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王芳芳 张业荣



王芳芳, 张业荣

An electromagnetic inverse scattering approach based on support vector machine

Wang Fang-Fang, Zhang Ye-Rong
  • 为解决电磁逆散射问题,提出了一种实时逆散射方法,该方法利用支持向量机(SVM)将逆散射问题转化为一个回归估计问题. 基于SVM的电磁逆散射方法成功地解决了逆散射问题中的非线性和不适定性.利用穿墙问题测试了该方法的可行性和有效性, 测试结果表明,不论是无噪声还是有噪声的情况,该方法都能很好地对墙后目标进行探测与定位.此外, 在穿墙环境下用SVM预测模型讨论了接收天线的采样位置数对预测结果的影响.最后对多源设置下的预测误差进行了分析和研究, 研究表明,相比于单源情况多源设置有利于对墙后目标的识别.
    In order to solve electromagnetic inverse scattering problem, a real-time inverse scattering method is proposed. This technique converts the inverse scattering problem into a regressed one using support vector machine (SVM). Electromagnetic inverse scattering method based on the SVM deals with nonlinearity and ill-posedness inherent in the inverse scattering problem successfully. The feasibility and the validity are tested by making use of simulating through-wall problem, and the results demonstrate that this approach can detect and position the targets behind the wall, no matter whether there exists noise or not. In the through-wall scenario, the influence of the number of sampling positions of receiving antenna on the predicted results is discussed using the predicted model of SVM. In the end, the predicted errors are analyzed and investigated in the multiple source scenario. The results show that this kind of setting is helpful for target identification in through-wall problem.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61071022)和江苏省高等学校研究生科研创新计划(批准号: CXZZ11-0381)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61071022) and the Scientific Research and Innovation Program for the Graduate Students in Institution of Higher Education of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No. CXZZ11-0381).

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    Zhang Q H, Xiao B X, Zhu G Q 2006 Acta Geophys. Sin. 49 1546 (in Chinese) [张清河, 肖柏勋, 朱国强 2006 地球 49 1546]


    Soldovieri F, Solimene R 2007 IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett. 4 513


    Chew W C, Wang Y M 1990 IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 9 218


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    Rekanos I T, Yioultsis T V, Tsiboukis T D 1999 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn. 47 336


    Song L P, Yu C, Liu Q H 2005 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 43 2793


    Ahmad F, Amin M G, Kassam S A 2005 IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 41 271


    Kim Y, Ling H 2009 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 57 2116


    Sukens J A K 2000 Neural Network World 10 29


    Cui W Z, Zhu C C, Bao W X, Liu J H 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3303 (in Chinese) [崔万照, 朱长纯, 保文星, 刘君华 2004 53 3303]


    Vapnik V N 1995 The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory (New York: Springer-Verlag )


    Wang F F, Zhang Y R 2011 J. Electromagn. Waves Appl. 25 75


    Jiang B, Wang H Q, Li X, Guo G R 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3985 (in Chinese) [姜斌, 王宏强, 黎湘, 郭桂蓉 2006 55 3985]


    Wu S Y, Wang Y J, Li L, Hu J S, Feng G Z, Yan H J 2007 Prog. Geophys. 22 1611 (in Chinese ) [邬世英, 王延江, 李莉, 胡加山, 冯国志, 阎汉杰 2007 地球物理学进展 22 1611]


    Zhang X, Liu X M, Xiao X L, Hu W B 2005 Chin. J. Eng. Geophys. 2 191 (in Chinese) [张翔, 刘晓敏, 肖小玲, 胡文宝 2005 工程地球 2 191]


    Wang F F, Zhang Y R 2011 Prog. Electromagn. Res. Lett. 23 119

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