针对搭载于水下无人航行器(UUV)的四面体磁梯度张量系统易受载体磁场干扰的问题,提出了一种载体磁干扰补偿方法. 该方法在载体磁干扰产生机理的基础上,利用磁梯度张量差分测量算法融合四面体磁梯度张量系统中四个矢量磁力仪的载体磁干扰,建立了磁梯度张量系统载体磁干扰数学模型;然后在此数学模型的基础上提出了磁干扰补偿方法,并根据磁梯度张量9分量的数学关系提出了补偿参数辨识方法;最后通过仿真实验对方法进行了验证,结果表明该补偿方法可以有效补偿磁梯度张量系统95.9%的载体磁干扰. 该方法利用补偿参数对磁梯度张量系统的输出值直接进行磁干扰补偿,从理论上解决了磁梯度张量系统中各个矢量磁力仪载体磁干扰的统一补偿问题.The magnetic noise of a vehicle has a strong impact on the magnetic gradiometer, so a vehicle magnetic noise compensation method is proposed. Based on the production mechanism of the vehicle magnetic noise, a mathematic model for vehicle magnetic noise on the tetrahedron magnetic gradiometer is proposed, in which the difference algorithm of the magnetic gradiometer is used to fuse the magnetic noise of each vector magnetometer. In terms of this mathematic model, we propose the noise compensation algorithm and the compensation coefficients recognition method by using the mathematic relations of the 9 components of the magnetic gradient tensor. Simulation results show that the proposed method can efficiently compensate 95.9% vehicle magnetic noise on the magnetic gradiometer. This method can compensate vehicle magnetic noise on the magnetic gradiometer output directly by the compensation coefficients, and realize the holistic noise compensation of the magnetic gradiometer theoretically.
- magnetic field /
- magnetic gradient tensor /
- magnetic sensor /
- error compensation
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[15] Khurana K K, Kepko E L, Kivelson M G, Elphic R C 1996 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 32 5193
[1] Stolz R, Zakosarenko V, Sehulz M 2006 The Leading Edge 25 178
[2] Keene M N, Exon N J, Satchell J S 1999 IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 9 3048
[3] Yang Y T, Shi Z Y 2008 Aeta Armamentarii 29 1485 (in Chinese) [杨云涛, 石志勇 2008 兵工学报 29 1485]
[4] Tolles W E, Mineola N Y 1995 US Patent 2 706 801 [1955-04-19]
[5] He Y Z 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 217502 (in Chinese) [何永周 2013 62 217502]
[6] Jiang F Y, Wang N, Jin Y R, Deng H, Tian Y, Lang P L, Li J, Chen Y F, Zheng D N 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 047401
[7] Allen G, Sulzberger G, Bono J T, Pray J S, Clem T R 2005 Proceedings of the OCEANS'05 MTS/IEEE Conference Washington DC, US Republic, September 17-23, 2005 p1956
[8] Pei Y H, Yeo H G 2009 Proceedings of the OCEANS'09 MTS/IEEE Conference Biloxi, Mississippi Republic, October 26-29, 2009 p1
[9] Pei Y H, Yeo H G 2006 Proceedings of the OCEANS'06 MTS/IEEE Conference Singapore Republic, September 18-21, 2006 p1
[10] Bono J T, Overway D J, Wynn W M 2013 Proceedings of the OCEANS'03 MTS/IEEE Conference San Diego, California Republic, September 22-26, 2003 p2018
[11] Yang X Y, Huang S G 2004 Chin. J. Sci. Instrum. 25 466 (in Chinese) [杨新勇, 黄圣国 2004 仪器仪表学报 25 466]
[12] Chen D X, Pan M C, Luo F L 2006 Chin. J. Sens. Actuators 19 642 (in Chinese) [陈棣湘, 潘孟春, 罗飞路 2006 传感技术学报 19 642]
[13] Fitzgibbon A W, Pilu M, Fisher R B 1999 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 21 476
[14] Zhang X M, Zhao Y 2009 Chin. J. Sci. Instrum. 30 2438 (in Chinese) [张晓明, 赵剡 2009 仪器仪表学报 30 2438]
[15] Khurana K K, Kepko E L, Kivelson M G, Elphic R C 1996 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 32 5193
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