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季曾超 陈仕修 高深 陈俊 田微



季曾超, 陈仕修, 高深, 陈俊, 田微

Analysis on mechanism of radiating microwave from vacuum diode

Ji Zeng-Chao, Chen Shi-Xiu, Gao Shen, Chen Jun, Tian Wei
  • 在研究真空开关的过程中, 发现真空二极管能辐射出宽带微波. 这种器件只由带触发装置的阴极和平板阳极组成, 不存在金属波纹慢波结构, 所以真空二极管的辐射机理与等离子体填充微波器件不同, 不能直接套用等离子体填充微波器件的相关理论. 本文描述了真空二极管产生辐射的物理过程, 建立了真空二极管辐射的数学模型, 通过求解波动方程得到产生辐射的色散关系, 并绘制出了色散曲线. 将理论分析得到的色散曲线与已经测得的微波辐射进行比较, 两者能很好地符合. 理论分析和实验结果表明, 电子束和磁化等离子体的相互作用是真空二极管产生微波辐射的原因.
    In order to study the breakdown process of vacuum switch, we use a vacuum diode, which is composed of a cathode and an anode, to replace the vacuum switch. We find that there is wide band microwave radiation in the breakdown process of the vacuum diode. Because there is no structure of metallic bellow waveguide in the vacuum diode, the radiation mechanism of the vacuum diode is different from that of the plasma filled microwave device. It is hard to completely imitate the theory of the plasma filled microwave device. In order to clarify the mechanism of the microwave radiation from the vacuum diode, we analyze the breakdown process of the vacuum diode. When the anode plasma has been generated and the plasma closure has not occurred, the electrons emitted from the initial plasma will be incident on the anode plasma, and the vacuum diode will radiate microwave in this process. The self-generating magnetic field of the electron beam is a poloidal magnetic field. When the electron beam is incident on the plasma, the plasma will be magnetized by the poloidal magnetic field. The theory of magnetic fluid is used to analyze the problem in this paper, and the mathematical model of the vacuum diode radiation is obtained by using the simultaneous equations of the motion equations and Maxwell's equations. In this model, there is an interface between the electron beam and the magnetized plasma. The model is divided into two parts by the interface, i.e., inside of the electron beam and outside of the electron beam. The dispersion relation of the radiation generated by the vacuum diode is obtained by solving the mathematical model. Based on the dispersion relation and the experimental data, the dispersion curves are plotted for the different electron beam velocities. The dispersion curves show that the undulation of the dispersion curve becomes smaller and smaller with the decrease of the electron beam velocity, and the final dispersion curve will be approximated by a straight line. When the theoretical dispersion curves are compared with the actually measured time-frequency maps of the radiation, we find that they are well consistent with each other. Theoretical deduction and experiments indicate that the radiation generated by the vacuum diode originates from the interaction between the electron beam and the magnetized plasma.
      通信作者: 陈仕修, sxiuchen@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11075123)和国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(批准号:51207171)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Chen Shi-Xiu, sxiuchen@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11075123) and the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51207171).

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    Chen S X, Sun Y L, Xia C Z, Yan G Z 2008 High Power Laser Particle Beams 20 477 (in Chinese) [陈仕修, 孙幼林, 夏长征, 严国志 2008 强激光与粒子束 20 477]


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  • 收稿日期:  2015-12-28
  • 修回日期:  2016-05-09
  • 刊出日期:  2016-07-05

