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氦离子低温预辐照对不锈钢中氦泡生长抑制作用的Monte Carlo模拟研究

郑晖 张崇宏 陈波 杨义涛 赖新春


氦离子低温预辐照对不锈钢中氦泡生长抑制作用的Monte Carlo模拟研究

郑晖, 张崇宏, 陈波, 杨义涛, 赖新春

Inhibition effect of low-temperature pre-irradiation of helium ions on the growth of helium bubble in stainless steel:a Monte Carlo simulation

Zheng Hui, Zhang Chong-Hong, Chen Bo, Yang Yi-Tao, Lai Xin-Chun
  • 实验中已发现氦离子低温预辐照不锈钢材料能有效抑制高温辐照阶段的氦泡生长,但这一结果一直缺少理论解释. 基于持续注入粒子的三维格子气模型,采用Monte Carlo模拟方法研究了不同温度模式对氦泡生长行为的影响. 研究发现,计算结果能很好地再现氦离子低温预注入抑制高温氦泡生长的实验现象,其原理为低温预注入时材料中形成了较高数密度的小氦泡,由于氦泡数量较多从而限制了氦泡平均尺寸的增大.
    Zhang Chong-Hong group has found that pre-irradiation of helium ions at low temperature with very low dose could effectively suppress helium bubble growth in materials. This experimental result lacks theoretical explanation. In this paper, we use Monte Carlo simulation to study the effects of different temperature modes on helium bubbles based on a three-dimensional lattice gas model under continued particle injection, and find that the phenomenon that pre-irradiation of helium atoms at low temperature can suppress the helium bubble growth occurs in simulation results as it does in the experiments. The reason is that small helium bubbles with high number density are produced by pre-irradiation at low temperature, and the high number density of bubbles controls the increase of sizes of helium bubbles.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:10575124)、国家磁约束聚变研究计划(批准号:2011GB108003)、中国工程物理研究院科学技术发展基金(批准号:2009A0301019,9090902)和中国工程物理研究院中子物理学重点实验室基金(批准号:2012AB02)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10575124), the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Program of China (Grant No. 2011GB108003), the Science and Technology Development Foundation of China Academy of Engineering Physics, China (Grant Nos. 2009A0301019, 9090902), and the Foundation for the Key Laboratory of Neutron Physics of China Academy of Engineering Physics (Grant No. 2012AB02).

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    Zheng H, Zhang C H, Sun B, Yang Y T, Bai B, Song Y, Lai X C 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 156401 (in Chinese)[郑晖, 张崇宏, 孙博, 杨义涛, 白彬, 宋银, 赖新春 2013 62 156401]


    Landau D P, Binder K 2005 A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics (New York: Cambridge University Press) p1


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    Ullmaier H 1983 Radiat. Eff. 78 1


    Mansur L K, Rowcliffe A F, Nanstad R K, Zinkle S J, Corwin W R, Stoller R E 2004 J. Nucl. Marter. 329-333 166


    Zhang C H, Yang Y T, Song Y, Jang J S, Sun Y M, Jin Y F, Li B S 2009 Nucl. Phys. Rev. 26 48 (in Chinese) [张崇宏, 杨义涛, 宋银, Jang J S, 孙友梅, 金运范, 李炳生 2009 原子核物理评论 26 48]


    Farrell K, Maziasz P J, Lee E H, Mansur L K 1983 Radiat. Eff. 78 277


    Maloy S A 2005 J. Nucl. Mater. 343 367


    Zhang C H, Chen K Q, Wang Y S, Sun J G 1998 J. Nucl. Mater. 258-263 1623


    Zhang C H, Chen K Q, Wang Y S, Sun J G 1998 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 135 256


    Miyamoto M, Ono K, Arakawa K, Birtcher R C 2007 J. Nucl. Mater. 367-370 350


    Ou X, Kogler R, Zhou H B, Anwand W, Grenzer J, Hubner R, Voelskow M 2012 Phys. Rev. B 86 224103


    Gao H, Wang H Y, Yuan Y G 2012 Rare Metals 31 290


    He X F, Yang W, Fan S 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8657 (in Chinese)[贺新福, 杨文, 樊胜 2009 58 8657]


    Zhu Y, Li B H, Xie G F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 046103 (in Chinese)[朱勇, 李宝华, 谢国锋 2012 61 046103]


    Wang Y S, Chen K Q, Zhang C H, Quan J M, Sun J G, Zhao Z Y 1996 Nucl. Tech. 19 5 (in Chinese)[王引书, 陈克勤, 张崇宏, 权晶明, 孙继光, 赵卓雍 1996 核技术 19 5]


    Zheng H, Shen L, Bai B 2009 Acta Phys. Chim. Sin. 25 2531 (in Chinese)[郑晖, 申亮, 白彬 2009 物理化学学报 25 2531]


    Zheng H, Shen L, Bai B, Sun B 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 016104 (in Chinese)[郑晖, 申亮, 白彬, 孙博 2012 61 016104]


    Zheng H, Zhang C H, Sun B, Yang Y T, Bai B, Song Y, Lai X C 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 156401 (in Chinese)[郑晖, 张崇宏, 孙博, 杨义涛, 白彬, 宋银, 赖新春 2013 62 156401]


    Landau D P, Binder K 2005 A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics (New York: Cambridge University Press) p1


    Goodhew P J, Tyler S K 1981 Proc. Roy. Soc. London A 377 151

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-09-30
  • 修回日期:  2014-01-28
  • 刊出日期:  2014-05-05

