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周树波 袁艳 苏丽娟



周树波, 袁艳, 苏丽娟

A regularized super resolution algorithm based on the double threshold Huber norm estimation

Zhou Shu-Bo, Yuan Yan, Su Li-Juan
  • 多帧图像超分辨率算法利用图像间的互补信息, 可以从一系列具有亚像素位移的低分辨率影像数据中重建出高分辨率图像. 在众多超分辨率算法中, 正则化方法以其求解病态问题的有效性而被广泛应用, 但在此类方法中, 最优估计算子的估计准确度对最后的重建结果有着较大的影响. 本文在现有正则化超分辨率重建算法的基础上, 提出了一种基于双阈值Huber范数的极大似然估计算子, 可以提高Huber范数对于阈值取值的容忍性和算子估计精度; 并给出了基于该算子的正则化超分辨率算法的迭代公式. 通过对仿真图像进行重建, 结果表明算法可有效地抑制各种噪声并保证重建效果; 同时将此算法应用于实际图像的超分辨率重建, 有效地提高了目标影像的空间分辨率.
    Multi-frame super-resolution reconstruction is a technology which obtains a high-resolution image from several low-resolution images of the same scene. Among various super resolution methods, the regularized method is widely used since it has advantages for solving the ill-posed problems. However, the super-resolution reconstruction results based on this method strongly depend on the estimation accuracy of the optimum estimator. In this paper, a double-threshold Huber norm based maximum likehood estimator is proposed, which improves the threshold tolerance of the estimator and increases the estimation accuracy. Then a regularized algorithm based on this estimator is presented. The super-resolution reconstruction results of synthetic low resolution images confirm that the proposed algorithm has better performance over the existing algorithms. The proposed algorithm is also used to deal with the low-resolution images obtained from a plenoptic camera. The results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61307020)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61307020).

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    Zhang H M, Wang L Y, Yan B 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 078701


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  • [1]

    Ruan Q Q 2005 Physics 34 1 (in Chinese) [阮秋琦 2005 物理 34 1]


    Park S C, Park M K, Kang M G 2003 IEEE Signal Proc. Mag. 20 21


    Tsai R Y, Huang T S 1984 Adv. Comput. Vis. Image Process. 1 317


    Tekalp A, Ozkan M, Sezan M 1992 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing San Francisco, USA, March 23-26, 1992 p169


    Alam M S, Bognar J G, Hardie R C 2000 IEEE Trans. Instrum. 49 915


    Nguyen N, Milanfar P 2000 Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing Vancouver, Canada, September 10-13, 2000 p351


    Tom B C, Katsaggelos A K 1996 SPIE Conference of Visual Communications and Image Processing Lausanne, Switzerland 1996 p1430


    Chen Y N, Jin W Q, Zhao L, Zhao L 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 264 (in Chinese) [陈翼男, 金伟其, 赵磊, 赵琳 2009 58 264]


    Su B H, Jin W Q, Niu L H, Liu G R, Liu M Q 2001 Acta Photon. Sin. 3 492 (in Chinese) [苏秉华, 金伟其, 牛丽红, 刘广荣, 刘明奇 2001 光子学报 3 492]


    Elad M, Feuer A 1997 IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 6 1646


    Irani M, Peleg S 1991 CVGIP: Graphical Models and Imaging Processing 53 231


    Freeman W T, Pasztor E C 2000 Int. J. Comput. Vision 40 25


    He H, Kondi L P 2006 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 15 592


    Lee E, Kang M 2003 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 12 806


    Ng M, Shen H, Lam E Y, Zhang L 2007 EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process. 2007 74585


    Zhang H M, Wang L Y, Yan B 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 078701


    Farsiu S, Robinson D 2004 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 13 1327


    Patanavijit V, Jitapunkul S 2006 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Yonago, Japan December 12-15 2006 p13


    Suo F, Hu F Y, Zhu G 2011 Wireless Communications and Signal Processing Nanjing, China, November 9-11, 2011 p1


    Pham T Q, van Vliet L J, Schutte K 2008 Phys. Conf. Series 124 012037


    EI-Yamany N A, Papamichalis P E 2008 EURASIP J. Image Video. Process. 2008 763254


    Patanavijit V, Jitapunkul S 2007 EURASIP J. Adv. in Signal Process. 2 34821


    Li X L, Hu Y T, Gao X B 2010 Signal Process. 90 405


    Zeng X Y, Yang L H 2012 Digital Signal Process. 1 12

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-06-04
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