从理论和实验两方面对非均匀关联径向偏振部分相干光的产生进行了研究. 理论上, 基于相位关联与相干度的联系, 推导出了非均匀关联径向偏振部分相干光的2 × 2阶交叉谱密度矩阵及相干度分布. 实验上, 利用一个相位型液晶空间光调制器的不同区域, 对入射的完全相干的径向偏振光的两个正交偏振分量分别加载随机相位调制, 并实验测量了这种光束的相干度分布及其对光强分布的影响. 实验结果验证了光束相干度的非均匀关联结构, 并且通过改变随机相位的高斯调制半宽可以改变光束的相干性分布. 研究表明, 随着随机相位的高斯调制半宽的增加, 光束中两点间的相干度逐渐减小, 其光强分布由圆环状逐渐变化为类平顶的光强分布. 这种非均匀关联的径向偏振部分相干光在激光微操纵和材料加工等领域具有一定的潜在应用价值.Since the unified theory of coherence and polarization for partially coherent vector beams was proposed by Gori and Wolf, the characterization, generation and propagation of partially coherent vector beams have been extensively studied. During the last decade, partially coherent vector beams with non-uniform polarization, also referred to as cylindrical vector partially coherent beams, have gained more and more attention. It was found that the intensity profile of focused azimuthally/radially polarized beam could be shaped by varying its initial spatial coherence. This characteristic may have potential applications in material thermal processing and particle trapping. Until now, there have been several reports concerning the generation of cylindrical vector partially coherent beams. However, in most of these reports a ground-glass diffuser was used, which generally restricts the generation of shell-model sources. In this paper, we theoretically and experimentally investigate the generation of radially polarized partially coherent beams with non-uniform correlation. According to the relation between phase correlation and optical coherence, we theoretically investigate the 2 × 2 cross-spectral density matrix and the coherence distribution of our generated non-uniformly correlated radially polarized partially coherent beams. In experiment, we generate dynamic random phase patterns with uniform distribution in time and inverse Gaussian distribution in space. A complete coherent radially polarized beam is divided into two parts by a polarizing beam splitter, i.e., the transmitted x-polarization component (HG10 beam) and the reflected y-polarization component (HG01 beam). The two orthogonally polarized components are respectively modulated with the two halves of a single phase-only liquid crystal spatial light modulator, thus generating a radially polarized partially coherent beam. We measure the correlation distribution of the generated beam in Young’s two-pinhole experiment. It is shown that the experimental observations are in agreement with our theoretical analyses. The generated partially coherent beam has an un-uniform correlation structure, and its coherence degree may be controlled by varying the Gaussian modulation half-width of the random phase. Our experimental results have also shown that the intensity profile of the radially polarized partially coherent beam can be modulated with the Gaussian modulation half-width. With the increase of Gaussian modulation half-widths and the gradual decrease of coherence degree, the intensity profile gradually transforms from a dark hollow beam profile into a flat-topped-like beam profile. The radially polarized partially coherent beams with non-uniform correlation may have some applications in optical manipulation and material thermal processing.
- non-uniformly correlated /
- radially polarized beam /
- cylindrical vector partially coherent beam /
- spatial coherence
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图 7 不同调制半宽度下的部分相干径向偏振光的光强分布图样 (a)
${\sigma }$ = ∞; (b)${\sigma }$ = 15; (c)${\sigma }$ = 10; (d)${\sigma }$ = 3Fig. 7. Intensity distributions of partially coherent radially polarized beams generated with different
${\sigma }$ : (a)${\sigma }$ = ∞; (b)${\sigma }$ = 15; (c)${\sigma }$ = 10; (d)${\sigma }$ = 3图 8 不同调制半宽度下径向偏振部分相干光经过0°偏振片后的光斑图样 (a)
${\sigma }$ = ∞; (b)${\sigma }$ = 15; (c)${\sigma }$ = 10; (d)${\sigma }$ = 3Fig. 8. Intensity profiles of partially coherent radially polarized beams with different
${\sigma }$ after passing through a linear polarizer with a transmission angle of 0°: (a)${\sigma }$ = ∞; (b)${\sigma }$ = 15; (c)${\sigma }$ = 10; (d)${\sigma }$ = 3图 9 不同调制半宽度下径向偏振部分相干光经过90°偏振片后的光斑图样 (a)
${\sigma }$ = ∞; (b)${\sigma }$ = 15; (c)${\sigma }$ = 10; (d)${\sigma }$ = 3Fig. 9. Intensity profiles of partially coherent radially polarized beams with different
${\sigma }$ after passing through a linear polarizer with a transmission angle of 90°: (a)${\sigma }$ = ∞; (b)${\sigma }$ = 15; (c)${\sigma }$ = 10; (d)${\sigma }$ = 3 -
[1] Mandel L, Wolf E 1995 Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp340―373
[2] Zhan Q W 2009 Adv. Opt. Photon. 1 1
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[3] Naidoo D, Roux F S, Dudley A, Litvin I, Piccirillo B, Marrucci L, Forbes A 2016 Nat. Photonics 10 327
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[4] Lin H C, Zhou X M, Chen Z Y, Sasaki O, Li Y, Pu J X 2018 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 35 1974
Google Scholar
[5] Wolf E 2007 Introduction to the Theory of Coherence and Polarization of Light (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp 174―179
[6] Zhan Q W 2014 Vectorial Optical Fields: Fundamentals and Applications (Hackensack New Jersey: World Scientific) pp 221―277
[7] Ostrovsky A S, Rodriguez-Zurita G, Meneses-Fabian C, Olvera-Santamaria M A, Rickenstorff-Parrao C 2010 Opt. Express 18 12864
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[8] Zhang Y T, Cui Y, Wang F, Cai Y J 2015 Opt. Express 23 11483
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[9] Guo M W, Zhao D M 2018 Opt. Express 26 8581
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[10] Cai Y J, Korotkova O, Eyyuboglu H T, Baykal Y 2008 Opt. Express 16 15834
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[11] Mei Z R, Korotkova O, Shchepakina E 2013 J. Opt. 15 025705
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[12] Liang C H, Wang F, Liu X L, Cai Y J, Korotkova O 2014 Opt. Lett. 39 769
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[13] Tong Z S, Korotkova O 2012 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 29 2154
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[14] Cai Y J, Chen Y H, Wang F 2014 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 31 2083
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[15] 张磊, 陈子阳, 崔省伟, 刘绩林, 蒲继雄 2015 64 034205
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Zhang L, Chen Z Y, Cui S W, Liu J L, Pu J X 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 034205
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[16] Gu Y L, Gbur G 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 1395
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[17] Dong Y M, Cai Y J, Zhao C L, Yao M 2011 Opt. Express 19 5979
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[19] Wang F, Liu X L, Liu L, Yuan Y S, Cai Y J 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 91102
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[24] Wu G F, Wang F, Cai Y J 2012 Opt. Express 20 28301
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[25] Cui S W, Chen Z Y, Zhang L, Pu J X 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 4821
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[26] Chen X D, Chang C C, Chen Z Y, Lin Z L, Pu J X 2016 Opt. Express 24 21587
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[27] 昌成成, 蒲继雄, 陈子阳, 陈旭东 2017 66 054212
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Chang C C, Pu J X, Chen Z Y, Chen X D 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 054212
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[28] Tervo J, Setala T, Friberg A T 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 151
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[29] Zhang B, Chu X L, Li Q 2002 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 19 1370
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[30] Ji X L, Zhang T R, Jia X H 2009 J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11 105705
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