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乔晓粉 李晓莉 刘赫男 石薇 刘雪璐 吴江滨 谭平恒



乔晓粉, 李晓莉, 刘赫男, 石薇, 刘雪璐, 吴江滨, 谭平恒

Periodic oscillation in the reflection and photoluminescence spectra of suspended two-dimensional crystal flakes

Qiao Xiao-Fen, Li Xiao-Li, Liu He-Nan, Shi Wei, Liu Xue-Lu, Wu Jiang-Bin, Tan Ping-Heng
  • 研究了在二氧化硅/硅衬底上制备的悬浮石墨烯以及二硫化钼的反射光谱以及悬浮二硫化钼的光致发光光谱. 研究发现: 悬浮多层石墨烯的反射光谱表现出明显的振荡现象, 并且该振荡具有一定的周期性; 振荡周期的大小不依赖于悬浮多层石墨烯的层数, 而是随着衬底上沉孔深度(空气层厚度)的增加而减小. 利用多重光学干涉模型可以解释这种振荡现象以及振荡周期随沉孔深度改变的变化趋势. 该模型计算结果表明, 只有当沉孔深度达到微米量级时这种振荡现象才会显著出现; 并且可由振荡周期定量地确定出沉孔深度. 对于悬浮的二硫化钼样品, 其反射光谱和光致发光光谱也出现了类似的振荡现象. 这表明这种振荡现象是在各种衬底上悬浮二维材料反射光谱和光致发光光谱的一种普遍性结果, 也预示悬浮二维材料器件的电致发光光谱也会出现类似的振荡现象, 对悬浮二维晶体材料的物理性质和器件性能研究具有一定的参考价值.
    Suspended two-dimensional (2D) materials have been widely used to improve the device performances in comparison with the case of supported 2D materials. To realize such a purpose, 2D materials are mainly suspended on the holes of substrates, which are usually used to support 2D materials. The holes beneath the 2D materials are usually full of air. The air layer with the thickness identical to the hole depth will affect the spectral features of the reflection and photoluminescence spectra of suspended 2D materials because there exist multiple optical interferences in the air/2D-flakes/air/Si multilayer structures. However, it is not clear that how the spectral features depend on the hole depth. In this paper, the reflection spectra of suspended multilayer graphene and MoS2flakes as well as the photoluminescence spectra of suspended multilayer MoS2flakes are systematically studied. The reflection spectra of suspended multilayer graphene flakes exhibit obvious oscillations, showing the optical characteristic with periodic oscillations in wavenumber. The oscillation period decreases with increasing the hole depth (or the thickness of the air layer), but is independent of the thickness of suspended graphene flakes. This can be well explained by the model based on multiple optical interferences in the air/graphenes/air/Si multilayer structures, which have been successfully utilized to understand the Raman intensity of ultrathin 2D flakes and substrate beneath the ultrathin 2D flakes dependent on the thickness of 2D flakes, the thickness of SiO2 layer, the laser wavelength and the numerical aperture of objective. The theoretical simulation shows that the oscillation is obviously observable only when the hole depth reaches up to the value on the order of microns. For suspended multilayer MoS2flakes, the reflection and photoluminescence spectra show similar periodic oscillations in wavenumber and the oscillation period is also dependent on the hole depth. The hole depth is measured by the surface profiler. It is found that the calculated oscillation period based on the measured hole depth and multiple optical interference model is usually larger than the experimental one, which is attributed to the existence of the dielectric layer in the holes. The dielectric layer may be the residues after the hole etching process, which have much smaller refractive indexes than substrates and 2D flakes. This results in an increase of the effective hole depth, which becomes larger than the one measured by the surface profiler. The observation of oscillation period in the reflection and photoluminescence spectra of different flakes of 2D materials demonstrates that the periodic oscillation is a general optical characteristic for optical spectra of suspended 2D materials. In principle, the electroluminescence spectra of suspended 2D materials may also exhibit similar periodic oscillations in wavenumber. These findings may be helpful for understanding the optical spectra of various suspended 2D materials and monitoring the existence of the residues in the holes of substrate after the etching process.
      通信作者: 谭平恒, phtan@semi.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11225421, 11434010, 11474277, 11504077)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Tan Ping-Heng, phtan@semi.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11225421, 11434010, 11474277, 11504077).

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    Han W P, Shi Y M, Li X L, Luo S Q, Lu Y, Tan P H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 110702 (in Chinese) [韩文鹏, 史衍猛, 李晓莉, 罗师强, 鲁妍, 谭平恒 2013 62 110702]


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    Li X L, Qiao X F, Han W P, Zhang X, Tan Q H, Chen T, Tan P H 2016 Nanotechnology 27 145704


    Ferrari A C, Meyer J C, Scardaci V, Casiraghi C, Lazzeri M, Mauri F, Piscanec S, Jiang D, Novoselov K S, Roth S, Geim A K 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 187401


    Kravets V G, Grigorenko A N, Nair R R, Blake P, Anissimova S, Novoselov K S, Geim A K 2010 Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter 81 155413


    Lu Y, Li X L, Zhang X, Wu J B, Tan P H 2015 Sci. Bull. 60 806


    Li S L, Miyazaki H, Song H S, Kuramochi H, Nakaharai S, Tsukagoshi K 2012 ACS Nano 6 7381


    Tan P H, Xu Z Y, Luo X D, Ge W K, Zhang Y, Mascarenhas A, Xin H P, Tu C W 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 061905

  • [1]

    Novoselov K S, Geim A K, Morozov S V, Jiang D, Zhang Y, Dubonos S V, Grigorieva I V, Firsov A A 2004 Science 306 666


    Splendiani A, Sun L, Zhang Y B, Li T S, Kim J, Chim C Y, Galli G, Wang F 2010 Nano Lett. 10 1271


    Qiao J S, Kong X H, Hu, Z X, Yang F, Ji W 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 4475


    Zhao H, Wu J B, Zhong H X, Guo Q S, Wang X M, Xia F N, Yang L, Tan P H, Wang H 2015 Nano Res. 8 3651


    Nomura K, MacDonald A H 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 256602


    Chen J H, Jang C, Adam S, Fuhrer M S, Williams E D, Ishigami M 2008 Nat. Phys. 4 377


    Pereira V H, Neto A H C, Liang H Y, Mahadevan L 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 156603


    Tan P H, Han W P, Zhao W J, Wu Z H, Chang K, Wang H, Wang Y F, Bonini N, Marzari N, Pugno N, Savini G, Lombardo A, Ferrari A C 2012 Nat. Mater. 11 294


    Lau C N, Bao W Z, Jr J V 2012 Mater. Today 15 238


    Yang R, Islam A, Feng P X L 2015 Nanoscale 7 19921


    Aguilera-Servin J, Miao T F, Bockrath M 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 083103


    Han W P, Shi Y M, Li X L, Luo S Q, Lu Y, Tan P H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 110702 (in Chinese) [韩文鹏, 史衍猛, 李晓莉, 罗师强, 鲁妍, 谭平恒 2013 62 110702]


    Casiraghi C, Hartschuh A, Lidorikis E, Piscanec S, Georgi C, Fasoli A, Novoselov K S, Basko D M, Ferrari A C 2007 Nano Lett. 7 2711


    Yoon D H, Moon H, Son Y W, Choi J S, Park B H, Cha Y H, Kim Y D, Cheong H 2009 Phys. Rev. B 80 125422


    Wang Y Y, Ni Z H, Shen Z X, Wang H M, Wu Y H 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 043121


    Li X L, Qiao X F, Han W P, Lu Y, Tan Q H, Liu X L, Tan P H 2015 Nanoscale 7 8135


    Li X L, Qiao X F, Han W P, Zhang X, Tan Q H, Chen T, Tan P H 2016 Nanotechnology 27 145704


    Ferrari A C, Meyer J C, Scardaci V, Casiraghi C, Lazzeri M, Mauri F, Piscanec S, Jiang D, Novoselov K S, Roth S, Geim A K 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 187401


    Kravets V G, Grigorenko A N, Nair R R, Blake P, Anissimova S, Novoselov K S, Geim A K 2010 Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter 81 155413


    Lu Y, Li X L, Zhang X, Wu J B, Tan P H 2015 Sci. Bull. 60 806


    Li S L, Miyazaki H, Song H S, Kuramochi H, Nakaharai S, Tsukagoshi K 2012 ACS Nano 6 7381


    Tan P H, Xu Z Y, Luo X D, Ge W K, Zhang Y, Mascarenhas A, Xin H P, Tu C W 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 061905

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-03-04
  • 修回日期:  2016-05-03
  • 刊出日期:  2016-07-05

