为了分析背景辐射对基于氧气吸收被动测距精度的影响, 利用高光谱成像光谱仪作为测量设备, 卤钨灯作为目标, 进行了实验研究.首先, 介绍了基于氧气吸收被动测距技术的基本原理; 接着, 利用高光谱成像仪采集了夜间不同距离下的卤钨灯目标光谱分布, 根据氧气吸收被动测距原理, 计算了目标的氧气吸收率, 建立了氧气吸收率与路径关系的模型; 然后采集并计算了晴天2360 m处目标在不同时刻下的氧气吸收率分布, 根据所建模型, 利用白天测得的氧气吸收率数据解算距离并分析测距误差, 最终获得背景辐射对被动测距误差的影响.结果表明: 依据所建立的模型, 白天测距误差最大6.74%, 并且随着太阳高度角变小, 所处背景变暗, 误差逐渐变小, 到夜间时最小相对误差仅1.10%, 可达到较高测距精度.Experimental program is designed to analyze the influence of background radiation on the accuracy of passive ranging based on oxygen spectral absorption; an acousto-optic tunable hyper spectral imaging spectrometer is used as the measuring device and a halogen light as the target. Firstly, the basic principles and experimental program of passive ranging technology based on oxygen absorption are introduced; then the halogen light spectral distribution at different distances during the night is collected using the acousto-optic tunable hyper spectral imaging spectrometer. Oxygen absorption rate is calculated and the relationship model between the oxygen absorption rate and the path is established according to the principle of oxygen spectrum absorption passive ranging. Then the oxygen absorption rate of the target is collected and calculated at the distance of 2360 m for different time. The measuring ranges during the day are solved by the model and the errors are analyzed, the influence of background radiation on the passive ranging is gained finally. Results show that according to the model, the maximum ranging error is 6.74% during the daytime, and the error becomes smaller with the elevation angle of the sun becoming smaller and the background darker. The results give 1.10% ranging error during the nighttime.
- oxygen A absorption band /
- passive ranging /
- oxygen absorption rate /
- background radiation
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[1] Kalyuzhny N M, Alexandrov S N, Asanov E E 2002 Telecommunications and Radio Engin. 58 138
[2] Lu Y, Feng Y S, Ling Y S, Qiao Y 2012 Optics and Precision Engineering 20 2680 (in Chinese) [路远, 冯云松, 凌永顺, 乔亚 2012 光学精密工程 20 2680]
[3] Yang D G, Xiao S P 2009 Infrared and Laser Engineering 38 946 (in Chinese) [杨德贵, 肖顺平 2009 红外与激光工程 38 946]
[4] Hawks M R 2006 Ph.D. Dissertation (Ohio: Air Force Institute of Technology)
[5] Anderson J R, Szczukowski L M, Abel B R, Johnson K E, Zavala E O 2009 Project Air Cyclops (Ohio: Air Force Institute of Technology)
[6] Anderson J R 2010 M.S. Thesis (Ohio: Air Force Institute of Technology)
[7] Vincent R A 2011 M.S. Thesis (Ohio: Air Force Institute of Technology)
[8] An Y Q, Li J H, Wang Z B, Wang Z B 2013 Acta Phys.Sin 62 144210 (in Chinese) [安永泉, 李晋华, 王志斌, 王召巴 2013 62 144210]
[9] Yan Z Q, Liu B Q, Hua W S, Zhang Y 2013 Optics and Precision Engineering 21 2744 (in Chinese) [闫宗群, 刘秉琦, 华文深, 张瑜 2013 光学精密工程 21 2744]
[10] Wang Z B, Zong P F, Li X 2013 Chinese Journal of Lasers 40 0815002 (in Chinese) [王志斌, 宗鹏飞, 李晓 2013 中国激光 40 0815002]
[11] Li J H, Wang Z B, Chen Y Y, Zong P F, Zhang P F 2013 Laser & Infrared 43 1142 (in Chinese) [李晋华, 王志斌, 陈媛媛, 宗鹏飞, 张鹏飞 2013 激光与红外 43 1142]
[12] Zhang Z X, Shu X Z, Chu J H, Li Z 2012 J.Infrared Millim. Waves 31 203
[13] Zong P F, Wang Z B, Zhang J L, Chen Y Y 2013 Laser Technology 37 174 (in Chinese) [宗鹏飞, 王志斌, 张记龙, 陈媛媛 2013 激光技术 37 174]
[14] Yan Z Q, Liu B Q, Hua W S 2013 Optik 124 6450
[15] Liu Z M, Liu W Q, Gao M G, Tong J J, Zhang T S, Xu L, Wei X L 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 4184
[16] Zhu X F, Lin Z X, Liu L M, Shao J Y, Gong W 2014 Acta Phys. Sin 63 174203 (in Chinese) [朱湘飞, 林兆祥, 刘林美, 邵君宜, 龚威 2014 63 174203]
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