We propose a scheme for generating a genuine -type four-particle entangled state of superconducting artificial atoms with broken symmetry by using one-dimensional transmission line resonator as a data bus. With the help of the Circuit quantum electrodynamics system composed of -type three-level artificial atoms and transmission line resonator, our scheme also has long coherence time and storage time. Meanwhile, the -type three-level artificial atom used in the scheme is different from natural atom and has cyclic transitions. Furthermore, our scheme is easy to control and flexible. Through a suitable choice of the Rabi frequencies and detunings of the classical fields, we can use this system to implement the selective coupling between two arbitrary qubits. After suitable interaction time and simple operations, the desired entangled state can be obtained. Since artificial atomic excited states and photonic states are adiabatically eliminated, our scheme is robust against the spontaneous emissions of artificial atoms and the decays of transmission line resonator. We also analyze the performance and the experimental feasibility of the scheme, and show that our scheme is feasible under existing experimental conditions.
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[1] Ekert A K 1991 Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 661
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[8] Guo G C, Zhang Y S 2002 Phys. Rev. A 65 054302
[9] Bertet P, Osnaghi S, Milman P, Auffeves A, Maioli P, Brune M, Raimond J M, Haroche S 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 143601
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[13] Hume D B, Chou C W, Rosenband T, Wineland D J 2009 Phys. Rev. A 80 052302
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[17] Greenberger D M, Horne M A, Zeilinger A 1989 Bell's Theorem, Quantum Theory and Conceptions of the Universe (Netherlands: Springer) 37 69
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[19] Briegel H J, Raussendorf R 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 910
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[22] Lin S, Wen Q Y, Gao F, Zhu F C 2008 Phys. Rev. A 78 064304
[23] Tokunaga Y, Yamamoto T, Koashi M, Nobuyuki L 2005 Phys. Rev. A 71 030301
[24] Wang H F, Zhang S 2009 Phys. Rev. A 79 042336
[25] Shen H W, Wang H F, Ji X, Zhang S 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 3706
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[27] Shi Y L, Mei F, Yu Y F, Feng X L, Zhang Z M 2012 Quant. Info. Proc. 11 229
[28] Zhang Y J, Xia Y J, Man Z X, Guo G C 2009 Sci. China Series G: Phys. Mech. Astron. 52 700
[29] Gao G L, Song F Q, Huang S S, Wang H, Yuan X Z, Wang M F, Jiang N Q 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 44209
[30] Makhlin Y, Schön G, Shnirman A 2001 Rev. Mod. Phys. 73 357
[31] You J Q, Nori F 2011 Nature 474 589
[32] DiCarlo L, Reed M D, Sun L, Johnson B R, Chow J M, Gambetta J M, Frunzio L, Girvin S M, Devoret M H, Schoelkopf R J 2010 Nature 467 574
[33] Houck A A, Schreier J A, Johnson B R, Chow J M, Koch J, Gambetta J M, Schuster D I, Frunzio L, Girvin S M, Devoret M H, Schoelkopf R J 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 080502
[34] Gambetta J, Blais A, Schuster D I, Wallraff A, Frunzio L, Majer J, Devoret M H, Girvin S M, Schoelkopf R J 2006 Phys. Rev. A 74 042318
[35] Zhong Y P, Li C Y, Wang H H, Chen Y 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 110313
[36] Majer J, Chow J M, Gambetta J M, Koch J, Johnson B R, Schreier J A, Frunzio L, Schuster D I, Houck A A, Wallraff A, Blais A, Devoret M H, Girvin S M, Schoelkopf R J 2007 Nature 449 443
[37] DiCarlo L, Chow J M, Gambetta J M, Bishop Lev S, Johnson B R, Schuster D I, Majer J, Blais A, Frunzio L, Girvin S M, Schoelkopf R J 2009 Nature 460 240
[38] Liu Y X, You J Q, Wei L F, Sun C P, Nori F 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 087001
[39] Sun C P, Liu Y X, Wei L F, Nori F 2005 arXiv: quant-ph/050611
[40] Liu Y X, Sun C P, Nori F 2006 Phys. Rev. A 74 052321
[41] Leek P J, Baur M, Fink J M, Bianchetti R, Steffen L, Filipp S, Wallraff A 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 100504
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