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高太长 宋堃 刘西川 印敏 刘磊 姜世泰



高太长, 宋堃, 刘西川, 印敏, 刘磊, 姜世泰

Research on the method and experiment of path rainfall intensity inversion using a microwave link

Gao Tai-Chang, Song Kun, Liu Xi-Chuan, Yin Min, Liu Lei, Jiang Shi-Tai
  • 从大气气体吸收衰减模型出发, 基于微波雨衰特性和雨滴谱统计资料建立了微波链路降雨有效衰减的修正模型和视距微波链路的降雨反演模型. 设计并搭建一条视距微波链路测雨实验系统, 利用降雨反演模型反演了路径平均降雨强度, 并与雨滴谱仪进行了同步对比. 观测结果表明, 视距微波链路降雨反演模型的反演雨强与雨滴谱仪测量结果的相关系数大多高于0.6, 最高可达0.9647; 累积降雨量的绝对误差大多在0.5 mm以内, 最小偏差仅有0.0827 mm; 相对偏差大部分在15%以内, 最小相对误差为3.3415%. 实验结果验证了微波链路反演降雨的有效性和准确性.
    Accurate measurement of rainfall with high spatial and temporal resolution have important significance in meteorology, hydrology, agriculture, environment, flood warning and weather forecasting, etc. Based on the rain-induced power-law attenuation, an inversion method of the path rainfall intensity is proposed by using a microwave link. Starting from the atmospheric gas absorption attenuation model, a correction model of rainfall effective attenuation and a rainfall inversion model for line-of-sight microwave links are proposed, based on the microwave rain attenuation characteristics and raindrop size distribution statistics. A line-of-sight microwave link is designed and used to measure the rainfall, and the path average rain rate is inversed by means of rainfall inversion model, which is compared with a disdrometer. Results show that the correlation coefficient of rain rate inversed by microwave link with that of disdrometer is higher than 0.6 mostly, and the maximum value is 0.9647; the error of the accumulated rain amount is less than 0.5 mm, and the minimum value is 0.0827 mm; the relative error of the accumulated rain amount is less than 15%, the minimum value is 3.3415%. Experiments confirm the feasibility and accuracy of rainfall inversion obtained using a microwave link.
      通信作者: 刘西川, liuxc2012@hotmail.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 41475020, 41405024, 41327003)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Liu Xi-Chuan, liuxc2012@hotmail.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41475020, 41405024, 41327003).

    Gao T C 2012 Meteorological and Hydrological Equipments 23 1 (in Chinese) [高太长 2012 气象水文装备 23 1]


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    Overeem A, Leijnse H, Uijlenhoet R 2013 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 2741


    Thurai M, Bringi V N, Shimomai T 2007 The 6th International Conference on Information, Communications&Signal Processing Singapore, December10-13, 2007 p1


    Yang R K, Huang J Y, Lv X H 2000 Journal of Xidian University 27 487 (in Chinese) [杨瑞科, 黄际英, 吕小红 2000 西安电子科技大学学报 27 487]


    Liu X C, Gao T C, Qin J, Liu L 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2156 (in Chinese) [刘西川, 高太长, 秦健, 刘磊 2010 59 2156]


    Atlas D, Ulbrich C W 1977 J. Appl. Meteorol. 16 1322


    Minda H, Nakamura K 2005 J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol 22 165


    Zinevich A, Alpert P, Messer H 2008 Advances in Water Resources 31 1470


    Zinevich A, Messer H, Alpert P 2009 Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 48 1317


    Goldshtein O, Messer H, Zinevich A 2009 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 1616


    Krämer S, Verworn H, Redder A 2003 6th Intl. Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas 1


    Goldshtein O, Messer H Z, Zinevich A 2009 IEEE Trans. Signal Process 57 1616


    Overeem A, Leijnse H, Uijlenhoet R 2011 Water Resources Research 47 W12505


    Overeem A, Leijnse H, Uijlenhoet R 2013 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 1


    Liu X C, Liu L, Gao T C, Ren J P 2013 J. Infrared Millim. Waves 32 379 (in Chinese) [刘西川, 刘磊, 高太长, 任景鹏 2013 红外与毫米波学报 32 379]


    Liu X C, Gao T C, Liu L, Yang S C 2013 Progress in Geophysics 28 71 (in Chinese) [刘西川, 高太长, 刘磊, 杨树臣 2013 地球物理学进展 28 71]


    Jiang S T, Gao T C, Liu X C, Liu L, Liu Z T 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 154303 (in Chinese) [姜世泰, 高太长, 刘西川, 刘磊, 刘志田 2013 62 154303]


    International Telecommunication Union 2013 Rec. p676-9


    Freeman R 1991 Telecommunications Transmission Handbook (3rd Edn. ) (Canada: John Wiley & Sons Inc.) p279

  • [1]

    Gao T C 2012 Meteorological and Hydrological Equipments 23 1 (in Chinese) [高太长 2012 气象水文装备 23 1]


    Lv D R, Wang J C, Qiu J H, Tao S Y 2003 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Scineces 27 552 (in Chinese) [吕达仁, 王普才, 邱金恒, 陶诗言 2003 大气科学 27 552]


    Liang H H, Xu B X, Liu L P, Ge R S 2005 Advances in Earth Science 20 541 (in Chinese) [梁海河, 徐宝祥, 刘黎平, 葛润生 2005 地球科学进展 20 541]


    Qie X S, Lv D R, Chen H B, Wang P C, Duan S, Zhang W X 2008 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Scineces 32 867 (in Chinese) [郄秀书, 吕达仁, 陈洪滨, 王普才, 段树, 章文星 2008 大气科学 32 867]


    Michaelides S 2008 Precipitation: Advances in Measurement, Estimation, and Prediction(Berlin, Springer)


    Messer H, Zinevich A, Alpert P 2006 Science 312 713


    Overeem A, Leijnse H, Uijlenhoet R 2013 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 2741


    Thurai M, Bringi V N, Shimomai T 2007 The 6th International Conference on Information, Communications&Signal Processing Singapore, December10-13, 2007 p1


    Yang R K, Huang J Y, Lv X H 2000 Journal of Xidian University 27 487 (in Chinese) [杨瑞科, 黄际英, 吕小红 2000 西安电子科技大学学报 27 487]


    Liu X C, Gao T C, Qin J, Liu L 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2156 (in Chinese) [刘西川, 高太长, 秦健, 刘磊 2010 59 2156]


    Atlas D, Ulbrich C W 1977 J. Appl. Meteorol. 16 1322


    Minda H, Nakamura K 2005 J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol 22 165


    Zinevich A, Alpert P, Messer H 2008 Advances in Water Resources 31 1470


    Zinevich A, Messer H, Alpert P 2009 Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 48 1317


    Goldshtein O, Messer H, Zinevich A 2009 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 1616


    Krämer S, Verworn H, Redder A 2003 6th Intl. Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas 1


    Goldshtein O, Messer H Z, Zinevich A 2009 IEEE Trans. Signal Process 57 1616


    Overeem A, Leijnse H, Uijlenhoet R 2011 Water Resources Research 47 W12505


    Overeem A, Leijnse H, Uijlenhoet R 2013 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 1


    Liu X C, Liu L, Gao T C, Ren J P 2013 J. Infrared Millim. Waves 32 379 (in Chinese) [刘西川, 刘磊, 高太长, 任景鹏 2013 红外与毫米波学报 32 379]


    Liu X C, Gao T C, Liu L, Yang S C 2013 Progress in Geophysics 28 71 (in Chinese) [刘西川, 高太长, 刘磊, 杨树臣 2013 地球物理学进展 28 71]


    Jiang S T, Gao T C, Liu X C, Liu L, Liu Z T 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 154303 (in Chinese) [姜世泰, 高太长, 刘西川, 刘磊, 刘志田 2013 62 154303]


    International Telecommunication Union 2013 Rec. p676-9


    Freeman R 1991 Telecommunications Transmission Handbook (3rd Edn. ) (Canada: John Wiley & Sons Inc.) p279

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  • 收稿日期:  2015-01-26
  • 修回日期:  2015-03-24
  • 刊出日期:  2015-09-05

