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刘坚 刘军芳 苏良碧 张倩 马凤凯 姜大朋 徐军



刘坚, 刘军芳, 苏良碧, 张倩, 马凤凯, 姜大朋, 徐军

Effects of Gd3+/Y3+ codoping on the spectral properties of Nd:CaF2 crystals

Liu Jian, Liu Jun-Fang, Su Liang-Bi, Zhang Qian, Ma Feng-Kai, Jiang Da-Peng, Xu Jun
  • 通过坩埚下降法生长了系列共掺Nd,Gd:CaF2和Nd,Y:CaF2晶体, 研究了Gd3+/Y3+共掺对Nd3+光谱性能以及Nd:CaF2晶体晶胞参数的影响规律. 对于0.5 at.%Nd, x at.%Gd(x=2,5,8,10):CaF2系列晶体, 当调控Gd3+掺杂浓度为2 at.%时, 具有最大的荧光寿命499 s; 当Gd3+掺杂浓度为5 at.%时, 具有最大的吸收截面1.4710-20 cm2, 最大的发射截面1.910-20 cm2; 当Gd3+掺杂浓度为8 at.%时, 具有最佳的发射带宽29.03 nm. 对于0.6 at.%Nd, xat.%Y(x=2, 5, 8, 10):CaF2系列晶体, Y3+掺杂浓度为5 at.%时, 有最大的吸收截面2.4110-20 cm2, 最大的发射截面3.1710-20 cm2; 当Y3+掺杂浓度为10 at.%时, 具有最长的荧光寿命359.4 s,并且具有最大发射带宽26 nm.
    In the last few years, Nd3+ doped fluoride crystals have achieved some amazing laser performances by codoping buffer ions such as Y3+ and Gd3+ ions, which lead to the changing of local structure of Nd3+ ions. In this work, effects of doping concentration of Gd3+ and Y3+ ions on optical properties are discussed. The relationships between spectroscopic properties and the unit cells are also discussed. Nd, Y:CaF2 and Nd, Gd:CaF2 disordered crystals are grown by using temperature gradient technique (TGT). Among 0.5 at.%Nd, x at.%Gd(x=2, 5, 8, 10):CaF2 crystals, the crystal with Gd3+ of 2 at.% has the longest fluorescence lifetime (499 s). Increasing the concentration of Gd3+ up to 5 at.%, the crystal has a maximum absorption cross section of 1.910-20 cm2, and a maximum emission cross section of 1.910-20cm2. The crystal with Gd3+ of 8 at.%has a maximum emission bandwidth of 29.03 nm(FWHM). Among 0.6 at.%Nd, x at.%Y(x=2, 5, 8, 10):CaF2 crystal, the crystal with Y3+ of 5 at.%has the biggest absorption cross section (2.4110-20 cm2), and the biggest emission cross section (3.1710-20 cm2), when the concentration of Y3+ is 5 at.%. When the Y3+ concentration increases up to 10 at.%, the crystal has a longest fluorescence lifetime of 359.4 s and maximal emission bandwidth of 26 nm(FWHM).The different concentrations of codoping ions have different effects on the Nd:CaF2 crystals, for the formations of different optical centers. In order to study the effects of local structure around Nd3+ on the optical properties in a set of Nd:CaF2 single crystals with different codoping concentrations of Gd3+ and Y3+, the unit cell parameters are investigated by X-ray diffraction. With different concentrations of Gd3+ and Y3+ ions in Nd:CaF2 crystal, the local structure of Nd3+ changes, which leads to different optical properties. The relevant details will further be explained in this paper.
      通信作者: 刘军芳, ljf@tongji.edu.cn;su_lb@163.com ; 苏良碧, ljf@tongji.edu.cn;su_lb@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61178056, 61422511, 61008045)和材料复合新技术国家重点实验室(武汉理工大学)开放基金(批准号: 2015-KF-10)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Liu Jun-Fang, ljf@tongji.edu.cn;su_lb@163.com ; Su Liang-Bi, ljf@tongji.edu.cn;su_lb@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61178056, 61422511, 61008045) and the Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing (Wuhan University of Technology), China (Grant No. 2015-KF-10).

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