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乔厚 何锃 张恒堃 彭伟才 江雯



乔厚, 何锃, 张恒堃, 彭伟才, 江雯

Sound transmission in two-dimensional periodic poroelastic structures

Qiao Hou, He Zeng, Zhang Heng-Kun, Peng Wei-Cai, Jiang Wen
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 为取得理想的隔声性能, 本文结合多孔介质和周期结构两类声振调控方案, 讨论了一种新型含多孔介质周期复合结构; 采用等效模型描述振子系统, 利用薄板理论和Biot理论建立了相应的声振耦合理论模型. 利用此模型计算得出的结果与文献中数据吻合良好. 研究结果表明, 采用简单振子系统或组合振子系统都可以在其特征频率决定的频域提升复合结构的声传递损失 (STL); 然而, 在越过相应频域后, STL会急剧下降, 选取合适的振子参数, 可以拓展隔声带宽而又保持其STL水平. 对比振子系统结果发现, 相对简单振子系统, 组合振子系统能在获得更宽STL提升频域同时减弱特征频率域后的STL下降趋势. 这些结果可以为宽频减振降噪提供思路, 为中低频域隔声应用设计提供理论参考.
    To obtain excellent sound reduction performance, in this paper we introduce a novel periodic poroelastic composite structure, which combines poroelastic material and periodic structure and aims at using the remarkable acoustic performance of these two. This periodic composite structure comprises three parts, i.e. the poroelastic domain, the elastic domain (thin plate), and the periodic resonators, which can be simple single-degree-of-freedom resonators (SRs) or composite two-degree-of-freedom resonators (CRs). A theoretical model is established by using Biot theory for the poroelastic domain, and by using the effective medium method for the resonator-plate coupling system, which is considered as an isotropic plate with an equivalent dynamic density. This method is validated with degenerated model in the literature; the results obtained by this method are in excellent consistence with the results in the literature. Parameter analyses are performed to test the influences of poroelastic addition and periodic resonator on the sound transmission loss (STL) of this periodic composite structure under two kinds of boundary conditions. The poroelastic addition is found to increase the STL while the influences of resonators are complicated. The STL increases notably in the frequency range bounded by the characteristic frequencies of these resonators, however, a decrease just follows when it exceeds these frequencies, which can be observed in both SR case and CR case under the two boundary conditions. In the meantime, when multiple SR is placed in a periodic lattice, it is found that different resonators with ascending mass and characteristic frequencies have superior STL to those with ascending characteristic frequencies but have equal mass. The case with CR, which is more complicated as expected, shows less STL decrease than the case with SR, but wider frequency range where the STL increases than a poroelastic composite structure without resonators. This results from the fact that the frequency band of vibration suppression in the CR case is wider than in the SR case. As a result, to achieve the desired STL performance in a frequency range, the proposed composite structure using SR with tuned characteristic frequencies is enough; however, if a wider frequency band is expected even if there is a slight STL tradeoff, the CR case is a better option. Though the method proposed is only valid in the low-to-medium frequency range, the results obtained can benefit theoretical development of low-to-medium sound modulation applications, they are also valuable and illuminating for investigating the broadband sound modulation.
      通信作者: 江雯, wjiang@hust.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (批准号: 11572137) 资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Jiang Wen, wjiang@hust.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11572137).

    Allard J F, Atalla N 2009 Propagation of Sound in Porous Media (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons) pp111−134


    Deckers E, Jonckheere S, Vandepitte D, Desmet W 2015 Arch. Comput. Methods Eng. 22 183Google Scholar


    Bolton J S, Shiau N M, Kang Y J 1996 J. Sound Vib. 191 317Google Scholar


    Zhou J, Bhaskar A, Zhang X 2013 J. Sound Vib. 332 3724Google Scholar


    Liu Y 2015 J. Sound Vib. 339 376Google Scholar


    Qiao H, He Z, Jiang W, Peng W 2019 J. Sound Vib. 440 256Google Scholar


    Allard J F, Depollier C, Rebillard P, Lauriks W, Cops A 1989 J. Appl. Phys. 66 2278Google Scholar


    Deresiewicz H 1961 Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 51 51


    Zhou J, Bhaskar A, Zhang X 2013 Appl. Acoust. 74 1422Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Sebastian A 2015 J. Sound Vib. 344 399Google Scholar


    Talebitooti R, Daneshjou K, Kornokar M 2016 J. Sound Vib. 363 380Google Scholar


    Shojaeifard M H, Talebitooti R, Ranjbar B, Ahmadi R 2014 Appl. Math. Mech. 35 1447Google Scholar


    Schanz M 2009 Appl. Mech. Rev. 62 030803Google Scholar


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    Mead D M 1996 J. Sound Vib. 190 495Google Scholar


    曹永军, 周培勤, 董纯红 2006 55 6470Google Scholar

    Cao Y J, Zhou P Q, Dong C H 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 6470Google Scholar


    丁昌林, 董仪宝, 赵晓鹏 2018 67 194301Google Scholar

    Ding C L, Dong Y B, Zhao X P 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 194301Google Scholar


    温熙森 2006 光子/声子晶体理论与技术 (北京: 科学出版社) 第38−341页

    Wen X S 2006 Photonic/Phononic Theory and Technology (Beijing: Science Press) pp38−104 (in Chinese)


    姜久龙, 姚宏, 杜军, 赵静波, 邓涛 2017 66 064301Google Scholar

    Jiang J L, Yao H, Du J, Zhao J B, Deng T 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 064301Google Scholar


    林国昌, 孙宏伟, 谭惠丰, 杜星文 2011 60 034302Google Scholar

    Lin G C, Sun H W, Tan H F, Du X W 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 034302Google Scholar


    丁昌林, 赵晓鹏 2009 58 6351Google Scholar

    Ding C L, Zhao X P 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6351Google Scholar


    Yu D L, Shen H J, Liu J W, Yin J F, Zhang Z F, Wen J H 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 064301Google Scholar


    张丰辉, 唐宇帆, 辛锋先, 卢天健 2018 67 234302

    Zhang F H, Tang Y F, Xin F X, Lu T J 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 234302


    朱席席, 肖勇, 温激鸿, 郁殿龙 2016 65 176202Google Scholar

    Zhu X X, Xiao Y, Wen J H, Yu D L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 176202Google Scholar


    Chen X, Cai L, Wen J H 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 057803Google Scholar


    宋玉宝, 温激鸿, 郁殿龙, 沈惠杰 2018 机械工程学报 54 60

    Song Y B, Wen J H, Yu D L, Shen H J 2018 Chin. J. Mech. Eng. 54 60


    Kidner M R F, Fuller C R, Gardner B 2006 J. Sound Vib. 294 466Google Scholar


    Idrisi K, Johnson M E, Toso A, Carneal J P 2009 J. Sound Vib. 323 51Google Scholar


    Cui S, Harne R L 2017 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141 4715Google Scholar


    Harne R L, Song Y, Dai Q 2017 Extrem. Mech. Lett. 12 41Google Scholar


    Bishop J, Harne R L 2018 Appl. Acoust. 130 222Google Scholar


    温激鸿, 郁殿龙, 赵宏刚, 蔡力, 肖勇, 王刚, 尹剑飞 2015 人工周期结构中弹性波的传播: 振动与声学特性 (北京: 科学出版社) 第272−290页

    Wen J H, Yu D L, Zhao H G, Cai L, Xiao Y, Wang G, Yin J F 2016 Propagation of Elastic Waves in Artificial Periodic Structures: Vibrational and Acoustical Properties (Beijing: Science Press) pp272−290 (in Chinese)


    Xiao Y, Wen J, Wen X 2012 J. Sound Vib. 331 5408Google Scholar


    Li P, Yao S, Zhou X, Huang G, Hu G 2014 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135 1844Google Scholar


    Xiao Y, Wen J, Wen X 2012 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 195401Google Scholar


    Biot M A 1956 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 28 179Google Scholar


    Junger M C, Feit D 1986 Sound, Structures, and Their Interaction (Massachusetts: MIT Press) pp235−277


    程建春 2012 声学原理 (北京: 科学出版社) 第51页

    Cheng J C 2012 Theory of Sound (Beijing: Science Press) p51 (in Chinese)


    Den Hartog J P 1985 Mechanical Vibrations (New York: Dover Publications) pp79−121


    何琳, 朱海潮, 邱小军, 杜功焕 2006 声学理论与工程应用 (北京: 科学出版社) 第173−184页

    He L, Zhu H C, Qiu X J, Du G H 2006 Theory and Engineering Applications of Acoustics (Beijing: Science Press) pp173−184 (in Chinese)


    Peng H, Frank Pai P, Deng H 2015 Int. J. Mech. Sci. 103 104Google Scholar

  • 图 1  含多孔介质复合结构及其子结构示意图 (a) 含多孔介质复合结构; (b) 等效模型; (c) OU边界; (d) OB边界; (e) 板受力情况(OU边界); (f) 板受力情况(OB边界); (g) 弹簧振子受力

    Fig. 1.  Schematic of the poroelastic composite structure and its substructures: (a) The poroelastic composite structure; (b) the equivalent model; (c) the OU boundary connection; (d) the OB boundary connection; (e) the forces in OU boundary case; (f) the forces in OB boundary case; (g) the forces in a simple spring-mass resonator.

    图 2  组合振子系统示意图 (a) 串联弹簧振子系统A; (b) 复合弹簧振子系统B

    Fig. 2.  Schematic of the composite-resonator-structure: (a) Composite resonator type A, two resonators placed in serial connection; (b) composite resonator type B, two resonators placed in composite connection.

    图 3  周期振子排布方式示意图 (a) 简单振子周期分布, 按各个振子质量mi和特征频率fi分为多个振子情况 (N1SR, mifi均保持恒定) 和多种振子情况 (NNSR, mifi不相同); (b) 组合振子周期分布, 按振子部件质量min和特征频率fin分为多个振子情况 (N1CR, minfin均保持恒定) 和多种振子情况 (NNCR, minfin不相同); 图中虚线框内部分为单个振子单元, (b)中虚线框部分可替换为 图2中B类组合振子

    Fig. 3.  Schematic of the arrangement of periodic resonators: (a) An array of simple resonators, denoted as multiple resonators (N1SR, with constant mi and fi) or multiple kinds of resonators (NNSR, with different mi and fi); (b) an array of composite resonators, denoted as multiple resonators (N1CR, with constant min and fin) or multiple kinds of resonators (NNCR, with different min or fin). The area in the dash-line denotes the periodic lattice, in panel (b), the composite resonator can be type B in Fig. 2

    图 4  不同类型隔声结构验证算例 (a) 文献[35]随机入射情况; (b) 文献[35]斜入射情况; (c) 文献[3]含多孔介质复合结构; 其中, 各曲线为本文结果, 各标记为文献中结果

    Fig. 4.  Validation of the results here with previous results: (a) The diffuse case in Ref. [35]; (b) the oblique incident cases in Ref. [35]; (c) the composite poroelastic structure without resonator in Ref. [3]. The lines are results obtained here, while the marks are the results in the references.

    图 5  有无多孔材料对含不同特征频率振子系统复合结构STL的影响 (a) OU边界情况; (b) OB边界情况; 有无多孔介质分别与相应实线和虚线对应

    Fig. 5.  Influence of porous material on the STL of the multiple-single-type-resonator composite structure with different characteristic frequencies: (a) OU case; (b) OB case. The solid lines correspond to cases with porous materials.

    图 6  含相同简单振子系统复合结构(fr = 300 Hz)有无多孔介质及相应不含振子复合结构的STL (有多孔介质, Porous + Resonator; 无多孔介质, Resonator; 相应不含振子复合结构, Porous) (a) OU边界情况; (b) OB边界情况.

    Fig. 6.  The STL of multiple-single-type-resonator composite structure (fr = 300 Hz) with/without porous, and composite structure without resonators: (a) OU case; (b) OB case. Composite structure here with porous material: Porous + Resonator. Without porous material: Resonator. Composite structure without resonators: Porous.

    图 7  采用不同特征频率简单振子系统对复合结构STL的影响 (a) OU边界; (b) OB边界

    Fig. 7.  Influences of resonators with different characteristic frequencies on the STL: (a) OU case; (b) OB case.

    图 8  单一类型简单振子周期排布时 (a) OU, OB情况下STL及其位移传递率Ti; (b) 振子的等效质量meq和板等效动态密度ρeq

    Fig. 8.  (a) STL of OU and OB case in periodically-arranged single simple resonator case, and its displacement transmissibility Ti; (b) equivalent mass meq of a single resonator and the dynamic density ρeq of the equivalent plate.

    图 9  两类组合振子系统中质量块的位移传递率T1, T2和动态质量meq (a1) 组合振子系统A中各质量块的位移传递率T1, T2; (a2) 组合振子系统A的动态质量meq; (b1) 组合振子系统B中各质量块的位移传递率T1, T2; (b2) 组合振子系统B的动态质量meq

    Fig. 9.  Displacement transmissibility and dynamic mass of the mass components in the two composite resonators: (a1) Displacement transmissibility T1, T2 of composite resonator type A; (a2) dynamic mass meq of composite resonator type A; (b1) displacement transmissibility T1, T2 of composite resonator type B; (b2) dynamic mass meq of composite resonator type B.

    图 10  复合结构周期间隔内分布4个相同简单振子(Single resonator), 组合振子A或组合振子B时的STL和不含振子复合结构(Without resonator)的STL (a) OU边界情况; (b) OB边界情况

    Fig. 10.  STL of the proposed composite structure with 4 identical simple resonators (Single resonator), composite resonators of type A or B versus its STL without any resonators (Without resonator) in a periodic lattice: (a) OU boundary case; (b) OB boundary case.

    图 11  NNSR分布时OU, OB边界情况下的STL (a1), (a2) 情况A; (b1), (b2) 情况B, Δm/msum=0.04; 其中, (a1)和(b1)为OU边界情况, (a2)和(b2)为OB边界情况

    Fig. 11.  STL of the composite structure with NNSR configuration under two boundary cases: (a1), (a2) Case A; (b1), (b2) case B, Δm/msum=0.04. Here (a1) and (b1) correspond to OU case, (a2) and (b2) correspond to OB case.

    图 12  采用组合振子复合结构的STL (a1), (a2) 采用组合振子A; (b1), (b2) 采用组合振子B; 其中, (a1)和(b1)对应于OU边界情况, (a2)和(b2)对应于OB边界情况

    Fig. 12.  STL of the proposed composite structure under NNCR configuration: (a1), (a2) Composite resonator type A; (b1), (b2) composite resonator type B. Here (a1) and (b1) correspond to OU case, (a2) and (b2) correspond to OB case.

    图 13  不同振子系统分布时STL对比 (a), (a1) OU边界情况; (b), (b1) OB边界情况; Δm=0Δm>0对应简单振子情况NNSR; Type A和Type B对应组合振子情况NNCR

    Fig. 13.  STL of different resonator system configuration: (a), (a1) OU case; (b), (b1) OB case. Δm=0 and Δm>0 correspond to simple resonator case NNSR. Type A and Type B correspond to composite resonator case NNCR.

    表 1  振子系统分布情况简称及其对应含义

    Table 1.  Abbreviations of the distribution of resonator systems and their meanings.

    N1SR周期间隔内分布多个简单振子系统, 各振子系统mifi均相等
    NNSR周期间隔内分布多种简单振子系统, 各振子系统mifi不同
    N1CR周期间隔内分布多个组合振子系统, 各振子系统minfin均相等
    NNCR周期间隔内分布多种组合振子系统, 各振子系统minfin不同
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    表 2  薄板、空气域及振子参数

    Table 2.  Parameters of plate and resonators.

    薄板 空气域(20 ℃, 1 atm) 简单振子
    h/mmE/GPaνρp/kg·m–3 ρ/kg·m–3c0/m·s–1ha/mm fr/Hzγ
    1700.332700 1.204343.212 3000.2
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    表 3  多孔材料参数

    Table 3.  Parameters of the porous media used here

    ρs/kg·m–330 ϵ0.9
    ρf/kg·m–31.204 τ7.8
    Es/MPa0.8(1+0.265j) σ0/MKS rayls25000
    νs0.4 hp/mm50
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    表 4  振子系统参数

    Table 4.  Parameters of the composite resonators.

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    表 5  组合振子系统参数

    Table 5.  Parameters of the composite resonators.

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  • 收稿日期:  2019-01-28
  • 修回日期:  2019-04-03
  • 上网日期:  2019-06-01
  • 刊出日期:  2019-06-20

