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汤益丹 沈光地 郭霞 关宝璐 蒋文静 韩金茹



汤益丹, 沈光地, 郭霞, 关宝璐, 蒋文静, 韩金茹

High performance resonant cavity light emitting diode with dielectric distributed Bragg reflectors

Tang Yi-Dan, Shen Guang-Di, Guo Xia, Guan Bao-Lu, Jiang Wen-Jing, Han Jin-Ru
  • 采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积高低频交替生长法生长了SiO2/Si3N4透明介质分布式Bragg反射镜(DDBR), 提出了对DDBR采用干、湿法并用的腐蚀方法. 采用传输矩阵法理论分析了DDBR, 得出了为满足出光增益要求的反射率和DDBR结构. 使用光致发光(PL)谱仪测量分析了DDBR反射谱和光致发光谱, 获得了使光致发光谱辐射增强的DDBR结构, 在整个光致发光谱380780 nm波段, 整体辐射增强1.058倍, 在谐振波长处辐射增强1.5倍, 半峰全宽值由23 nm变窄为10.5 nm, 获得了很好的光谱纯度. 利用最优DDBR结构制成了高性能共振腔发光二极管器件, 与普通结构相比, 实现了低开启电压1.78 V; 在20 mA注入电流下, 轴向光强提高了20%, 光功率和光效分别提高了27.7%和26.8%, 光功率衰减缓慢; 在0100 mA注入电流下, 没有明显的下降趋势, 表现出了良好的温度稳定性.
    Dielectric distributed Bragg reflectors (DDBRs) with SiO2/Si3N4 are grown by PECVD alternately. For the etching of DDBR, dry and wet etching methods are both used. The reflectivity of DDBR is calculated by transfer matrix method, and the high performance DDBR structure is fabricated to obtain optimal reliability, we find that the enhancement factor along the cavity axis and the integrated emission enhancement factor of RCLED with 1.5 RC DDBR are 1.058 and 1.5 respectively, a full width at half maximum is 10.5 nm by PL analysis. Then, high performance RCLEDs are fabricated by using an optimal DDBR structure. The devices with DDBR show many advantages: a lower turn-on voltage of 1.78 V, under 20 mA injection current, the output power and the luminous efficiency of the device with/without DDBR gain the improvements of 27.7% and 26.8% respectively, under 0-100 mA injection current, the output power has unconspicuous downtrend, better characteristic saturation of optical power and temperature stability.
    • 基金项目: 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(批准号: 2006AA03A121)和国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划) (批准号: 2006CB604902)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2006AA03A121) and the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB604902).

    Li J J, Yang Z, Han J, Deng J, Zou D S, Kang Y Z, Ding L, Shen G D 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6304 (in Chinese) [李建军, 杨臻, 韩军, 邓军, 邹德恕, 康玉柱, 丁亮, 沈光地 2009 58 6304]


    Baets R G, Delbeke D 2003 Proc. SPIE 4996 74


    Lei P Yang C D 2008 Sciencedirect Solid-State Electronics 52 227


    Wei J Y, Huang B B, Qin X Y, Zhang X Y, Zhang K, Yao S S, Zhu B F, Li X Y 2005 J. Optoelectron. Laser 16 1304 (in Chinese) [尉吉勇, 黄柏标, 秦晓燕, 张晓阳, 张琦, 姚书山, 朱宝富, 李宪林 2005 光电子cdot激光 16 1304]


    Cui B F, Li J J, Zou D S, Lian P, Han J R, Wang D F, Du J Y, Liu Y, Zhao H M, Shen G D 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 2150 (in Chinese) [崔碧峰, 李建军, 邹德恕, 廉鹏, 韩金茹, 王东风, 杜金玉, 刘莹, 赵慧敏, 沈光地 2004 53 2150]


    Xu M, Zhang Y H, Shen W Z 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 2415 (in Chinese) [徐敏, 张月蘅, 沈文忠 2007 56 2415]


    Schubert E F,Wang Y H, Cho A Y, Tu LW, Zydzik G J 1992 Appl. Phys. Lett. 60 921


    Schubert E F, Hunt N E J, Micovic M, Malik R J, Sivco D L, Cho A Y, Zydzik G J 1994 Science 265 943


    Blondelle J, De Neve H, Borghs G, van Daele P, Demeester P, Baets R 1996 IEE Colloquium on Semiconductor Optical Microcavity Devices and Photonic Bandgaps, United Kingdam 1201


    Wierer J J, Kellogg D A, Holonyak N 1999 Appl. Phys. Lett. 74 926


    Ghawana K, Delbeke D, Christiaens I 2002 Proc. SPIE 4947


    Anni M, Giglia G, Patane S, Arena A, Allegrini M, Cingolani R 2002 Physica E 13 451


    Wang X D, Wu X M, Wang Q, Cao Y L, He G R, Tan M Q 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4983 (in Chinese) [王小东, 吴旭明, 王青, 曹玉莲, 何国荣, 谭满清 2006 55 4983]


    Stoffel A, Kovacs A, Kronast W 1996 J. Micromech. Microeng. 16 1


    Chen Y S, Gao X Y, Gu J H, Lu J X, Wang J H, Yang S E, Zhao S L, Zheng W 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 1394


    Coldren L A, Thibeault B J, Hegbloom E R 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 313

  • [1]

    Li J J, Yang Z, Han J, Deng J, Zou D S, Kang Y Z, Ding L, Shen G D 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6304 (in Chinese) [李建军, 杨臻, 韩军, 邓军, 邹德恕, 康玉柱, 丁亮, 沈光地 2009 58 6304]


    Baets R G, Delbeke D 2003 Proc. SPIE 4996 74


    Lei P Yang C D 2008 Sciencedirect Solid-State Electronics 52 227


    Wei J Y, Huang B B, Qin X Y, Zhang X Y, Zhang K, Yao S S, Zhu B F, Li X Y 2005 J. Optoelectron. Laser 16 1304 (in Chinese) [尉吉勇, 黄柏标, 秦晓燕, 张晓阳, 张琦, 姚书山, 朱宝富, 李宪林 2005 光电子cdot激光 16 1304]


    Cui B F, Li J J, Zou D S, Lian P, Han J R, Wang D F, Du J Y, Liu Y, Zhao H M, Shen G D 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 2150 (in Chinese) [崔碧峰, 李建军, 邹德恕, 廉鹏, 韩金茹, 王东风, 杜金玉, 刘莹, 赵慧敏, 沈光地 2004 53 2150]


    Xu M, Zhang Y H, Shen W Z 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 2415 (in Chinese) [徐敏, 张月蘅, 沈文忠 2007 56 2415]


    Schubert E F,Wang Y H, Cho A Y, Tu LW, Zydzik G J 1992 Appl. Phys. Lett. 60 921


    Schubert E F, Hunt N E J, Micovic M, Malik R J, Sivco D L, Cho A Y, Zydzik G J 1994 Science 265 943


    Blondelle J, De Neve H, Borghs G, van Daele P, Demeester P, Baets R 1996 IEE Colloquium on Semiconductor Optical Microcavity Devices and Photonic Bandgaps, United Kingdam 1201


    Wierer J J, Kellogg D A, Holonyak N 1999 Appl. Phys. Lett. 74 926


    Ghawana K, Delbeke D, Christiaens I 2002 Proc. SPIE 4947


    Anni M, Giglia G, Patane S, Arena A, Allegrini M, Cingolani R 2002 Physica E 13 451


    Wang X D, Wu X M, Wang Q, Cao Y L, He G R, Tan M Q 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4983 (in Chinese) [王小东, 吴旭明, 王青, 曹玉莲, 何国荣, 谭满清 2006 55 4983]


    Stoffel A, Kovacs A, Kronast W 1996 J. Micromech. Microeng. 16 1


    Chen Y S, Gao X Y, Gu J H, Lu J X, Wang J H, Yang S E, Zhao S L, Zheng W 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 1394


    Coldren L A, Thibeault B J, Hegbloom E R 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 313

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  • 收稿日期:  2010-05-17
  • 修回日期:  2011-04-16
  • 刊出日期:  2012-01-05

