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李明 姚宁 冯志波 韩红培 赵正印



李明, 姚宁, 冯志波, 韩红培, 赵正印

Effects of external electric field and Al content on g factor of wurtzite AlGaN/GaN quantum wells

Li Ming, Yao Ning, Feng Zhi-Bo, Han Hong-Pei, Zhao Zheng-Yin
  • 研究了外加电场和垒层的Al组分对AlGaN/GaN量子阱中的横向和纵向g因子(g┴和g//)及其各向异性(δg)的影响.纤锌矿体结构的贡献(g//bulk和g┴bulk)是构成Δ g┴=(g┴-g0)=g┴bulk+gw和Δ g//=(g//-g0)=g//bulk的主要部分,但g//bulk和g┴bulk的差值很小且几乎不随外加电场和Al组分改变.当外加电场的方向同极化电场的方向相同(相反)且增加时,g//bulk和g┴bulk的强度同时增加(减小).当外加电场从-1.5×108 V· m-1到1.5×108 V· m-1变化时,异质结界面对Δg┴的贡献(ΓInter)大于0且强度缓慢增加,阱层对Δ g┴的贡献(ΓW)小于0且强度也缓慢增加.然而ΓInter的强度比ΓW大,且后者的强度随着外加电场的改变增加较快,所以δg>0且强度随着外加电场的变化而减小.当垒层的Al组分增加时,如果不考虑应变效应(S1,2=0),g//bulk和g┴bulk的强度同时减小,然而考虑应变效应后(S1,2 ≠ 0),β>1(g┴bulk)和γ>1(g//bulk)的强度随着Al组分的增加而增加.随着垒层Al组分的增加,ΓInter和ΓW的强度都增加,但ΓInter的强度较大且增加得较快,所以δg的强度缓慢增加.Δ g┴的强度先随着Al组分的增加而减小,然后又随着Al组分的增加而增加,因为g┴bulk小于0且强度随着Al组分增加得很快.结果表明,AlGaN/GaN量子阱结构中的电子g因子及其各向异性可以被外加电场、垒层的Al组分、应变效应和量子限制效应共同调制.
    In this paper, we study the effects of external electric field and Al content on the transverse and longitudinal g-factor (g┴ and g//) and its anisotropy (δg) of wurtzite AlGaN/GaN quantum wells (QWs). The Δg┴=(g┴-g0)=g┴bulk + gw and Δg//=(g//-g0)=g//bulk are mainly contributed by the bulk structure (g//bulk and g┴bulk) respectively, but the difference between g//bulk and g┴bulk is small and almost remains unchanged when the external electric field and Al content are varied. So the anisotropy of the g factor in AlGaN/GaN QWs induced by the bulk wurtzite structure is small, while the anisotropy induced by the quantum confined effect (gw) is considerable. When the direction of the external electric field is the same as (opposite to) the polarization electric field, the magnitudes of g//bulk and g┴bulk both increase (decrease) with increasing external electric field. This is induced mainly by the variations of envelope function and confined energy with the electric field. With the external electric field changing from -1.5×108 V·m-1 to 1.5×108 V· m-1, the confined energy ε1 increases slowly, and the magnitude of the envelope function at the left heterointerface increases. So the contribution to Δg┴ from the heterointerface ΓInter is positive and increases slowly, and that from the well ΓW is negative and increases slowly in magnitude. The magnitude of ΓInter is larger than that of ΓW, but the magnitude of the latter increases more rapidly. All the above factors make the g-factor anisotropy δg>0 and decrease in magnitude with electric field increasing. With increasing Al content of the barrier, both β>1 (g┴bulk) and γ>1 (g//bulk) decrease if the strain effects are ignored (S1, 2=0), because the confined energy decreases and the peak of the envelope function shifts towards the left heterointerface. By considering the strain effects (S1, 2 ≠ 0), the magnitude of β>1 (g┴bulk) and γ>1 (g//bulk) increase with Al content increasing. The strain effect has a great influence on the confined potential V(z), leading to the rapid increase of β(z) when z > zp, which the situation for γ (z) is similar to. With increasing Al content, the magnitudes of ΓInter and ΓW both increase, but the magnitude of ΓInter is larger and increases more rapidly. Therefore δg increases slowly. The magnitude of Δ g┴ first decreases with increasing Al content, then it increases with Al content increasing, and since g┴bulk g-factor and its anisotropy in AlGaN/GaN QWs can be greatly modulated by the external electric field, the Al content in the barrier, the strain effects and the quantum confined effect. Results obtained here are of great importance for designing the spintronic devices.
      通信作者: 李明, mingli245@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61306012)、河南省高等学校青年骨干教师(批准号:2015GGJS-145)、许昌学院杰出青年骨干人才计划、河南省自然科学基金(批准号:162300410237)和河南省科技发展计划(批准号:172102210470)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Li Ming, mingli245@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61306012), the Aid Project for the Leading Young Teachers in Henan Provincial Institutions of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 2015GGJS-145), the Aid Project for the Leading Young Talents of XuChang University, China, the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province, China (Grant No. 162300410237), and the Development Project for Science & Technology of Henan Province of China (Grant No. 172102210470).

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    Hanson R, Witkamp B, Vandersypen L M K, Willems van Beveren L H, Elzerman J M, Kouwenhoven L P 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 196802


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    de Dios-Leyva M, Reyes-Gómez E, Perdomo-Leiva C A, Oliveira L E 2006 Phys. Rev. B 73 085316


    Toloza Sandoval M A, Ferreira da Silva A, de Andrada e Silva E A, La Rocca G C 2012 Phys. Rev. B 86 195302


    Toloza Sandoval1 M A, de Andrada e Silva1 E A, Ferreira da Silva A, La Rocca G C 2016 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 31 115008


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    Li M, Zhang R, Zhang Z, Yan W S, Liu B, Fu D Y, Zhao C Z, Xie Z L, Xiu X Q, Zheng Y D 2011 Superlattices Microstruct. 47 522


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    Bychkov Y A, Rashba E I 1984 J. Phys. C 17 6039


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    Pfeffer P, Zawadzki W 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 R5312


    Koga T, Nitta J, Akazaki T, Takayanagi H 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 046801


    Schmult S, Manfra M J, Punnoose A, Sergent A M, Baldwin K W, Molnar R J 2006 Phys. Rev. B 74 033302


    Li M, L Y H, Yang B H, Zhao Z Y, Sun G, Miao D D, Zhao C Z 2011 Solid State Commun. 151 1958


    Li M, Feng Z B, Fan L B, Zhao Y L, Han H P, Feng T H 2016 J. Magnet. Magnet. Mater. 403 81


    Zhao Z Y, Wang H L, Li M 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 097101 (in Chinese) [赵正印, 王红玲, 李明 2016 65 097101]


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    Miao M S, Yan Q, van de Walle C G, Lou W K, Li L L, Chang K 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 186803


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