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李翔 刘锋 帅建伟



李翔, 刘锋, 帅建伟

Dynamical studies of cellular signaling networks in cancers

Li Xiang, Liu Feng, Shuai Jian-Wei
  • 癌症不仅是一种基因突变疾病,更是一种涉及诸如增殖、分化、凋亡和侵袭等多条细胞命运抉择的信号转导通路疾病. 癌细胞内的信号通路虽然非常复杂但我们可以专注于关键蛋白的信号网络建模,定量研究癌细胞核心信号通路的动力学和功能调控机理. 本文结合一些具体网络模型,介绍癌细胞信号网络动力学的研究进展. 首先介绍信号网络的基序动力学研究,然后讨论细胞存活、增殖、侵袭、凋亡等单个功能模块的网络建模,以及几个模块耦合的信号网络,和以癌细胞为整体的癌细胞信号网络建模. 这些研究表明,基于核心信号通路动力学的研究确实能促进对肿瘤发生发展机理的了解,为肿瘤的治疗和药物靶点的设计提供线索和思路,这些令人振奋的研究将激发未来更多类似的工作.
    Cancer, as a conundrum, is currently the biggest killer of human health. The major viewpoint of carcinogenesis is owing to somatic gene mutations. Based on such a viewpoint and the development of gene sequencing technology, extensive genomic alterations in cancer genomes have been identified. How to develop a better understanding of the link between gene mutations and carcinogenesis as well as efficient clinical cancer therapy is therefore a major challenge. Weinberg and Hanahan have suggested 10 hallmarks of cancer. The hallmarks are highly regulated by the corresponding signaling pathways. Thus, cancer itself is also a disease of dysfunction of signal transduction pathways related to multiple fundamental cell processes, including proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, invasion and so on. Despite the signaling pathways are extremely complex in cancer cells, one can still focus on the signaling networks that govern the corresponding cell processes for modeling to discuss its dynamics and regulation functions quantitatively. Systems biology provides appropriate approach to integrate the experimental data (clinical data) and signaling pathway for a comprehensive analysis, resulting in a further prediction for optimal therapy and drug discovery. In this paper, we review the recent progress of dynamical modeling of signaling networks by using systems biology approaches that help to exploring the mechanisms of carcinogenesis. We first discuss the motif dynamics of the signaling networks. The presented generic circuit model can be decomposed into two loops and the circuit can achieve tristability through four kinds of bifurcation scenarios when parameter values are varied in a wide range. Then, we show the relative well-studied core signaling networks that regulate the cell survival, apoptosis, proliferation, invasion and energy metabolism processes. For each fundamental cell process, we individually review the dynamics of corresponding signaling network based on the systems biology approaches, including the NF-B signaling pathway that regulates the cell survival process, the Ras signaling pathway that governs the cell proliferation process, the EMT and mitochondrial signaling pathway that modulate the cell invasion and apoptosis processes. Furthermore, two coupled signaling networks, i.e., the p53 and TNF- signaling networks are discussed. Lastly, we review the breast cancer and gastric cancer signaling networks which contain several fundamental cell processes. The potential contribution for cancer treatment is also suggested. These dynamical modeling based on the core signaling networks can facilitate the understanding of the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and provide us the possible clues and ideas of the cancer treatment and drug design. We believe more exciting research works in this field will be stimulated in the near future.
      通信作者: 帅建伟, jianweishuai@xmu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2013CB834104)、国家自然科学基金(批准号:31370830,11175084,31361163003)和福建省高校领军人才资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Shuai Jian-Wei, jianweishuai@xmu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by 973 program (No. 2013CB834104), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 31370830, 11175084, 31361163003) and the Fujian Province Funds for Leading Scientist in Universities.

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    Kreeger P K, Lauffenburger D A 2010 Carcinogenesis 31 2


    Khalil I G, Hill C 2005 Curr. Opin. Oncol. 17 44


    Aldridge B B, Burke J M, Lauffenburger D A, Sorger P K 2006 Nat. Cell. Biol. 8 1195


    Zhang X P, Cheng Z, Liu F, Wang W 2007 Phys. Rev. E 76 031924.


    Tian X J, Zhang X P, Liu F, Wang W 2009 Phys. Rev. E 80 011926


    Lu M, Jolly M K, Levine H, Onuchic J N, Ben-Jacob E 2013 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 110 18144


    Huang B, Xia Y, Liu F, Wang W 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 28096


    Karin M, Lin A 2002 Nat. Immunol. 3 221


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    Bos J L, Rehmann H, Wittinghofer A 2007 Cell 129 865


    Stites E C, Trampont P C, Ma Z, Ravichandran K S 2007 Science 318 463


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    Nakaya Y, Sheng G 2008 Dev. Growth Differ. 50 755


    Morel A P, Livre M, Thomas C, Hinkal G, Ansieau S, Puisieux A 2008 PLoS One 3 e2888


    Yang A D, Camp E R, Fan F, Shen L, Gray M J, Liu W, Somcio R, Bauer T W, Wu Y, Hicklin D J, Ellis L M 2006 Cancer Res. 66 46


    De Craene B, Berx G 2013 Nat. Rev. Cancer 13 97


    Steinway S N, Zaudo J G, Ding W, Rountree C B, Feith D J, Loughran T P Jr, Albert R 2014 Cancer Res. 74 5963


    Tait S W, Green D R 2010 Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 11 621


    Zhao L, Sun T, Pei J, Ouyang Q 2015 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 112 E4046


    Zhang X P, Liu F, Cheng Z, Wang W 2009 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106 12245


    Zhang X P, Liu F, Wang W 2011 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108 8990


    Beg A A, Sha W C, Bronson R T, Ghosh S, Baltimore D 1995 Nature 376 167


    Neumann L, Pforr C, Beaudouin J, Pappa A, Fricker N, Krammer P H, Lavrik I N, Eils R 2010 Mol. Syst. Biol. 6 352


    Takahashi R, Deveraux Q, Tamm I, Welsh K, Assa-Munt N, Salvesen G S, Reed J C 1998 J. Biol. Chem. 273 7787


    Khoshnan A, Tindell C, Laux I, Bae D, Bennett B, Nel A E 2000 J. Immunol. 165 1743


    Li X, Chen Y, Qi H, Liu L, Shuai J 2016 Oncotarget 7 34599


    Futreal P A, Coin L, Marshall M, Down T, Hubbard T, Wooster R, Rahman N, Stratton M R 2004 Nat. Rev. Cancer 4 177


    Kitano H 2004 Nat. Rev. Cancer. 4 227


    Pujana M A, Han J D, Starita L M, Stevens K N, Tewari M, Ahn J S, Rennert G, Moreno V, Kirchhoff T, Gold B, Assmann V, Elshamy W M, Rual J F, Levine D, Rozek L S, Gelman R S, Gunsalus K C, Greenberg R A, Sobhian B, Bertin N, Venkatesan K, Ayivi-Guedehoussou N, Sol X, Hernndez P, Lzaro C, Nathanson K L, Weber B L, Cusick M E, Hill D E, Offit K, Livingston D M, Gruber S B, Parvin J D, Vidal M 2007 Nat. Genet. 39 1338


    Lei X, Tian W, Zhu H, Chen T, Ao P 2015 Scientific Reports 5 13597


    Barros R, Freund J N, David L, Almeida R 2012 Trends Mol. Med. 18 555


    Tsukamoto T, Inada K, Tanaka H, Mizoshita T, Mihara M, Ushijima T, Yamamura Y, Nakamura S, Tatematsu M 2004 J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 130 135


    Li S, Zhu X, Liu B, Wang G, Ao P 2015 Oncotarget 6 13607


    Anderson A R, Quaranta V 2008 Nat. Rev. Cancer 8 227


    Tomasetti C, Vogelstein B 2015 Science 347 78


    Stratton M R, Campbell P J, Futreal P A 2009 Nature 458 719


    Fischer K R, Durrans A, Lee S, Sheng J, Li F, Wong S T, Choi H, El Rayes T, Ryu S, Troeger J, Schwabe R F, Vahdat L T, Altorki N K, Mittal V, Gao D 2015 Nature 527 472


    Li W, Kang Y 2016 Trends Cancer 2 65


    Wei S C, Yang J 2016 Trends Cell Biol. 26 111


    Bild A H, Potti A, Nevins J R 2006 Nat. Rev. Cancer 6 735


    Wang Z, Deisboeck T S 2014 Drug Discov. Today 19 145

  • [1]

    Torre L, Bray F, Siegle R L, Ferlay J, Lortet-Tieulent J, Jemal A 2012 CA Cancer J. Clin. 65 87


    Chen W, Zheng R, Baade P D, Zhang S, Zeng H, Bray F, Jemal A, Yu X Q, He J 2015 CA Cancer J. Clin. 66 115


    Hanahan D and Weinberg R A 2011 Cell 144 646


    Hanahan D and Weinberg R A 2000 Cell 100 57


    Futreal P A, Kasprzyk A, Birney E, Mullikin J C, Wooster R, Stratton M R 2001 Nature 409 850


    Parsons D W, Jones S, Zhang X Lin J C, Leary R J, Angenendt P, Mankoo P, Carter H, Siu I M, Gallia G L, Olivi A, McLendon R, Rasheed B A, Keir S, Nikolskaya T, Nikolsky Y, Busam D A, Tekleab H, Diaz L A Jr, Hartigan J, Smith D R, Strausberg R L, Marie S K, Shinjo S M, Yan H, Riggins G J, Bigner D D, Karchin R, Papadopoulos N, Parmigiani G, Vogelstein B, Velculescu V E, Kinzler K W 2008 Science 321 1807


    Jones S, Zhang X, Parsons D W, Lin J C, Leary R J, Angenendt P, Mankoo P, Carter H, Kamiyama H, Jimeno A, Hong S M, Fu B, Lin M T, Calhoun E S, Kamiyama M, Walter K, Nikolskaya T, Nikolsky Y, Hartigan J, Smith D R, Hidalgo M, Leach S D, Klein A P, Jaffee E M, Goggins M, Maitra A, Iacobuzio-Donahue C, Eshleman J R, Kern S E, Hruban R H, Karchin R, Papadopoulos N, Parmigiani G, Vogelstein B, Velculescu V E, Kinzler K W 2008 Science 321 1801


    Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network 2008 Nature 455 1061


    Citri A, Yarden Y 2006 Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 7 505


    Hood L 2003 Mech. Ageing Dev. 124 9


    Kitano H 2002 Science 295 1662


    Iyengar R 2009 Sci. Signal 2 eg3


    Friedman N, Linial M, Nachman I, Pe'er D 2000 J. Comput. Biol. 7 601


    Kauffman S 1969 Nature 224 177


    Schoeberl B, Eichler-Jonsson C, Gilles E D, Mller G 2002 Nat. Biotechnol. 20 370


    Markevich N I, Tsyganov M A, Hoek J B, Kholodenko B N 2006 Mol. Syst. Biol. 2 61


    Gillespie D T 2007 Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 58 35


    Kirkpatrick S, Vecchi M P 1983 Science 220 671


    Holland J H 1975 Adaptation in natural and artificial systems: an introductory analysis with applications to biology, control, and artificial intelligence (Ann Arbor: Control Artificial Intelligence University of Michigan Press)


    Jerne N K 1974 Ann. Immunol. (Paris) 125C 373


    Kreeger P K, Lauffenburger D A 2010 Carcinogenesis 31 2


    Khalil I G, Hill C 2005 Curr. Opin. Oncol. 17 44


    Aldridge B B, Burke J M, Lauffenburger D A, Sorger P K 2006 Nat. Cell. Biol. 8 1195


    Zhang X P, Cheng Z, Liu F, Wang W 2007 Phys. Rev. E 76 031924.


    Tian X J, Zhang X P, Liu F, Wang W 2009 Phys. Rev. E 80 011926


    Lu M, Jolly M K, Levine H, Onuchic J N, Ben-Jacob E 2013 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 110 18144


    Huang B, Xia Y, Liu F, Wang W 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 28096


    Karin M, Lin A 2002 Nat. Immunol. 3 221


    Perkins N D 2012 Nat. Rev. Cancer 12 121


    Nakanishi C, Toi M 2005 Nat. Rev. Cancer 5 297


    Karin M, Ben-Neriah Y 2000 Annu. Rev.Immunol. 18 621


    Hoffmann A, Levchenko A, Scott M L, Baltimore D 2002 Science 298 1241


    Parada L F, Tabin C J, Shih C, Weinberg R A 1982 Nature 297 474


    Bos J L 1989 Cancer Res. 49 4682


    Bos J L, Rehmann H, Wittinghofer A 2007 Cell 129 865


    Stites E C, Trampont P C, Ma Z, Ravichandran K S 2007 Science 318 463


    Thiery J P 2002 Nat. Rev. Cancer 2 442


    Nakaya Y, Sheng G 2008 Dev. Growth Differ. 50 755


    Morel A P, Livre M, Thomas C, Hinkal G, Ansieau S, Puisieux A 2008 PLoS One 3 e2888


    Yang A D, Camp E R, Fan F, Shen L, Gray M J, Liu W, Somcio R, Bauer T W, Wu Y, Hicklin D J, Ellis L M 2006 Cancer Res. 66 46


    De Craene B, Berx G 2013 Nat. Rev. Cancer 13 97


    Steinway S N, Zaudo J G, Ding W, Rountree C B, Feith D J, Loughran T P Jr, Albert R 2014 Cancer Res. 74 5963


    Tait S W, Green D R 2010 Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 11 621


    Zhao L, Sun T, Pei J, Ouyang Q 2015 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 112 E4046


    Zhang X P, Liu F, Cheng Z, Wang W 2009 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106 12245


    Zhang X P, Liu F, Wang W 2011 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108 8990


    Beg A A, Sha W C, Bronson R T, Ghosh S, Baltimore D 1995 Nature 376 167


    Neumann L, Pforr C, Beaudouin J, Pappa A, Fricker N, Krammer P H, Lavrik I N, Eils R 2010 Mol. Syst. Biol. 6 352


    Takahashi R, Deveraux Q, Tamm I, Welsh K, Assa-Munt N, Salvesen G S, Reed J C 1998 J. Biol. Chem. 273 7787


    Khoshnan A, Tindell C, Laux I, Bae D, Bennett B, Nel A E 2000 J. Immunol. 165 1743


    Li X, Chen Y, Qi H, Liu L, Shuai J 2016 Oncotarget 7 34599


    Futreal P A, Coin L, Marshall M, Down T, Hubbard T, Wooster R, Rahman N, Stratton M R 2004 Nat. Rev. Cancer 4 177


    Kitano H 2004 Nat. Rev. Cancer. 4 227


    Pujana M A, Han J D, Starita L M, Stevens K N, Tewari M, Ahn J S, Rennert G, Moreno V, Kirchhoff T, Gold B, Assmann V, Elshamy W M, Rual J F, Levine D, Rozek L S, Gelman R S, Gunsalus K C, Greenberg R A, Sobhian B, Bertin N, Venkatesan K, Ayivi-Guedehoussou N, Sol X, Hernndez P, Lzaro C, Nathanson K L, Weber B L, Cusick M E, Hill D E, Offit K, Livingston D M, Gruber S B, Parvin J D, Vidal M 2007 Nat. Genet. 39 1338


    Lei X, Tian W, Zhu H, Chen T, Ao P 2015 Scientific Reports 5 13597


    Barros R, Freund J N, David L, Almeida R 2012 Trends Mol. Med. 18 555


    Tsukamoto T, Inada K, Tanaka H, Mizoshita T, Mihara M, Ushijima T, Yamamura Y, Nakamura S, Tatematsu M 2004 J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 130 135


    Li S, Zhu X, Liu B, Wang G, Ao P 2015 Oncotarget 6 13607


    Anderson A R, Quaranta V 2008 Nat. Rev. Cancer 8 227


    Tomasetti C, Vogelstein B 2015 Science 347 78


    Stratton M R, Campbell P J, Futreal P A 2009 Nature 458 719


    Fischer K R, Durrans A, Lee S, Sheng J, Li F, Wong S T, Choi H, El Rayes T, Ryu S, Troeger J, Schwabe R F, Vahdat L T, Altorki N K, Mittal V, Gao D 2015 Nature 527 472


    Li W, Kang Y 2016 Trends Cancer 2 65


    Wei S C, Yang J 2016 Trends Cell Biol. 26 111


    Bild A H, Potti A, Nevins J R 2006 Nat. Rev. Cancer 6 735


    Wang Z, Deisboeck T S 2014 Drug Discov. Today 19 145

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-06-06
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