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柳钰 徐忠锋 王兴 胡鹏飞 张小安



柳钰, 徐忠锋, 王兴, 胡鹏飞, 张小安

Angular distribution of L characteristic X-ray emission from Au target impacted by photons

Liu Yu, Xu Zhong-Feng, Wang Xing, Hu Peng-Fei, Zhang Xiao-An
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 采用中心能量为13.1 keV (最大能量小于30 keV)的轫致辐射光子碰撞Au靶, 在130°—170°的探测角度范围内以10°为间隔, 测量了碰撞产生的特征X射线Lι, Lα, Lβ和Lγ1的光谱. 根据实验测得的能谱结果, 综合考虑探测器的探测效率及靶材的吸收校准后, 计算了不同探测角度下特征X射线Lα与Lγ1及Lι与Lγ1的相对强度比; 而且, 还基于不同探测角度下X射线强度比值, 分析了特征X射线的角分布情况. 实验结果表明特征X射线Lα和Lι为各向异性发射. 此外, 计算了特征X射线Lι的各向异性参数为0.25, 并据此推断出L3支壳层的定向度A20为0.577 ± 0.081; 分析认为L3支壳层的定向度A20由该支壳层本身的物理特性决定, 但该支壳层的各向异性参数β会受到Coster-Kronig跃迁的影响而发生改变.
    The vacancy can be produced through impact ionization of target atom by energetic particles. It is of significant importance to study the vacancy state by the measurement of angular distribution of typical X-rays. At present, accurate ionization cross-section data of the atomic inner shell are urgently required in many areas. However, the precise measurement of ionization cross-section of the atomic inner shell is largely dependent on the fact that whether the characteristic radiation (e.g., X-ray) is isotropic. In this experiment, the characteristic Lι, Lα, Lβ and Lγ1 X-rays for Au target are measured by a silicon drift detector in an emission angle range from 130° to 170° in steps of 10°. A mini-X ray source is utilized to produce bremsstrahlung with the center energy of 13.1 keV.Considering detection efficiency of the detector and the absorption of the target, relative intensity ratios, I(Lα)/I(Lγ1) and I(Lι)/I(Lγ1), are obtained at different detection angles based on the experimental energy spectrum results. Moreover, the angular dependence of X-ray intensity ratio is investigated and it is found that the X-rays Lι and Lα exhibit anisotropic emission.According to the X-ray intensity ratio I(Lι)/I(Lγ1) and the P2(cosθ), and using the least square method, the anisotropic parameter β of characteristic X-ray Lι is derived to be 0.25. Due to the relation β = ακA20, the value of the alignment degree A20 for L3 sub-shell is determined to be 0.577 ± 0.08. Alignment degree A20 for L3 sub-shell is dependent on its intrinsic physical properties, while the anisotropy parameter β of typical X-rays can be affected by Coster-Kronig transition process.The behavior of the alignment for inner-shell vacancy states calls for more research results both in theory and in experiment. Therefore, it is quite relevant and meaningful to perform more experiments to further study the angular distribution of vacancy states by electrons, photons and ions impacting a target.
      通信作者: 柳钰, liuyuxianyang0625@126.com
    • 基金项目: 国家级-电子与分子吸附解离过程中氢-氘同位素效应研究(11875219)
      Corresponding author: Liu Yu, liuyuxianyang0625@126.com

    杨蒙生, 易泰民, 郑凤成, 唐永建, 张林, 杜凯, 李宁, 赵利平, 柯博, 邢丕峰 2018 67 027301Google Scholar

    Yang M S, Yi T M, Zheng F C, Tang Y J, Zhang L, Du K, Li N, Zhao L P, Ke B, Xing P F 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 027301Google Scholar


    曾雄辉, 赵广军, 徐军 2004 53 1935Google Scholar

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    Nishimura F, Kim J, Yonezawa S, Takashima M 2014 J. Flu. Chem. 160 52Google Scholar


    戚俊成, 刘宾, 陈荣昌, 夏正德, 肖体乔 2019 68 024202Google Scholar

    Qi J C, Liu B, Chen R C, Xia Z D, Xiao T Q 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 024202Google Scholar


    王琛, 安红海, 方智恒, 熊俊, 王伟, 孙今人 2018 67 015203Google Scholar

    Wang C, An H H, Fang Z H, Xiong J, Wang W, Sun J R 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 015203Google Scholar


    张天奎, 于明海, 董克攻, 吴玉迟, 杨靖, 陈佳, 卢峰, 李纲, 朱斌, 谭放, 王少义, 闫永宏, 谷渝秋 2017 66 245201Google Scholar

    Zhang T K, Yu M H, Dong K G, Wu Y C, Yang J, Chen J, Lu F, Li G, Zhu B, Tan F, Wang S Y, Yan Y H, Gu Y Q 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 245201Google Scholar


    Flügge S, Mehlhorn M, Schmidt V 1972 Phys. Rev. Lett. 29 7Google Scholar


    Berezhko E G, Kabachnik N M, Rostovsky V S 1978 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 11 1749Google Scholar


    Raza H S, Kim H J, Ha J M, Cho S O 2013 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 80 67Google Scholar


    Bansal H, Kaur G, Tiwari M K, Mittal R 2016 Eur. Phys. J. D 70 84Google Scholar


    Salem S, Stöhlker T, Brauning-Demian A, Hagmann S, Kozhuharov C, Liesen D 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 012701Google Scholar


    Özdemir Y, Durak R, Kacal M R, Kurudirek M 2011 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 69 991Google Scholar


    Han I, Demir L 2011 J. X-Ray Sci. Technol. 19 13Google Scholar


    Demir L, Şahin M, Söğűt Ö, Şahin Y 2000 Radiat. Phys. Chem. 59 355Google Scholar


    Cooper J, Zare N 1969 Atomic Collision Processes (New York: Gordon & Breach) pp317−337


    Kumar A, Agnihotri A N, Chatterjee S, Kasthurirangan S, Misra D, Choudhury R K, Sarkadi L, Tribedi L C 2010 Phys. Rev. A 81 062709Google Scholar


    Alrakabi M, Kumar S, Sharma V, Singh G, Mehta D 2013 Eur. Phys. J. D 67 99Google Scholar


    Tartari A, Baraldi C, Casnati E, Da Re A, Jorge E F, Taioli S 2003 J. Phys. B 36 843Google Scholar


    Kumar A, Puri S, MehtaD, Garg M L, Singh N 1999 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 32 3701Google Scholar


    Kumar A, Puri S, Shahi J S, Garg M L, Mehta D, Singh N 2001 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34 613Google Scholar


    Gonzales D, Requena S, Williams S 2012 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 70 301Google Scholar


    Berezhko E G, Kabachnik N M 1977 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 10 2467Google Scholar


    Yalçın P, Porikli S, Kurucu Y, Şahin Y 2008 Phys. Lett. B 663 186Google Scholar


    Storm L, Israel H I 1970 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 7 565Google Scholar


    Bambynek W, Crasemann B, Fink R W, Freund H U, Mark H, Swift C D, Price R E, Rao P V 1972 Rev. Mod. Phys. 44 716Google Scholar


    Scofield J H 1973 Theoretical Photoionization Cross-sections from 1 to 1500 keV (Livermore, CA: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory) Report No. UCRL-51326

  • 图 1  实验装置示意图

    Fig. 1.  Experimental setup.

    图 2  探测角度为140°时、中心能量为13.1 keV轫致辐射入射Au靶产生L系特征X射线能谱图

    Fig. 2.  Fitted L X-ray spectrum of Au induced by impact with bremsstrahlung with central energy of 13.1 keV and measured at the emission angle of 140°.

    图 3  Au 靶特征X射线强度比I(Lα)/I(Lγ1)和I(Lι)/I(Lγ1)与P2(cosθ)的关系

    Fig. 3.  Intensity ratios of I(Lα)/I(Lγ1) and I(Lι)/I(Lγ1) as a function of P2(cosθ) for Au.

    表 1  Au元素的L支壳层CK跃迁概率fij数据[25]

    Table 1.  L-subshell CK yields fij for Au[25].

    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  不同入射能量下L支壳层电离截面[26]及CK跃迁矫正因子κ

    Table 2.  Ionization cross-sections (in barn) for L subshells[26] and CK correction factor κ at different energies.

    12003.5629 × 1041
    13.76002.4493 × 1041
    13.801.5567 × 1042.3987 × 1040.92
    14.301.4574 × 1042.2035 × 1040.91
    14.47.8361 × 1031.4237 × 1032.1575 × 1040.80
    157.4098 × 1031.2777 × 1041.9496 × 1040.75
    204.4219 × 1036.1227 × 1038.5173 × 1030.7
    301.993 × 1031.9923 × 1032.5531 × 1030.62
    下载: 导出CSV
  • [1]

    杨蒙生, 易泰民, 郑凤成, 唐永建, 张林, 杜凯, 李宁, 赵利平, 柯博, 邢丕峰 2018 67 027301Google Scholar

    Yang M S, Yi T M, Zheng F C, Tang Y J, Zhang L, Du K, Li N, Zhao L P, Ke B, Xing P F 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 027301Google Scholar


    曾雄辉, 赵广军, 徐军 2004 53 1935Google Scholar

    Zeng X H, Zhao G J, Xu J 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 1935Google Scholar


    Nishimura F, Kim J, Yonezawa S, Takashima M 2014 J. Flu. Chem. 160 52Google Scholar


    戚俊成, 刘宾, 陈荣昌, 夏正德, 肖体乔 2019 68 024202Google Scholar

    Qi J C, Liu B, Chen R C, Xia Z D, Xiao T Q 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 024202Google Scholar


    王琛, 安红海, 方智恒, 熊俊, 王伟, 孙今人 2018 67 015203Google Scholar

    Wang C, An H H, Fang Z H, Xiong J, Wang W, Sun J R 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 015203Google Scholar


    张天奎, 于明海, 董克攻, 吴玉迟, 杨靖, 陈佳, 卢峰, 李纲, 朱斌, 谭放, 王少义, 闫永宏, 谷渝秋 2017 66 245201Google Scholar

    Zhang T K, Yu M H, Dong K G, Wu Y C, Yang J, Chen J, Lu F, Li G, Zhu B, Tan F, Wang S Y, Yan Y H, Gu Y Q 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 245201Google Scholar


    Flügge S, Mehlhorn M, Schmidt V 1972 Phys. Rev. Lett. 29 7Google Scholar


    Berezhko E G, Kabachnik N M, Rostovsky V S 1978 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 11 1749Google Scholar


    Raza H S, Kim H J, Ha J M, Cho S O 2013 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 80 67Google Scholar


    Bansal H, Kaur G, Tiwari M K, Mittal R 2016 Eur. Phys. J. D 70 84Google Scholar


    Salem S, Stöhlker T, Brauning-Demian A, Hagmann S, Kozhuharov C, Liesen D 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 012701Google Scholar


    Özdemir Y, Durak R, Kacal M R, Kurudirek M 2011 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 69 991Google Scholar


    Han I, Demir L 2011 J. X-Ray Sci. Technol. 19 13Google Scholar


    Demir L, Şahin M, Söğűt Ö, Şahin Y 2000 Radiat. Phys. Chem. 59 355Google Scholar


    Cooper J, Zare N 1969 Atomic Collision Processes (New York: Gordon & Breach) pp317−337


    Kumar A, Agnihotri A N, Chatterjee S, Kasthurirangan S, Misra D, Choudhury R K, Sarkadi L, Tribedi L C 2010 Phys. Rev. A 81 062709Google Scholar


    Alrakabi M, Kumar S, Sharma V, Singh G, Mehta D 2013 Eur. Phys. J. D 67 99Google Scholar


    Tartari A, Baraldi C, Casnati E, Da Re A, Jorge E F, Taioli S 2003 J. Phys. B 36 843Google Scholar


    Kumar A, Puri S, MehtaD, Garg M L, Singh N 1999 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 32 3701Google Scholar


    Kumar A, Puri S, Shahi J S, Garg M L, Mehta D, Singh N 2001 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34 613Google Scholar


    Gonzales D, Requena S, Williams S 2012 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 70 301Google Scholar


    Berezhko E G, Kabachnik N M 1977 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 10 2467Google Scholar


    Yalçın P, Porikli S, Kurucu Y, Şahin Y 2008 Phys. Lett. B 663 186Google Scholar


    Storm L, Israel H I 1970 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 7 565Google Scholar


    Bambynek W, Crasemann B, Fink R W, Freund H U, Mark H, Swift C D, Price R E, Rao P V 1972 Rev. Mod. Phys. 44 716Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2019-12-26
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