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申永军 杨绍普 邢海军



申永军, 杨绍普, 邢海军

Dynamical analysis of linear SDOF oscillator with fractional-order derivative (Ⅱ)

Shen Yong-Jun, Yang Shao-Pu, Xing Hai-Jun
  • 研究了含两类分数阶微分项的线性单自由度振子, 通过平均法得到了系统的近似解析解. 在近似解中, 两类分数阶微分项的系数和阶次均以等效线性阻尼和等效线性刚度的形式影响着系统的动力学特性, 这一点和现有文献中大多数直接将分数阶微分项归类为阻尼进行处理是完全不同的. 对近似解析解和数值解进行了比较, 二者符合精度很高, 证明了该结果的准确性. 然后分析了两类分数阶微分项的系数和阶次对系统响应特性的影响, 发现两类分数阶微分项的系数和阶次都既可以影响系统的共振振幅, 又可以影响系统的共振频率. 最后研究了第二类分数阶微分项对共振频率的影响, 指出了在振动控制工程中如何通过选取合适的第二类分数阶微分项的系数达到满意的控制效果.
    A linear single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillator with two kinds of fractional-order derivatives is investigated by the averaging method, and the approximately analytical solution is obtained. The effects of the parameters on the dynamical properties, including the fractional coefficients and the fractional orders in the two kinds of fractional-order derivatives, are characterized by the equivalent linear damping coefficient and the equivalent linear stiffness, and the results is entirely different from the results given in the existing literature. A comparison of the analytical solution with the numerical results is made, and their satisfactory agreement verifies the correctness of the approximately analytical results. The following analysis of the effects of the fractional parameters on the amplitude-frequency is presented, and it is found that the fractional coefficients and the fractional orders can affect not only the resonance amplitude through the equivalent linear damping coefficient, but also the resonance frequency by the equivalent linear stiffness. Finally, the effects of the fractional coefficient in the second fractional-order derivative on resonance frequency are analyzed, and the design rule for the fractional coefficient in the second fractional-order derivative to meet the satisfactory vibration control performance is pointed out.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11072158,10932006), 河北省杰出青年科学基金(批准号: E2010002047), 教育部新世纪优秀人才项目和教育部创新团队项目(批准号: IRT0971)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11072158, 10932006), the Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar of Hebei Province (Grant No. E2010002047), the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University and the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (Grant No. IRT0971).

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    Podlubny I 1999 Fractional Differential Equations (London: Academic) p10


    Petras I 2011 Fractional-Order Nonlinear System (China: Higher Education Press) p19


    Rossikhin Y A, Shitikova M V 2010 Applied Mechanics Reviews 63 010801


    Yang S P, Shen Y J 2009 Chao, Solitons and Fractals 40 1808


    Wang Z Z, Hu H Y 2010 Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 53 345


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    Rossikhin Y A, Shitikova M V 1997 Acta Mechanica 120 109


    Li G G, Zhu Z Y, Cheng C J 2011 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 22 294


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    Chen J H, Chen W C 2008 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 35 188


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    Zhou P 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 1263


    Deng W H, Li C P 2008 Phys. Lett. A 372 401


    Deng W H. 2007 Journal of Computational Physics 227 1510


    Chen L C, Zhu W Q 2009 Journal of Vibration and Control 15 1247


    Wahi P, Chatterjee A 2004 Nonlinear Dynamics 38 3


    Huang Z L, Jin X L 2009 Journal of Sound and Vibration 319 1121


    Shen Y J, Yang S P, Xing H J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 110505 (in Chinese) [申永军, 杨绍普, 邢海军 2012 61 110505]


    Shen Y J, Yang S P, Xing H J, Gao G S 2012 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer Simulat 17 3092


    Sanders J A, Verhulst F, Murdock J 2007 Averaging methods in nonlinear dynamical systems (New York: Springer) p150


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