本文报道把热能直接转换电能的热磁发电技术所用一级相变新材料Mn1.2Fe0.8P0.4Si0.6的磁性和热磁发电性能.用高能球磨机械合金化技术和固相烧结合成方法制备了Mn1.2Fe0.8P0.4Si0.6化合物.磁性测量结果表明,该化合物呈现从铁磁状态变为顺磁状态的一级相变,居里温度为337K,并伴随巨大的磁化强度的变化.根据该材料的这一特性,设计制作了热磁发电演示装置,测定了热流引起材料的相变而产生的电流,并研究了固定磁场中热致磁转变产生的电流随热流温度和样品质量的变化.研究结果表明Mn1.2Fe0.8P0.4Si0.6化合物具有很好的热磁发电性能,可作为热磁发电材料.In this paper, we report on the magnetism and the thermomagnetic power generation performance of a first-order phase transition material Mn1.2Fe0.8P0.4Si0.6,which can be used for thermomagnetic power generation that turns heat directly into electricity. The compound is synthesized by using the high-energy ball milling and solid state reaction method. Magnetic measurements show that the compound undergoes a ferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic first-order phase transition at 337 K, accompanied by a giant magnetization change. According to this feature of the material, we design a demonstration device for thermomagnetic power generation, and study the electric current generated by heat induced phase transition. The current increases with the increase of the heat-flow temperature and the mass of material. This study shows that the Mn1.2Fe0.8P0.4Si0.6 compound possesses the high performance of thermomagnetic power generation.
- transition-metal compounds /
- first-order phase transition /
- thermomagnetic power generation
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[1] Strauss H E 1959 J. Appl. Phys. 30 1622
[2] [3] Elliott J F 1959 J. Appl. Phys. 30 1774
[4] Solomon D 1988 J. Appl. Phys. 63 915
[5] [6] Tegus O, Brck E, Buschow K H J, de Boer F R 2002 Nature 415 150
[7] [8] [9] Cam Thanh D T, Brck E, Trung N T, Klaasse J C P, Buschow K H J, Ou Z Q, Tegus O, Caron L 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 07B318
[10] [11] Song L, Wang G F, Ou Z Q, Haschaolu O, Tegus O, Brck E, Buschow K H J 2008 J. Alloy. Compd. 474 388
[12] Liu G J, Sun J R, Shen J, Gao B, Zhang H W, Hu F X, Shen B G 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 032507
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