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黄骏 陈维 李辉 王鹏业 杨思泽



黄骏, 陈维, 李辉, 王鹏业, 杨思泽

Inactivation of Hela cancer cells by an atmospheric pressure cold plasma jet

Huang Jun, Chen Wei, Li Hui, Wang Peng-Ye, Yang Si-Ze
  • 研究了大气压冷等离子体射流对子宫颈癌Hela细胞的灭活机制. 在倒置显微镜下观察不同等离子体处理条件下的细胞形态, 并通过中性红吸收测试定量测定各个条件下的细胞存活率. 将功率维持在18 W, 在900 mL/min 氩等离子体中添入氧气的百分含量分别为1%, 2%, 4% 和8%的条件下处理Hela细胞, 探讨活性气体氧气在惰性气体氩气中的百分含量对Hela癌细胞灭活效率的影响, 发现添加2%氧气时, 氩/氧等离子体灭活效果最佳, 处理180 s后细胞存活率可降至7%. 当继续添加氧超过2%时, 灭活效果逐渐减弱, 直至8%时, 其效果反而不如单纯氩等离子体. 通过测量等离子体发射光谱, 结果表明活性氧自由基在癌细胞灭活过程中可能起关键作用.
    An inactivation mechanism study on Hela cancer cells by means of an atmospheric pressure cold plasma jet is presented. Cell morphology is observed under an inverted microscope after plasma treatment. The neutral red uptake assay provides quantitative evaluations of cell viability under different conditions. The effect of the inactivation efficiency of Hela cancer cells in the argon (900 mL/min) with addition of different amount of oxygen (1%, 2%, 4%, 8%) into atmospheric pressure cold plasma jet is discussed under the fixed power 18 W. Results show that 2% O2 addition provides the best inactivation efficiency, and the survival rate can be reduced to 7% after 180 s treatment. When the oxygen addition exceeds 2%, the inactivation efficiency gradually weakens. The effect is not so good as that in pure argon plasma when the oxygen addition arrives at 8%. According to the emission spectrum of the plasmum, it is concluded that the reactive oxygen species in the plasma play a key role in cancer cell inactivation process.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11275261, 11005151)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11275261, 11005151).

    Sladek R E J, Stoffels E, Walraven R, Tielbeek P J A, Koolhoven R A 2004 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 32 1540


    Zhang X H, Li M J, Zhou R L, Feng K C, Yang S Z 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 021502


    Lee H W, Kim G J, Kim J M, Park J K, Lee J K, Kim G C 2009 Endod. J. 35 587


    Chen W, Huang J, Li H, L G H, Wang X Q, Zhang G P, Wang P Y, Yang S Z 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 185203 (in Chinese) [陈维, 黄骏, 李辉, 吕国华, 王兴权, 张国平, 王鹏业, 杨思泽 2012 61 185203]


    Zhang X H, Huang J, Liu X D, Peng L, Sun Y, Chen W, Feng K C, Yang S Z 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1595 (in Chinese) [张先徽, 黄骏, 刘筱娣, 彭磊, 孙岳, 陈维, 冯克成, 杨思泽 2009 58 1595]


    Xiong Z L, Cao Y G, Lu X P, Du T 2011 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 39 2968


    Keidar M, Walk R, Shashurin A, Srinivasan P, Sandler A, Dasgupta S, Ravi R, Guerrero-Preston R, Trink B 2011 British Journal of Cancer 105 1295


    Huang J, Chen W, Li H, Wang X Q, L G H, Latif Khosa M, Guo M, Feng K C, Wang P Y, Yang S Z 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 109 053305


    Huang J, Li H, Chen W, L G H, Wang X Q, Zhang G P, Ostrikov K, Wang P Y, Yang S Z 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 253701


    Iseki S, Nakamura K, Hayashi M, Tanaka H, Kondo H, Kajiyama H, Kano H, Kikkawa F, Hori M 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 113702


    Chen W, Huang J, Du N, Liu X D, Wang X Q, L G H, Zhang G P, Guo L H, Yang S Z 2012 J. Appl. Phys. 112 013304


    Chen W, Huang J, Du N, Liu X D, L G H, Wang X Q, Zhang G P, Guo L H, Yang S Z 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 075203


    Zhang X H, Huang J, Liu X D, Peng L, Guo L H, L G H, Chen W, Feng K C, Yang S Z 2009 J. Appl. Phys. 105 063302


    Chen G L, Zheng X, L G H, Zhang Z X, Sylvain M, Wilson S, Michael T, Yang S Z 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 105201


    Deng S X, Cheng C, Ni G H, Meng Y D, Chen H 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 105203


    Valdespino V M, Valdespino V E 2006 Curr. Opin Obstet Gynecol. 18 35


    Yang L, Parkin D M, Ferlay J, Ferlay J, Li L, Chen Y D 2005 Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 14 243


    Massad L S, Xie X, Darragh T M, Minkoff H, Levine A M, D'Souza G, Cajigas A, Colie C, Watts D H, Strickler H 2009 Obstet Gynecol. 114 1063


    Bondar L, Hoogeman M S, Vásquez Osorio E M, Heijmen B J 2010 Med. Phys. 37 3760


    Parkin D M, Bray F I, Devesa S S 2001 Eur. J. Cancer 37 S4


    Domingues A P, Mota F, Durao M, Frutuoso C, Amaral N, de Oliveira C F 2010 International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 20 294

  • [1]

    Sladek R E J, Stoffels E, Walraven R, Tielbeek P J A, Koolhoven R A 2004 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 32 1540


    Zhang X H, Li M J, Zhou R L, Feng K C, Yang S Z 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 021502


    Lee H W, Kim G J, Kim J M, Park J K, Lee J K, Kim G C 2009 Endod. J. 35 587


    Chen W, Huang J, Li H, L G H, Wang X Q, Zhang G P, Wang P Y, Yang S Z 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 185203 (in Chinese) [陈维, 黄骏, 李辉, 吕国华, 王兴权, 张国平, 王鹏业, 杨思泽 2012 61 185203]


    Zhang X H, Huang J, Liu X D, Peng L, Sun Y, Chen W, Feng K C, Yang S Z 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1595 (in Chinese) [张先徽, 黄骏, 刘筱娣, 彭磊, 孙岳, 陈维, 冯克成, 杨思泽 2009 58 1595]


    Xiong Z L, Cao Y G, Lu X P, Du T 2011 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 39 2968


    Keidar M, Walk R, Shashurin A, Srinivasan P, Sandler A, Dasgupta S, Ravi R, Guerrero-Preston R, Trink B 2011 British Journal of Cancer 105 1295


    Huang J, Chen W, Li H, Wang X Q, L G H, Latif Khosa M, Guo M, Feng K C, Wang P Y, Yang S Z 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 109 053305


    Huang J, Li H, Chen W, L G H, Wang X Q, Zhang G P, Ostrikov K, Wang P Y, Yang S Z 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 253701


    Iseki S, Nakamura K, Hayashi M, Tanaka H, Kondo H, Kajiyama H, Kano H, Kikkawa F, Hori M 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 113702


    Chen W, Huang J, Du N, Liu X D, Wang X Q, L G H, Zhang G P, Guo L H, Yang S Z 2012 J. Appl. Phys. 112 013304


    Chen W, Huang J, Du N, Liu X D, L G H, Wang X Q, Zhang G P, Guo L H, Yang S Z 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 075203


    Zhang X H, Huang J, Liu X D, Peng L, Guo L H, L G H, Chen W, Feng K C, Yang S Z 2009 J. Appl. Phys. 105 063302


    Chen G L, Zheng X, L G H, Zhang Z X, Sylvain M, Wilson S, Michael T, Yang S Z 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 105201


    Deng S X, Cheng C, Ni G H, Meng Y D, Chen H 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 105203


    Valdespino V M, Valdespino V E 2006 Curr. Opin Obstet Gynecol. 18 35


    Yang L, Parkin D M, Ferlay J, Ferlay J, Li L, Chen Y D 2005 Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 14 243


    Massad L S, Xie X, Darragh T M, Minkoff H, Levine A M, D'Souza G, Cajigas A, Colie C, Watts D H, Strickler H 2009 Obstet Gynecol. 114 1063


    Bondar L, Hoogeman M S, Vásquez Osorio E M, Heijmen B J 2010 Med. Phys. 37 3760


    Parkin D M, Bray F I, Devesa S S 2001 Eur. J. Cancer 37 S4


    Domingues A P, Mota F, Durao M, Frutuoso C, Amaral N, de Oliveira C F 2010 International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 20 294

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  • 收稿日期:  2012-09-22
  • 修回日期:  2012-11-08
  • 刊出日期:  2013-03-05

