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钟哲强 侯鹏程 张彬



钟哲强, 侯鹏程, 张彬

A novel radial beam smoothing scheme based on optical Kerr effect

Zhong Zhe-Qiang, Hou Peng-Cheng, Zhang Bin
  • 针对惯性约束聚变装置中提高靶面辐照均匀性的要求, 提出了一种基于光克尔效应的径向光束匀滑方案, 其基本原理是利用光克尔介质和周期性高斯脉冲光束相互作用实现对激光束透射波前附加周期性的球面位相调制, 以周期性地改变激光束远场焦斑尺寸, 进而引起远场焦斑内部散斑的快速径向扫动, 从而在积分时间内抹平靶面焦斑的强度调制, 实现径向方向的光束匀滑. 通过建立基于光克尔效应的径向光束匀滑的理论模型, 分析了焦斑形态及其径向匀滑特性, 并讨论了光克尔介质的选取和径向扫动特性. 结果表明, 基于光克尔效应的径向光束匀滑方案可以有效地实现远场焦斑内部散斑的周期性径向扫动, 从而在积分时间内快速改善靶面辐照均匀性.
    Laser-beam illumination uniformity is a key issue in inertial confinement fusion facilities. In order to fulfill the requirement of improving illumination uniformity, a radial smoothing (RS) scheme is proposed. For smoothing the focal-spot pattern on a short time scale compared with the hydrodynamic response time of the target, the optical Kerr effect with extremely response time is taken into consideration. The basic principle of RS based on optical Kerr effect is that by using the interaction between optical Kerr medium and periodic Gaussian pulses to modulate a periodic spherical phase, to modulate periodic sphericel phase added at the wavefront of laser transmission wave, change the focal-spot size of the laser beam in far field, and further induce the fast radial redistribution of the speckles inside the focal spot in far field, and further induce the fast radial redistribution of the speckles inside the focal spot in far field. This fast radial redistribution of the speckles smoothes the intensity modulation of the focal spot on the target and eventually achieves the beam smoothing in the radial direction. The application of RS in the beamline is detailed. The optical Kerr medium is inserted in the front-end of the bemline, before the laser beam is injected into the main amplifier. The periodic Gaussian pulse for pumping the optical Kerr medium is obtained by the pulse stacking system based on fibers. The pulse width of stacked Gaussian pulse and the time delay between Gaussian pulses are set to be on a picosecond time scale or subpicosecond time scale. The induced refractive index of the optical Kerr medium by the pump laser fits spherical distribution with periodic variation, and results in the radial distribution of the speckles in focal plane. By establishing the theoretical model of the radial beam smoothing scheme implemented with continuous phase plate (CPP), the focusing characteristics of laser beam with RS and CPP are discussed in detail. The influences of the selection of optical Kerr medium and the characteristics of the radial redistribution on the radial smoothing effect are simulated and analyzed. Results indicate that the RS based on optical Kerr effect could efficiently achieve the periodic radial redistribution of the speckles on focal plane, and therefore improves the illumination uniformity in the radial direction while eliminating the stripe pattern presented in far field by one-dimensional smoothing spectral dispersion (SSD). The smoothing performance of RS is different from that of the conventional SSD due to its radial smoothing direction. Moreover, the combined application of RS with continuous phase plate could achieve a better smoothing level with a shorter time. The utilization of radial smoothing scheme in high power laser system may significantly improve the laser-beam irradiation with little influence on the performance of the beamline.
      通信作者: 张彬, zhangbinff@sohu.com
    • 基金项目: 国家重大专项应用基础项目(批准号: JG2014114)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Bin, zhangbinff@sohu.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the Basic Research Program of the National Major Project of China (Grant No. JG2014114).

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    He J F, Wu D K, Wang Q S, Zhu C J, Wu Z 2011 Opt. Prec. Engineer. 19 470 (in Chinese) [贺俊芳, 吴登科, 王屹山, 朱长军, 吴真 2011 光学精密工程 19 470]


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    Myatt J F, Zhang J, Short R W, Maximov A V, Seka W, Froula D H, Edgell D H, Michel D T, Igumenshchev I V, Hinkel D E, Michel P, Moody J D 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 055501


    Froula D H, Kessler T J, Igumenshchev I V, Betti R, Goncharov V N, Huang H, Hu S X, Hill E, Kelly J H, Meyerhofer D D, Shvydky A, Zuegel J D 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 840


    Wohlfarth C 2008 Landolt-Brnstein-Group Ⅲ Condensed Matter 47 36


    Couris S, Renard M, Faucher O, Lavorel B, Chaux R, Koudoumas E, Michaut 2003 Chem. Phys. Lett. 369 318


    Zakery A, Elliott S R 2003 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 330 1


    Lenz G, Zimmermann J, Katsufuji T, Lines M E, Hwang H Y, Splter S, Slusher R E, Cheong S W, Sanghera J S, Aggarwal I D 2000 Opt. Lett. 25 254


    Zhang H, Virally S, Bao Q, Ping L K, Serge M, Nicolas G, Kockaert 2012 Physics: Optics arXiv: 1203 5527


    Wu L H, Dai S X, Zhang P Q, Liu Z J, Wang X S, Shen X, Xu T F 2015 Chin. J. Lasers 42 171 (in Chinese) [吴丽华, 戴世勋, 张培晴, 刘自军, 王训四, 沈祥, 徐铁峰, 聂秋华 2015 中国激光 42 171]

  • [1]

    Yang C L, Yan H, Wang J, Zhang R Z 2013 Opt. Express 21 11171


    Shui M, Chu G B, Xing J T, Wu Y C, Zhu B, He W H, Xi T, Gu Y Q 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 094301


    Jiang Y E, Li X C, Zhou S L, Fan W, Lin Z Q 2013 Chin. Opt. Lett. 05 58


    Fan X M, L Z W, Lin D Y 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 124206


    Regan S P, Marozas J A, Kelly J H, Boehly T R, Donaldson W R, Jaanimagi P A, Keck R L, Kessler T J, Meyerhofer D D, Seka W, Skupsky S, Smalyuk V A 2000 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 17 1483


    Regan S P, Marozas J A, Craxton R S, Kelly J H, Donaldson W R, Jaanimagi P A, Jacobs-Perkins D, Keck R L, Kessler T J, Meyerhofer D D, Sangster T C, Seka W, Smalyuk V A, Skupsky S, Zuegel J D 2005 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 22 998


    Miyaji G, Miyanaga N, Urushihara S, Suzuki K, Matsuoka S, Nakatsuka M, Morimoto A, Kobayashi T 2002 Opt. Lett. 27 725


    Zhong Z Q, Hu X C, Li Z L, Ye R, Zhang B 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 054209 (in Chinese) [钟哲强, 胡小川, 李泽龙, 叶荣, 张彬 2015 64 054209]


    Ishizumi A, Kasami M, Mishina T, Yamamoto S, Nakahara J 2003 High Pressure Research 23 201


    Emery M H, Gardner J H, Lehmberg R H, Obenschain S P 1991 Phys. Fluids B 3 2640


    Shaw M, House R 2015 Proc. SPIE 9345 93450E


    Wang P, Zhao H, Wang Z H, Li D H, Wei Z Y 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4161 (in Chinese) [王鹏, 赵环, 王兆华, 李德华, 魏志义 2006 55 4161]


    Li W J 2013 M. S. Dissertation (Jilin: Changchun University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese) [李文景 2013 硕士学位论文 (吉林: 长春理工大学)]


    Skupsky S, Short R W, Kessler T, Craxton R S, Letzring S, Sources J M 1989 J. Appl. Phys. 66 3546


    Liu L Q, Zhang Y, Geng Y C, Wang W Y, Zhu Q H, Jing F, Wei X F, Huang W Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 164201 (in Chinese) [刘兰琴, 张颖, 耿远超, 王文义, 朱启华, 景峰, 魏晓峰, 黄晚晴 2014 63 164201]


    Wisoff P J, Bowers M W, Erbert G V, Browning D F, Jedlovec D R 2004 Proc. SPIE 5341 146


    Feng Q 2013 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changsha: Hunan University) (in Chinese) [冯琦 2013 博士学位论文 (长沙: 湖南大学)]


    He J F, Wu D K, Wang Q S, Zhu C J, Wu Z 2011 Opt. Prec. Engineer. 19 470 (in Chinese) [贺俊芳, 吴登科, 王屹山, 朱长军, 吴真 2011 光学精密工程 19 470]


    Williams E A 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 056310


    Myatt J F, Zhang J, Short R W, Maximov A V, Seka W, Froula D H, Edgell D H, Michel D T, Igumenshchev I V, Hinkel D E, Michel P, Moody J D 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 055501


    Froula D H, Kessler T J, Igumenshchev I V, Betti R, Goncharov V N, Huang H, Hu S X, Hill E, Kelly J H, Meyerhofer D D, Shvydky A, Zuegel J D 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 840


    Wohlfarth C 2008 Landolt-Brnstein-Group Ⅲ Condensed Matter 47 36


    Couris S, Renard M, Faucher O, Lavorel B, Chaux R, Koudoumas E, Michaut 2003 Chem. Phys. Lett. 369 318


    Zakery A, Elliott S R 2003 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 330 1


    Lenz G, Zimmermann J, Katsufuji T, Lines M E, Hwang H Y, Splter S, Slusher R E, Cheong S W, Sanghera J S, Aggarwal I D 2000 Opt. Lett. 25 254


    Zhang H, Virally S, Bao Q, Ping L K, Serge M, Nicolas G, Kockaert 2012 Physics: Optics arXiv: 1203 5527


    Wu L H, Dai S X, Zhang P Q, Liu Z J, Wang X S, Shen X, Xu T F 2015 Chin. J. Lasers 42 171 (in Chinese) [吴丽华, 戴世勋, 张培晴, 刘自军, 王训四, 沈祥, 徐铁峰, 聂秋华 2015 中国激光 42 171]

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