为满足惯性约束聚变对靶面光场辐照特性的要求,提出利用互补型偏振控制板改变光束内部偏振态,实现多光束消偏振叠加,进而改善聚焦光场均匀性的方案. 建立了光束通过互补型偏振控制板进行变换的物理模型,理论分析了互补型偏振控制板影响聚焦光斑偏振特性的原因,比较了互补型偏振控制板与非互补型偏振控制板对聚焦光斑偏振特性及均匀性的影响,并进一步讨论了偏振控制板单元数的选取问题. 结果表明:多光束通过互补型偏振控制板后,聚焦光场不再是单一偏振光,而是各类部分偏振光的随机混合;与其他类型双块偏振控制板相比,互补型偏振控制板能实现聚焦光斑的消偏振叠加且效果最佳,使光斑偏振度下降至0.2以下,并能有效地改善光斑的强度均匀性. 采用互补型偏振控制板时,单元数对聚焦光斑偏振特性影响不大,但对强度均匀性则存在一定程度的影响,因而在实际工作中应根据应用需求合理选取单元数.In order to meet the requirement for uniform irradiation on the target in inertial confinement fusion, a schemie is proposed for achieving the depolarized superposition of multi-beams and further improving the uniformity of the focus spot by using complementary polarization control plates to change the polarization state of the beam. A physical model of multi-beam transformation by complementary polarization control plates is built up, and the mechanism how complementary polarization control plates affect the polarization characteristics of the focus spot is analyzed theoretically. The polarization properties and uniformity of the focus spot are compared for the two cases: viz the complementary polarization control plates and the un-complementary polarization control plates. Furthermore, the selection of elements of polarization control plates is discussed. Results show that after beams propagating through the complementary polarization control plates, the focal spot is not completely polarized but mixed randomly with various kinds of partially polarized states. Compared with the un-complementary polarization control plates, the complementary polarization control plates can achieve better depolarization effect on focus plane, resulting in the degree of polarization dropping to below 0.2, and thus achieving the effective improvement of intensity uniformity. When the complementary polarization control plates are utilized, the number of elements of polarization control plates has little effect on the polarization characteristics of the spot, but it can influence the intensity uniformity to some extent. Consequently, the number of elements of polarization control plates should be chosen appropriately in practical application.
- inertial confinement fusion /
- complementary polarization control plates /
- polarization properties /
- uniformity
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[21] Jian X H, Zhang C M, Zhu B H, Zhao B C, Du J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7565 (in Chinese)[简小华, 张淳民, 祝宝辉, 赵葆常, 杜娟 2008 57 7565]
[22] Yu D Y, Tan H Y 2006 Optical engineering (second edition) (Beijing:China Machine Press) pp440-441 (in Chinese) [郁道银, 谈恒英 2006 工程光学(第二版) (北京:机械工业出版社)第440–441页]
[23] Yu D Y, Tan H Y 2006 Optical engineering (second edition) (Beijing:China Machine Press) p420 (in Chinese) [郁道银, 谈恒英 2006 工程光学(第二版) (北京:机械工业出版社)第420页]
[24] Zhang R, Li P, Su J Q, Wang J J, Li H, Geng Y C, Liang Y, Zhao R C, Dong J, Lu Z G, Zhou L D, Liu L Q, Lin H H, Xu D P, Deng Y, Zhu N, Jing F, Sui Z, Zhang X M 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 054204 (in Chinese) [张锐, 李平, 粟敬钦, 王建军, 李海, 耿远超, 梁樾, 赵润昌, 董军, 卢宗贵, 周丽丹, 刘兰琴, 林宏焕, 许党朋, 邓颖, 朱娜, 景峰, 隋展, 张小民 2012 61 054204]
[1] Yang C L, Zhang R Z, Xu Q, Ma P 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 1465
[2] Skupsky S, Short R W, Kessler T, Craxton R S, Letzring S, Soures J M 1989 J. Appl. Phys. 66 3456
[3] Dixit S N, Lawson J K, Manes K R, Powell H T 1994 Opt. Lett. 19 417
[4] Jiang X J, Lin Z Q 2010 Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 47 1407 (in Chinese) [江秀娟, 林尊琪 2010 激光与光电子学进展 47 1407]
[5] Rothenberg J E 2000 J. Appl. Phys. 87 3654
[6] Tsubakimoto K, Nakatsuka M, Nakano H, Kanabe T, Jitsuno T, Nakai S 1992 Opt. Commun. 91 9
[7] Skupsky S, Kessler T J 1993 J. Appl. Phys. 74 4310
[8] Xiao J, Lu B D, Jiang M 2000 Acta Phys. Sin. 49 2383 (in Chinese) [肖峻, 吕百达, 姜明 2000 49 2383]
[9] Ling X H, Luo H L, Zhao C J, Wen S C, Fan D Y 2012 Appl. Opt. 51 4749
[10] Froula D H, Divol L, Berger R L, London R A, Meezan N B, Strozzi D J, Neumayer P, Ross J S, Stagnitto S, Suter L J, Glenzer S H 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 115002
[11] Michel P, Divol L, Williams E A, Thomas C A, Callahan D A, Weber S, Haan S W, Salmonson J D, Meezan N B, Landen O L, Dixit S, Hinkel D E, Edwards M J, MacGowan B J, Lindl J D, Glenzer S H, Suter L J 2009 Phys. Plasmas 16 042702
[12] Kruer W L, Wilks S C, Afeyan B B, Kirkwood R K 1996 Phys. Plasmas 3 382
[13] Moses E I, Boyd R N, Remington B A, Keane C J, Al-Ayat R 2009 Phys. Plasmas 16 041006
[14] Fleurot N, Cavailler C, Bourgade J L 2005 Fusion Eng. Des. 74 147
[15] Moses E I 2010 IEEE T. Plasma. Sci. 38 684
[16] Michel P, Rozmus W, Williams E A, Divol L, Berger R L, Glenzer S H, Callahan D A 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 056308
[17] Wegner P, Auerbach J, Biesiada T, Dixit S, Lawson J, Menapace J, Parham T, Swift D, Whitman P, Williams W 2004 SPIE Photonics West San Jose, California, January 24-29, 2004 p180
[18] Kalantar D H 2000 NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N 3 12615
[19] Fan X M, Lu Z W, Lin D Y, Wang Y L 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 104210
[20] Fu F X, Zhang B 2011 Chinese Journal of Lasers. 38 44 (in Chinese) [付福兴, 张彬 2011 中国激光 38 44]
[21] Jian X H, Zhang C M, Zhu B H, Zhao B C, Du J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7565 (in Chinese)[简小华, 张淳民, 祝宝辉, 赵葆常, 杜娟 2008 57 7565]
[22] Yu D Y, Tan H Y 2006 Optical engineering (second edition) (Beijing:China Machine Press) pp440-441 (in Chinese) [郁道银, 谈恒英 2006 工程光学(第二版) (北京:机械工业出版社)第440–441页]
[23] Yu D Y, Tan H Y 2006 Optical engineering (second edition) (Beijing:China Machine Press) p420 (in Chinese) [郁道银, 谈恒英 2006 工程光学(第二版) (北京:机械工业出版社)第420页]
[24] Zhang R, Li P, Su J Q, Wang J J, Li H, Geng Y C, Liang Y, Zhao R C, Dong J, Lu Z G, Zhou L D, Liu L Q, Lin H H, Xu D P, Deng Y, Zhu N, Jing F, Sui Z, Zhang X M 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 054204 (in Chinese) [张锐, 李平, 粟敬钦, 王建军, 李海, 耿远超, 梁樾, 赵润昌, 董军, 卢宗贵, 周丽丹, 刘兰琴, 林宏焕, 许党朋, 邓颖, 朱娜, 景峰, 隋展, 张小民 2012 61 054204]
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