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李鹏飞 曹毅 秦猛 王炜



李鹏飞, 曹毅, 秦猛, 王炜

Single molecule force spectroscopy study of calcium regulated mechanical unfolding of the A6 domain of adseverin

Li Peng-Fei, Cao Yi, Qin Meng, Wang Wei
  • 在生命活动中,金属离子扮演了非常重要的角色.微丝切割蛋白(adseverin)需要钙离子的活化才能行使其切割肌动蛋白微丝的功能.本文通过基于原子力显微镜的单分子力谱研究了微丝切割蛋白C端末的A6亚基在结合钙离子前后的力学解折叠机理.实验结果显示:在未结合钙离子时,A6的解折叠表现为两态过程;在结合钙离子后A6力学稳定性显著提高;同时,钙离子的结合使得A6解折叠过程中出现稳定的中间态.通过对中间态的链长的分析,我们推测了中间态对应着A6的N端部分解折叠.而这一部分的解折叠可以使得掩藏在该结构后的A5亚基中肌动蛋白微丝结合位点暴露,从而促使微丝切割蛋白执行功能.我们的实验结果为理解微丝切割蛋白的工作原理提供了新的实验证据.
    Adseverin is a member of calcium-regulated gelsolin superfamily existing in secretory cells,which functions as an actin severing and capping protein.Adseverin is comprised of six independently folded domains (A1-A6),sharing high sequence identity (60%) with that of gelsolin (G1-G6).Calcium binding can convert both adserverin and gelsolin from a globular structure into a necklace structure and expose the actin binding sites.However,compared with gelsolin, adseverin lacks a C-terminal extension.Our previous single molecule force spectroscopy studies indicated that the Cterminal helix is critical to the force regulated calcium activation of gelsolin.It remains largely unexplored how the calcium binding to adseverin is regulated by force. Here,using atomic force microscopy based single molecule force spectroscopy,we demonstrate that the mechanical unfolding of the sixth domain of adseverin (A6) can be significantly affected by calcium binding.In order to identify the unfolding events of A6 unambiguously,we construct a hetero-polyprotein (GB1-A6)4,in which A6 is spliced alternatively with well-characterized protein domain GB1.Therefore,in the force-extension traces,GB1 unfolding events can serve as a fingerprint to identify the unfolding signature of A6. In the absence of calcium,the unfolding traces for (GB1-A6)4 show two distinct categories of events.The higher force events with unfolding forces of ~180 pN and contour length increments of ~ 18 nm correspond to the unfolding of GB1.The other category of events with lower unfolding forces of ~ 25 pN and contour length increments of ~35 nm are attributed to the mechanical unfolding of A6.The unfolding force for A6 is similar to that for the structural homological protein,G6. However,in the presence of calcium ion,the unfolding force of A6 is dramatically increased to ~45 pN,indicating that the structure of A6 can be mechanically stabilized by calcium ion-binding.Moreover,we observe a clear mechanical unfolding intermediate state for the unfolding of calcium bound A6(holo A6).Upon stretching,holo A6 is first partially unfolded to an intermediate state with a contour length increment of ~7.2 nm.Then,the intermediate state is unfolded to release a contour length of ~27.8 nm.The total contour length change is the same as that for the calcium free A6 (apo A6).Because each amino acid in the unfolded structure corresponds to a contour length increment of 0.365 nm,according to the contour length change,we infer that in the unfolding intermediate state of A6,its N-terminal regions is partially unfolded.This leads to the exposure of the cryptic actin binding site on A5,which is otherwise buried in the folded structure of A6.The force regulated activation mechanism for A6 is similar to that for G6,except that they use different sequences from those in the force-sensitive region.In G6 the C-terminal helix serves as the force-responsive tail to regulate actin binding,while in A6 the N-terminal sequences are unstructured upon stretching to promote the actin binding for adseverin. Therefore,we infer that force may be an important regulator for the actin-binding of all members in the gelsolin family proteins,including adseverin and gelsolin.Our study represents an important step towards the understanding of the function of adseverin at a molecular level.
      通信作者: 秦猛, qinmeng@nju.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:21522402,11674153,11374148,11334004)和国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2013CB834100)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Qin Meng, qinmeng@nju.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 21522402, 11674153, 11374148, 11334004) and the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CB834100).

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    Lee J, Pena M M, Nose Y, Thiele D J 2002 J. Biol. Chem. 277 4380


    Nag S, Larsson M, Robinson R C, Burtnick L D 2013 Cytoskeleton 70 360


    Silacci P, Mazzolai L, Gauci C, Stergiopulos N, Yin H L, Hayoz D 2004 Cell Mol. Life Sci. 61 2614


    Chumnarnsilpa S, Lee W L, Nag S, Kannan B, Larsson M, Burtnick L D, Robinson R C 2009 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106 13719


    L C, Gao X, Li W, Xue B, Qin M, Burtnick L D, Zhou H, Cao Y, Robinson R C, Wang W 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 4623


    Qian H, Chen H, Yan J 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 188706 (in Chinese)[钱辉, 陈虎, 严洁 2016 65 188706]


    Zhang W K, Wang C, Zhang X 2003 Chin. Sci. Bull. 48 7 (in Chinese)[张文科, 王驰, 张希 2003 科学通报 48 7]


    Cui S X 2016 Acta Polymerica Sinica 2016(9) 1160


    Feng W, Wang Z, Zhang W 2017 Langmuir 33 1826


    Zhang X, Zhang W K, Li H B, Shen J C 2000 Prog. Nat. Sci:Nat. Key Lab. Newsletter 10 385 (in Chinese)[张希, 张文科, 李宏斌, 沈家骢 2000 自然科学进展:国家重点实验室通讯 10 385]


    Pang X C, Cheng B, Cui S X 2016 Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 34 578


    Yu X T, Yang Z B, Wang X Y, Tang M J, Wang Z Z, Wang H B 2016 Prog. Biochem. Biophys. 43 28 (in Chinese)[于小婷, 杨忠波, 王鑫艳, 汤明杰, 王占忠, 王化斌 2016 生物化学与生物物理进展 43 28]


    Xue Y, Li X, Li H, Zhang W 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 4348


    Cheng B, Cui S X 2015 Polymer Mechanochemistry 369 97


    Yuan G, Le S, Yao M, Qian H, Zhou X, Yan J, Chen H 2017 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 56 5490


    Gao X, Qin M, Yin P, Liang J, Wang J, Cao Y, Wang W 2012 Biophys. J. 102 2149


    Feng W, Wang Z, Zhang W 2017 Langmuir 33 1826


    Luo Z, Cheng B, Cui S 2015 Langmuir 31 6107


    Yang Z J, Yuan G H, Zhai W L, Yan J, Chen H 2016 Science China-Physics Mechanics Astronomy 59 680013


    Schoeler C, Malinowska K H, Bernardi R C, Milles L F, Jobst M A, Durner E, Ott W, Fried D B, Bayer E A, Schulten K, Gaub H E, Nash M A 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 5635


    Pfreundschuh M, Alsteens D, Wieneke R, Zhang C, Coughlin S R, Tampe R, Kobilka B K, Muller D J 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 8857


    Dudko O K, Hummer G, Szabo A 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 108101


    Dudko O K, Hummer G, Szabo A 2008 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105 15755


    Bell G I 1978 Science 200 618


    Rodriguez Del Castillo A, Lemaire S, Tchakarov L, Jeyapragasan M, Doucet J P, Vitale M L, Trifaro J M 1990 EMBO J. 9 43


    Maekawa S, Sakai H 1990 J. Biol. Chem. 265 10940


    Marcu M G, Zhang L, Elzagallaai A, Trifaro J M 1998 J. Biol. Chem. 273 3661


    Cao Y, Lam C, Wang M, Li H 2006 Angew Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 45 642


    Rief M, Gautel M, Oesterhelt F, Fernandez J M, Gaub H E 1997 Science 276 1109

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-05-08
  • 修回日期:  2017-06-30
  • 刊出日期:  2017-10-05

