X射线脉冲星导航是一种完全自主的导航方式, 在深空乃至行星际空间具有潜在的工程应用价值.由于空间飞行试验系统复杂, 成本巨大, 在实验室环境下高精度地模拟X射线脉冲星信号对数据处理方法和导航方案的验证具有重要意义. 针对当前机械转盘式模拟系统中时间稳定度和轮廓精度的不足, 提出了一种通过产生的轮廓电压信号直接控制可见光光源, 再利用衰减获得光子流, 最后经单光子探测和处理电路输出光子到达时间序列的模拟新方法.该方法实现成本低, 支持任意X射线脉冲星信号的模拟, 且具有高时间稳定度和轮廓精度. 详细地讨论了该方法的原理和涉及的关键技术, 搭建了X射线脉冲星信号模拟系统, 并进行了实验. 实验结果表明: 该系统大幅提高了X射线脉冲星信号的模拟效果, 将模拟脉冲星自转周期的稳定度从现有的10-4提高到10-9; 当探测器面积为1 m2, 探测能谱范围为2–10 keV, 积分时间为1200 s时, 模拟的PSR B1509-58 观测脉冲轮廓与标准脉冲轮廓的相关系数达到了0.993.A simulation experiment system is required presently, for the space flight experiment of X-ray pulsar based navigation is very costly. To solve the crucial issues of the timing stability and the profile precision in existing simulation techniques of pulsar signal, a new simulation technique which utilizes visible light is proposed. The simulation experiment system is set up based on the proposed technique. And some experiments are carried out to test the proposed technique. The results demonstrate that the proposed technique can be used to simulate any of known pulsars. The timing stability of simulated X-ray pulsars is raised from 10-4 to 10-9. And the accuracy of pulsar profile simulation is noticeably improved. Within the X-ray band 1-10 keV, when the observation time reaches 1200 s, and the area of the X-ray detector is 1 m2, the Pearson correlation coefficient of pulsar's observation profile with the standard template profile arrives at 0.993. And the simulation experiment system can be realized with high flexibility and low cost. On the basis of the simulation experiment system, the signal characteristic of X-ray pulsar can be investigated. On the other hand, the performances of X-ray pulsar signal processing algorithms and navigation algorithms can be surveyed in detail.
- X-ray pulsar signal /
- timing stability /
- observation profile /
- navigation algorithms
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[9] Gerd K 2000 Optical Fiber Communications (3rd Ed.) (USA: the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc) pp126-147
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[14] Grindlay J, Gursky H, Schnopper H 1976 Astron. J. 205 L127
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[1] Sheikh S I 2005 Ph. D. Dissertation (Maryland: University of Maryland)
[2] Shuai P, Li M, Chen S L, Huang Z 2009 Principles and Techniques of X-ray Pulsar Based Navigation System (Beijing: China Astronauic Publishing House) p20 (in Chinese) [帅平, 李明, 陈绍龙, 黄震 2009 X射线脉冲星导航系统原理与方法(北京: 中国宇航出版社) 第20页]
[3] Hanson J E 1996 Ph. D. Dissertation (Stanford: Stanford University)
[4] Su Z, Xu L P, Wang T 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 119701 [苏哲, 许录平, 王婷 2011 60 119701]
[5] Hu H J, Zhao B S, Sheng L Z, Yan Q R 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 029701 [胡慧君, 赵宝升, 盛立志, 鄢秋荣 2011 60 029701]
[6] Sun S M, Zheng W, Tang G J, Li M 2009 Acta Astron. Sin. 50 325 (in Chinese) [孙守明, 郑伟, 汤国建, 李满 2009 天文学报 50 325]
[7] Hu R J 2002 J. Southeast Univ. (Natural Sci. Ed.) 32 1 (in Chinese) [胡仁杰 2002 东南大学学报 (自然科学版) 32 1]
[8] Liu Z J, Zhou Y Y, Hu L L, Zhou Q L 2001 Optical Fiber Communications (Xi'an: Publishing House of Xidian University) pp119-123 (in Chinese) [刘增基, 周洋溢, 胡辽林, 周绮丽 2001 光纤通信(西安: 西安电子科技大学出版社) 第119–123页]
[9] Gerd K 2000 Optical Fiber Communications (3rd Ed.) (USA: the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc) pp126-147
[10] Emadzadeh A A, Speyer J L 2010 IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc. 58 4484
[11] Becker W 2005 Advanced Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Techniques (New York: Springer Berlin Heidelberg) pp332-349
[12] James D S 1993 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 31 48
[13] Chen F Y 1992 Measurement and Control of Satellites (Beijing: Science Press) pp434-437 (in Chinese) [陈芳允 1992 卫星测控手册(北京: 科学出版社) 第434–437页]
[14] Grindlay J, Gursky H, Schnopper H 1976 Astron. J. 205 L127
[15] Joss P C 1978 Astron. J. 225 L123
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