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肖亚玲 刘艳格 王志 刘晓颀 罗明明



肖亚玲, 刘艳格, 王志, 刘晓颀, 罗明明

Design and experimental study of mode selective all-fiber fused mode coupler based on few mode fiber

Xiao Ya-Ling, Liu Yan-Ge, Wang Zhi, Liu Xiao-Qi, Luo Ming-Ming
  • 提出了三种基于少模光纤的全光纤熔融模式选择耦合器. 根据模式匹配原理采用单模光纤与少模光纤熔融连接方式, 运用耦合模理论及光束传播法模拟分析了模式选择耦合器的结构参数对模式选择及耦合特性的影响, 实现了单模光纤中基模到少模光纤中不同阶模式的转换, 以满足不同的应用需求. 实验上以2× 2熔融光纤耦合器为例, 采用对称和非对称熔融拉锥方式, 分别实现了从基模到LP11, LP21模式的转换. 实验结果表明所得到的LP11, LP21模式在1530–1560 nm的波长带宽范围内均有较高的模式纯净度, 且模式耦合效率高于80%, 与理论模拟结果基本一致.
    Three types of all-fiber mode-selection couplers based on fused few-mode fibers (FMFs) are proposed and demonstrated. The specific mode conversions are achieved with appropriate parameters, keeping to the coupling mode theory. LP01 mode is selectively converted into the LP11, LP21, LP02 mode via a 2×2 fused fiber coupler composed of single-mode fiber (SMF) and FMF. By changing the preset parameters in fabrication, mode conversions are also realized between the LP01 and the mixed high order modes. Moreover, conversions from the LP01 mode to other higher order modes are implemented as well in a 3×3 fiber coupler comprising FMF-SMF-FMF structures. Besides, different modes are simultaneously obtained in separated channels to reduce model crosstalk. Distinguished from other techniques, symmetric and asymmetric fused biconical taper are employed in this paper. The 2×2 fiber coupler achieves the conversion from LP01 mode to a single higher order mode such as LP11 or LP21 mode over a broadband spectral range from 1530 nm to 1560 nm. Meanwhile, the mode conversion efficiency exceeding 80% is recorded in experiment, while the insertion loss remains as low as 0.8 dB. Through the comparison with all-fiber mode-selection couplers reported, the relationship between fusion-degree and conversion efficiency is further studied. The experimental results are consistent with the numerical simulations. In addition, the coupler based mode-selection with lower insertion loss and higher conversion efficiency shows potential applications in mode-division multiplexing and sensing systems.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61322510, 11174154)和天津市自然科学基金重点项目(批准号: 12JCZDJC20600)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61322510, 11174154) and the Key Program of the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin, China (Grant No. 12JCZDJC20600).

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    Sorin W V, Kim B Y, Shaw H J 1986 Opt. Lett. 11 581


    Xie Y W, Fu S N, Zhang M M, Tang M, Shum P, Liu D M 2013 Opt. Commun. 306 185


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  • [1]

    Essiambre R, Kramer G, Winzer P J, Foschini G J 2010 J. Lightwave Technol. 28 662


    Essiambre R, Mecozzi A 2012 Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communication Conference Los Angeles, California, March 4-8, 2012 pOW3D.1


    Essiambre R, Tkach R W 2012 Proc. IEEE 100 1035


    Yan L S, Liu X, Shieh W 2011 IEEE Photon. J. 3 325


    Yao S C, Fu S N, Zhang M M, Tang M, Shen P, Liu D M 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 144215 (in Chinese) [姚殊畅, 付松年, 张敏明, 唐明, 沈平, 刘德明 2013 62 144215]


    Chan F Y M, Lau A P T, Tam H Y 2012 Opt. Express 20 4548


    Lin Z, Zheng S W, Ren G B, Jian S S 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 064214 (in Chinese) [林桢, 郑斯文, 任国斌, 简水生 2013 62 064214]


    Ryf R, Randel S, Gnauck A H, Bolle C, Sierra A, Mumtaz S, Esmaeelpour M, Burrows E C, Essiambre R J, Winzer P J, Peckham D W, McCurdy A H, Lingle R 2012 J. Lightwave Technol. 30 521


    Sorin W V, Kim B Y, Shaw H J 1986 Opt. Lett. 11 581


    Xie Y W, Fu S N, Zhang M M, Tang M, Shum P, Liu D M 2013 Opt. Commun. 306 185


    Lai K, Leon-Saval S G, Witkowska A, Wadsworth W J, Birks T A 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 328


    Witkowska A, Leon-Saval S G, Pham A, Birks T A 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 306


    Tsekrekos C P, Syvridis D 2014 J. Lightwave Technol. 32 2461


    Ismaeel R, Lee T, Oduro B, Jung Y M, Brambilla G 2014 Opt. Express 22 11610


    Gabriel P B, Katharina H, Henrik T, Peter W, Sayinc H, Morgner U, Neumann J, Kracht D 2014 J. Lightwave Technol. 32 2382


    Huang W P, Xu C L 1993 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. 29 2639


    Huang W P 1994 Opt. Soc. Am. A 11 963

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  • 收稿日期:  2015-04-21
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  • 刊出日期:  2015-10-05

