将弱电离尘埃等离子体复介电常数表示以j 为自变量的分式多项式形式, 利用移位算子时域有限差分(SO-FDTD)方法, 给出了弱电离尘埃等离子体频域本构关系的时域形式. 推导了弱电离尘埃等离子体电磁特性的时域递推关系式. 用SO-FDTD方法计算了弱电离尘埃等离子体层的反射和透射系数, 分析了尘埃粒子浓度和尘埃粒子半径的变化对反射系数和透射系数的影响. 结果表明: 有尘埃粒子时的反射系数比没有尘埃粒子时反射系数小, 而透射系数要比没有尘埃粒子时的透射系数大; 当尘埃粒子浓度或尘埃粒子半径增大时, 其反射系数均减小.The complex permittivity of weakly ionized dusty plasma is presented as a fractional polynomial in j. A frequency-domain constitutive relation of weakly ionized dusty plasma is given by shift operator finite-difference time-domain (SO-FDTD) method in time domain. Also the recurrence relation on the electromagnetic properties of weakly ionized dusty plasma is deduced by the SO-FDTD. The reflection and transmission coefficients of the weakly ionized dusty plasma layer are calculated, and the influences which is caused by the change of the dust particle concentration and radius on reflection and transmission coefficients are also analyzed by the SO-FDTD method. The result shows that the reflection coefficient in the presence of dust particles is smaller than in the absence of dust particles, while the transmission coefficient in the former case is larger than in the latter case. Besides, it is found that the reflection coefficient decreases as the concentration or radius of dust particle increases.
- weakly ionized dusty plasma /
- SO-FDTD method /
- reflection coefficient /
- transmission coefficient
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[20] Ge D B, Wei B 2011 Electromagnetic Waves Theory Beijing (Science Press) p62 (in Chinese) [葛德彪, 魏兵 2011 电磁波理论 (北京: 科学出版社) 第62页]
[1] Havnes O 1984 Adv. Space Res. 4 75
[2] Goertz C K, Morfill G E, Ip W, Grun E, Hanes O 1986 Letters To Nature 320 141
[3] Angelis U D, Bingham R, Tsytovich V N 1989 J. Plasma Physics 42 445
[4] Ma J X, Liu J Y 1997 Phys. Plamas 4 253
[5] Kotsarenko N Y, Koshevaya S V, Kotsarenko A N 1998 Geofisica Internacional 37 71
[6] Shukla P K, Stenflo L, Mamun A A, Resendes D P, Sorasio G 2002 Journal of Geophysical Research 107 8-1
[7] Ryu C M, Cheng Rim Choi 2005 Proceedings of ISSS 7 26
[8] Shi Y X, Wu J, Ge D B 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5495 (in Chinese) [石雁祥, 吴健, 葛德彪 2009 58 5495]
[9] Shi Y X, Ge D B, Wu J 2007 Chinese J. Geophys. 50 1005 (in Chinese) [石雁祥, 葛德彪, 吴健 2007 地球 50 1005]
[10] Ge D B, Yan Y B 2005 Finite Difference Time Domain Method For Electromagnetic Waves (Xi'an: Xidian University) pp290-293 (in Chinese) [葛德彪, 闫玉波 2005 电磁波时域有限差分方法(第二版) (西安:西安电子科技大学出版社) 第290-293页]
[11] Takayama Y, Klaus W 2002 IEEE Microwave Wireles Components Lett. 12 102
[12] Kelley D F, Luebbers R J 1996 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat 44 792
[13] Sullivan D M 1992 IEEETrans. Antennas Propagat 40 1223
[14] Ge D B, Wu Y l, Zhu X Q 2003 J. of Radio Sci. 18 359 (in Chinese) [葛德彪, 吴跃丽, 朱湘琴 2003 电波科学学报 18 359]
[15] Yang L X, Ge D B, Wei B, Zheng K S, Ge N 2006 Acta Electronica Sinica 34 1703 (in Chinese) [杨利霞, 葛德彪, 魏兵, 郑奎松, 葛宁 2006 电子学报 34 1703]
[16] Wei B, Ge D B, Wang F 2008 A General microwave 57 6290 (in Chinese) [魏兵, 葛德彪, 王飞 2008 微波学报 57 6290]
[17] Wang F, Ge D B, Wei B 2008 J. of Radio Sci. 23 704 (in Chinese) [王飞, 葛德彪, 魏兵 2008 电波科学学报 23 704]
[18] Wang F, Ge D B, Wei B 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6356 (in Chinese) [王飞, 葛德彪, 魏兵 2009 58 6356]
[19] Ma L X, Zhang H, Zhang C X 2010 Henan Normal University (Natural Science) 38 75 (in Chinese) [麻来宣, 张厚, 张晨新 2010 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版) 38 75]
[20] Ge D B, Wei B 2011 Electromagnetic Waves Theory Beijing (Science Press) p62 (in Chinese) [葛德彪, 魏兵 2011 电磁波理论 (北京: 科学出版社) 第62页]
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