascading failure iterative processes[10]: (a) The network is attacked in the initial state; (b), (c), and (d) are the cascading failure processes of the network due to the dependencies between dependent networks after the attack, respectively. Eventually reached a steady state.
图 4 故障恢复策略图解[14] 网络A和网络B的巨分支如图所示. 情况1: 两个通过相依边连接的失效节点(节点1和节点2)分别距离其巨分支的距离l = 1, 然后以恢复概率γ进行修复; 情况2: 如果两个相互依赖的故障节点(节点3和节点5)中至少有一个与其巨分支的距离大于1, 则不符合恢复的条件, 所以放弃恢复这一对节点
Fig. 4. Illustration of failure recovery strategy[14]. The giant components of network A and network B are shown in the figure. Case 1: Two failed nodes (nodes 1 and 2) connected by dependent edges are respectively at a distance of l = 1 from their maximal cluster, and then repaired with recovery probability γ. Case 2: If at least one of the two interdependentdent failed nodes (nodes 3 and 5) is more than 1 away from its maximal cluster, the recovery condition is not met, so the pair of nodes is abandoned to be restored.
图 5 网络B中恢复策略的实现示意图[67] (a) GC表示网络巨分支, 虚线表示空闲连边, 带有空闲连边的簇表示可修复的簇, 没有空闲连边的簇表示无法进行恢复的簇; (b)网络B完成重连后的巨分支
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the implementation of recovery strategy in network B[67]: (a) GC represents the giant component of the network, the dashed lines indicate idle connected edges, clusters with free connected edges repre-sent repairable clusters, and clusters without free connected edges represent clusters that cannot be recovered; (b) the giant component of network B after reconnection.
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[1] Eubank S, Guclu H, Kumar V A, Marathe M V, Srinivasan A, Toroczkai Z, Wang N J N 2004 Nature 429 180
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Cui C C http://mini.eastday.com/a/180419160201052.html [2018-04-19] (in chinese)
[13] 中国日报网 http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2015-07/24/c_128056543.htm [2015-07-24]
China Daily http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2015-07/24/ c_128056543.htm [2015-07-24] (in Chinese)
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[46] Kitsak M, Gallos L K, Havlin S, Liljeros F, Muchnik L, Stanley H E, Makse H A 2010 Nat. Phys. 6 888
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[58] Min B, Do Yi S, Lee K M, Goh K I 2014 Phys. Rev. E 89 042811
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[59] Yuan X, Hu Y, Stanley H E, Havlin S 2017 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 114 3311
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[60] Ishida Y 2005 International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems Melbourne, VIC, Australia, September 14−16, 2005 p86
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[64] Mitchell J C, Teague V 2002 International Symposium on Software Security Nara, Japan, October 3–4, 2002 p58
[65] Ishida Y, Mori T 2005 International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems Melbourne, VIC, Australia, September 14−16, 2005 p79
[66] Schneider C M, Moreira A A, Andrade J S, Havlin S, Herrmann H J 2011 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 108 3838
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[67] La Rocca C E, Stanley H E, Braunstein L A 2018 Physica A 508 577
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[68] Cui P, Zhu P, Wang K, Xun P, Xia Z 2018 Physica A 497 185
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[69] 吴佳键, 龚凯, 王聪, 王磊 2018 67 88901
Wu J J, Gong K, Wang C, Wang L 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 88901
[70] Berezin Y, Bashan A, Danziger M M, Li D, Havlin S 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 8934
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[71] Gong K, Wu J J, Liu Y, Li Q, Liu R R, Tang M 2019 Complexity 2019 10
[72] Stippinger M, Kertész J J 2014 Physica A 416 481
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[73] Gong M, Ma L, Cai Q, Jiao L 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 8439
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[74] Erdős P, Rényi A 1959 Publ. Math. Debrecen 4 3286
[75] Shao S, Huang X, Stanley H E, Havlin S 2015 New J. Phys. 17 023049
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[76] Li W, Bashan A, Buldyrev S V, Stanley H E, Havlin S 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 228702
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