依据电磁监测试验卫星的任务要求,自主研发了等离子体分析仪,首次实现电离层等离子体原位探测.作为等离子体分析仪的重要组成部分,阻滞势分析器主要用于探测电离层等离子体的密度、沿轨道方向漂移速度、温度以及成分等参数.阻滞势分析器传感器栅网材料选用铍铜,表面镀金处理,并通过仿真验证了多层栅网总透过率与理论计算的一致性.依据技术指标,详细设计了阻滞势分析器传感器的窗口半径、收集极半径、有效高度及扫描电压等参数.在电子学电路设计时通过前放电路三个可调量程的设计,保证了电路测量精度.在此基础上,借助意大利国家天体物理研究院行星际物理研究所的地面等离子体环境,完成了阻滞势分析器的等离子体环境测试.测试结果表明,该阻滞势分析器的性能指标满足设计要求,能够实现电磁监测试验卫星的任务需求.China seismoelectromagnetic satellite (CSES) is the first space-based platform of three-dimensional earthquake monitoring system in china. Plasma analyzing package (PAP) is one of scientific payloads aboard on CSES, which is the first application to the field of Chinese satellite. The main scientific objective of PAP is to measure ion density, ion temperature, ion composition and ion drift velocities (parallel and perpendicular to the direction of the satellite flight on orbit), and ion density fluctuation in the ionosphere. The PAP payload is composed of four parts, including retarding potential analyzer (RPA), ion drift meter, ion capture meter, and metal plate. The RPA is used to test ion density, ion temperature, ion composition and ion drift velocity (parallel to the direction of the satellite flight on orbit). The detailed design process of the sensor of RPA is described in this paper. The grid of RPA sensor is made of Beryllium copper, plated with gold to ensure uniform surface work function, and to prevent space atomic oxygen from eroding. The design value of the transmission rate of grid is 82.64%1.4%, with taking into account the Debye length on the orbit of satellite. And the total transmission rate of multilayer grid for RPA is verified by SIMON simulation experiment. To ensure the accuracy of RPA, the radii of sensor window and sensor collector are designed to be 20 mm and 50 mm respectively, and the height of sensor is 20 mm. The sweeping voltage ranges from -2 V to 20 V. And the step of sweeping voltage is adjustable between 0.056 and. 179 V. In this paper electronic design of RPA is also discussed. The electronic box is composed of preamplifier circuit, digital logical circuit, satellite interface circuit, etc. The sweeping voltage and the signal acquisition are controlled by field-programmable gate array. The design of three measurement ranges in digital logical circuit improves RPA measurement accuracy, which is better than 1.3% in the full range. In addition, the method of testing the plasma environment and the testing results are introduced. The plasma environment test of the RPA payload is carried out in INAF-IAPS. The performance of ion density measurement is validated by testing different ion densities in a vacuum tank, through changing three different distances between RPA and the plasma source. And the ion drift velocity measurement is verified by testing three different ion energies of the plasma source. Furthermore, the RPA test data are consistent with the test data from the INAF-IAPS reference RPA. The experimental results show that the detector has good performances and will contribute much to monitoring the space plasma parameters.
- plasma analyzing package /
- retarding potential analyzer /
- seismo-electromagnetic satellite /
- ion density /
- ionospheric disturbances
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[2] Yao L 2011 Postdoctoral Research Report (Beijing:Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration) (in Chinese)[姚丽2011博士后研究工作报告(北京:中国地震局地球物理研究所)]
[3] Liu J, Huang J P, Zhang X M, Shen X H 2013 Acta Seismol. Sin. 35 72(in Chinese)[刘静, 黄建平, 张学民, 申旭辉2013地震学报35 72]
[4] Yan R, Wang L W, Hu Z, Liu D P, Zhang X G, Zhang Y 2013 Acta Seismol. Sin. 35 498(in Chinese)[颜蕊, 王兰炜, 胡哲, 刘大鹏, 张兴国, 张宇2013地震学报35 498]
[5] Nilupar T, Zhang Y X 2012 Earthquake 32 103(in Chinese)[尼鲁帕尔买买吐孙, 张永仙2012地震32 103]
[6] SarKar S, Choudhary S, Sonakia A, Vishwakarma A, Gwal A K 2012 Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 12 671
[7] Wang L W, Shen X H, Zhang Y, Zhang X G, Hu Z, Yan R, Yuan S G, Zhu X H 2016 Acta Seismol. Sin. 38 376(in Chinese)[王兰炜, 申旭辉, 张宇, 张兴国, 胡哲, 颜蕊, 袁仕耿, 朱兴鸿2016地震学报38 376]
[8] Yan R 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin:Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration) (in Chinese)[颜蕊2010博士学位论文(哈尔滨:中国地震局工程力学研究所)]
[9] Ding J H, Shen X H, Pan W Y, Zhang J, Yu S R, Li G, Guan H P 2006 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 21 791(in Chinese)[丁鉴海, 申旭辉, 潘威炎, 张晶, 余素荣, 李纲, 关华平2006电波科学学报21 791]
[10] Jiao Q S, Yan R, Zhang J F 2011 Earthquake 31 68(in Chinese)[焦其松, 颜蕊, 张景发2011地震31 68]
[11] Yang F, Shen X H, Wu Y, Zhuo L 2008 Spacecraft Eng. 1768(in Chinese)[杨芳, 申旭辉, 吴云, 卓林2008航天器工程17 68]
[12] Shen X H, Wu Y, Shan X J 2007 Rec. Dev. World Seismo. 8 38 (in Chinese)[申旭辉, 吴云, 单新建2007国际地震动态8 38]
[13] Shen X H, Zhang X M 2009 The 2nd Space Weather Symposium (in Chinese)[申旭辉, 张学民2009第二届全球华人空间/太空天气科学大会]
[14] Berthelier J J, Godefroy M, Leblanc F, Seran E, Peschard D, Gilbert P, Artru J 2006 Planet Space Sci. 54 487
[15] Park J, Min K W, Kim V P 2008 Adv. Space Res. 41 650
[16] Jiao W X 2002 Space Exploration (Beijing:Peking University Press) p217(in Chinese)[焦维新2002空间探测(北京:北京大学出版社)第217页
[17] Rich F J 1994 Users Guide for the Topside Ionospheric Plasma Monitor (SSIES, SSIES-2 and SSIES-3) on Spacecraft of the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (Massachusetts:Air Force Phillips Laboratory, Hanscom AFB)
[18] Heelis R A, Hanson W B 1998 Measur. Tech. Space Plasmas:Geophys. Monogr. Ser. 102 61
[19] Marrese C M, Majumdar N, Haas J M 1997 Proceedings of the 25th International Electric Propulsion Conference Cleveland, OH, August 24-28, 1997, p24
[20] Dahl D A 2000 SIMION 3D version 70 user's manual, INEEL-95/0403 (Idaho:Idaho national engineering and environment laboratory)
[21] Feng Y B 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing:University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)[冯宇波2011博士学位论文(北京:中国科学院大学)]
[1] Zhao G Z, Chen X B, Cai J T 2007 Prog. Geophys. 22 667 (in Chinese)[赵国泽, 陈小斌, 蔡军涛2007地球物理学进展22 667]
[2] Yao L 2011 Postdoctoral Research Report (Beijing:Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration) (in Chinese)[姚丽2011博士后研究工作报告(北京:中国地震局地球物理研究所)]
[3] Liu J, Huang J P, Zhang X M, Shen X H 2013 Acta Seismol. Sin. 35 72(in Chinese)[刘静, 黄建平, 张学民, 申旭辉2013地震学报35 72]
[4] Yan R, Wang L W, Hu Z, Liu D P, Zhang X G, Zhang Y 2013 Acta Seismol. Sin. 35 498(in Chinese)[颜蕊, 王兰炜, 胡哲, 刘大鹏, 张兴国, 张宇2013地震学报35 498]
[5] Nilupar T, Zhang Y X 2012 Earthquake 32 103(in Chinese)[尼鲁帕尔买买吐孙, 张永仙2012地震32 103]
[6] SarKar S, Choudhary S, Sonakia A, Vishwakarma A, Gwal A K 2012 Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 12 671
[7] Wang L W, Shen X H, Zhang Y, Zhang X G, Hu Z, Yan R, Yuan S G, Zhu X H 2016 Acta Seismol. Sin. 38 376(in Chinese)[王兰炜, 申旭辉, 张宇, 张兴国, 胡哲, 颜蕊, 袁仕耿, 朱兴鸿2016地震学报38 376]
[8] Yan R 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin:Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration) (in Chinese)[颜蕊2010博士学位论文(哈尔滨:中国地震局工程力学研究所)]
[9] Ding J H, Shen X H, Pan W Y, Zhang J, Yu S R, Li G, Guan H P 2006 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 21 791(in Chinese)[丁鉴海, 申旭辉, 潘威炎, 张晶, 余素荣, 李纲, 关华平2006电波科学学报21 791]
[10] Jiao Q S, Yan R, Zhang J F 2011 Earthquake 31 68(in Chinese)[焦其松, 颜蕊, 张景发2011地震31 68]
[11] Yang F, Shen X H, Wu Y, Zhuo L 2008 Spacecraft Eng. 1768(in Chinese)[杨芳, 申旭辉, 吴云, 卓林2008航天器工程17 68]
[12] Shen X H, Wu Y, Shan X J 2007 Rec. Dev. World Seismo. 8 38 (in Chinese)[申旭辉, 吴云, 单新建2007国际地震动态8 38]
[13] Shen X H, Zhang X M 2009 The 2nd Space Weather Symposium (in Chinese)[申旭辉, 张学民2009第二届全球华人空间/太空天气科学大会]
[14] Berthelier J J, Godefroy M, Leblanc F, Seran E, Peschard D, Gilbert P, Artru J 2006 Planet Space Sci. 54 487
[15] Park J, Min K W, Kim V P 2008 Adv. Space Res. 41 650
[16] Jiao W X 2002 Space Exploration (Beijing:Peking University Press) p217(in Chinese)[焦维新2002空间探测(北京:北京大学出版社)第217页
[17] Rich F J 1994 Users Guide for the Topside Ionospheric Plasma Monitor (SSIES, SSIES-2 and SSIES-3) on Spacecraft of the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (Massachusetts:Air Force Phillips Laboratory, Hanscom AFB)
[18] Heelis R A, Hanson W B 1998 Measur. Tech. Space Plasmas:Geophys. Monogr. Ser. 102 61
[19] Marrese C M, Majumdar N, Haas J M 1997 Proceedings of the 25th International Electric Propulsion Conference Cleveland, OH, August 24-28, 1997, p24
[20] Dahl D A 2000 SIMION 3D version 70 user's manual, INEEL-95/0403 (Idaho:Idaho national engineering and environment laboratory)
[21] Feng Y B 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing:University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)[冯宇波2011博士学位论文(北京:中国科学院大学)]
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