Through fabricating Ni-FUSI metal gate capacitors and analyzing their C-V and Vfb-EOT characteristics, it is found that Ga or Yb has more favorable modulation ability than conventional dopants. The work function of Ni-FUSI metal gate is modulated close to the top of valince band and the bottom of conduction band, which meets the requirement of high performance CMOS devices. The high modulation abilities of Ga and Yb are explained by dipole theory. Moreover, it is found that the capacitance value of Ni-FUSI metal gate capacitor increases after incorporating Ga or Yb into Ni-FUSI metal gate, but the gate leakage current decreases. And the detailed explanation for the above phenomena is also included in this article by analyzing C-V and gate leakage current characteristics.
- metal gate /
- work function /
- silicide
[1] Yagishita A, Saito T, Nakajima K, Inumiya S, Akasaka Y, Ozawa Y, Hieda K, Tsunashima Y, Suguro K, Arikado T, Okumura K 2000 IEEE Transactions on electron devices 47 1028
[2] Lu Q, Yee Chia Yeo, Ranade P, Takeuchi H, Tsu-Jae King, Hu C M, Song S C, Luan H F, Dim-Lee Kwong 2000 Symposium on VLSl Technology p72
[3] [4] [5] Polishchuk I, Ranade P, King T J, Hu C M 2002 IEEE electron device letters 23 200
[6] Ha D, Takeuchi H, Choi Y K, King T J 2004 IEEE transactions on electron devices 51 1989
[7] [8] Tavel B, Skotnicki T, Pares G, Carriere N, Rivoire M, Leverd F, Julien C, Torres J, Pantel R 2001 International Electron Devices Meeting 825
[9] [10] Mayuzumi S, Yamakawa S, Tateshita Y, Hirano T, Nakata M, Yamaguchi S, Tai K, Wakabayashi H, Tsukamoto M, Nagashima N 2009 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 56 620
[11] [12] [13] Chen Y, Chen K, Yeh W, Yuan J, Yeh F 2010 IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability Issue: 99 1
[14] Zhou H J, Xu Q X 2007 Chinese Journal of Semiconductors 28 1532
[15] [16] Shan X N, Huang R, Li Y, Cai Y M 2007 Acta Physica Sinica 56 4943 (in Chinese) [单晓楠、 黄 如、 李 炎、 蔡一茂 2007 56 4943]
[17] [18] [19] Veloso A, Yu H Y, Lauwers A, Chang S Z, Adelmann C, Onsia B, Demand M, Brus S, Vrancken C, Singanamalla R, Lehnen P, Kittl J, Kauerauf T, Vos R, O'Sullivan B J, Van Elshocht S, Mitsuhashi R, Whittemore G, Yin K M, Niwa M, Hoffmann T, Absil P, Jurczak M, Biesemans S 2007 Solid State Device Research Conference, 2007. ESSDERC 2007. 37th European Munich 1113 Sept. 2007 p195
[20] [21] Kedzierski J, Nowak E, Kanarsky T, Zhang Y, Boyd D, Carruthers R, Cabral C, Amos R, Lavoie C, Roy R, Newbury J, Sullivan E, Benedict J, Saunders P, Wong K, Canaperi D, Krishnan M, Lee K-L, Rainey B A, Fried D, Cottrell P, Wong H S P, leong M, Haensch W 2002 International Electron Devices Meeting p247
[22] [23] Maszara W P 2005 J. Electrochem. Soc. 152 550
[24] Qin M, Poon V M C, Ho S C H 2001 J. Electrochem. Soc. 148 271
[25] [26] [27] Cabral C, Jr, Kedzierski J, Linder B, Zafar S, Narayanan Y, Fang S, Steegen A, Kozlowski P, Carruthers R, Jammy R 2004 Symposium on VLSI 184
[28] [29] Xuan P Q, Bokor J 2003 IEEE Electron Device Letters 24 634
[30] Sim J H, Wen H C, Lu lP, Kwong D L 2003 IEEE Electron Device Letters 24 631
[31] [32] [33] Yu D S, Wu C H, Huang C H, Chin A, ChenW J, Zhu C X, Li M F, Kwong D L 2003 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 24 739
[34] Kedzierski J, Boyd D, Ronsheim P, Zafar S, Newbury J, Ott J, Cabral C J, leong M, Haensch W 2003 International Electron Devices Meeting p315
[35] [36] [37] Krivokapic Z, Maszara W, Achutan K, King P, Gray l, Sidorow M, Zhao E, Zhang J, Chan J, Marathe A, Lin M R 2002 International Electron Devices Meeting p271
[38] [39] Yu H Y, Chen J D, Li M F, Lee S J, Kwong D L, van Dal M, Kittl JA, Lauwers A, Augendre E, Kubicek S, Zhao C, Bender H, Brijs B, Geenen L, Benedetti A, Absil P, Jurczak M, Biesemans S 2005 International Electron Devices Meeting p630
[40] [41] Lin C T, Ramin M, Pas M, Wise R, Fang Y K, Hsu C H, Huang Y T, Cheng L W, Ma M 2007 IEEE Electron Device Letters 28 831
[42] Tsuchiya Y, Yoshiki M, Koyama M, Kinoshita A, Koga J 2005 International Electron Devices Meeting p622
[43] [44] [45] Pourtois G, Lauwers A, Kittl J, Pantisano L, Sore B, De Gendt S, Magnus W, Heyns M, Maex K 2005 Microelectronic Engineering 80 272
[46] [47] Eu-Jin Lim A, Fang W W, Liu F Y, Lee R T P, Samudra G S, Kwong D L, Yeo Y C 2007 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium p1
[48] Sivasubramani P, Boscke T S, Huang J, Young C D, Kirsch P D, Krishnan S A, Quevedo-Lopez M A, Govindarajan S, Ju B S, Harris H R, Lichtenwalner D J, Jur J S, Kingon A I, Kim J, Gnade B E, Wallace R M, Bersuker G, Lee B H, Jammy R 2007 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology p68
[49] [50] [51] Lim A E J, Lee R T P, Samudra G S, Kwong DL, Yeo Y C 2008 IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 55 2370
[1] Yagishita A, Saito T, Nakajima K, Inumiya S, Akasaka Y, Ozawa Y, Hieda K, Tsunashima Y, Suguro K, Arikado T, Okumura K 2000 IEEE Transactions on electron devices 47 1028
[2] Lu Q, Yee Chia Yeo, Ranade P, Takeuchi H, Tsu-Jae King, Hu C M, Song S C, Luan H F, Dim-Lee Kwong 2000 Symposium on VLSl Technology p72
[3] [4] [5] Polishchuk I, Ranade P, King T J, Hu C M 2002 IEEE electron device letters 23 200
[6] Ha D, Takeuchi H, Choi Y K, King T J 2004 IEEE transactions on electron devices 51 1989
[7] [8] Tavel B, Skotnicki T, Pares G, Carriere N, Rivoire M, Leverd F, Julien C, Torres J, Pantel R 2001 International Electron Devices Meeting 825
[9] [10] Mayuzumi S, Yamakawa S, Tateshita Y, Hirano T, Nakata M, Yamaguchi S, Tai K, Wakabayashi H, Tsukamoto M, Nagashima N 2009 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 56 620
[11] [12] [13] Chen Y, Chen K, Yeh W, Yuan J, Yeh F 2010 IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability Issue: 99 1
[14] Zhou H J, Xu Q X 2007 Chinese Journal of Semiconductors 28 1532
[15] [16] Shan X N, Huang R, Li Y, Cai Y M 2007 Acta Physica Sinica 56 4943 (in Chinese) [单晓楠、 黄 如、 李 炎、 蔡一茂 2007 56 4943]
[17] [18] [19] Veloso A, Yu H Y, Lauwers A, Chang S Z, Adelmann C, Onsia B, Demand M, Brus S, Vrancken C, Singanamalla R, Lehnen P, Kittl J, Kauerauf T, Vos R, O'Sullivan B J, Van Elshocht S, Mitsuhashi R, Whittemore G, Yin K M, Niwa M, Hoffmann T, Absil P, Jurczak M, Biesemans S 2007 Solid State Device Research Conference, 2007. ESSDERC 2007. 37th European Munich 1113 Sept. 2007 p195
[20] [21] Kedzierski J, Nowak E, Kanarsky T, Zhang Y, Boyd D, Carruthers R, Cabral C, Amos R, Lavoie C, Roy R, Newbury J, Sullivan E, Benedict J, Saunders P, Wong K, Canaperi D, Krishnan M, Lee K-L, Rainey B A, Fried D, Cottrell P, Wong H S P, leong M, Haensch W 2002 International Electron Devices Meeting p247
[22] [23] Maszara W P 2005 J. Electrochem. Soc. 152 550
[24] Qin M, Poon V M C, Ho S C H 2001 J. Electrochem. Soc. 148 271
[25] [26] [27] Cabral C, Jr, Kedzierski J, Linder B, Zafar S, Narayanan Y, Fang S, Steegen A, Kozlowski P, Carruthers R, Jammy R 2004 Symposium on VLSI 184
[28] [29] Xuan P Q, Bokor J 2003 IEEE Electron Device Letters 24 634
[30] Sim J H, Wen H C, Lu lP, Kwong D L 2003 IEEE Electron Device Letters 24 631
[31] [32] [33] Yu D S, Wu C H, Huang C H, Chin A, ChenW J, Zhu C X, Li M F, Kwong D L 2003 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 24 739
[34] Kedzierski J, Boyd D, Ronsheim P, Zafar S, Newbury J, Ott J, Cabral C J, leong M, Haensch W 2003 International Electron Devices Meeting p315
[35] [36] [37] Krivokapic Z, Maszara W, Achutan K, King P, Gray l, Sidorow M, Zhao E, Zhang J, Chan J, Marathe A, Lin M R 2002 International Electron Devices Meeting p271
[38] [39] Yu H Y, Chen J D, Li M F, Lee S J, Kwong D L, van Dal M, Kittl JA, Lauwers A, Augendre E, Kubicek S, Zhao C, Bender H, Brijs B, Geenen L, Benedetti A, Absil P, Jurczak M, Biesemans S 2005 International Electron Devices Meeting p630
[40] [41] Lin C T, Ramin M, Pas M, Wise R, Fang Y K, Hsu C H, Huang Y T, Cheng L W, Ma M 2007 IEEE Electron Device Letters 28 831
[42] Tsuchiya Y, Yoshiki M, Koyama M, Kinoshita A, Koga J 2005 International Electron Devices Meeting p622
[43] [44] [45] Pourtois G, Lauwers A, Kittl J, Pantisano L, Sore B, De Gendt S, Magnus W, Heyns M, Maex K 2005 Microelectronic Engineering 80 272
[46] [47] Eu-Jin Lim A, Fang W W, Liu F Y, Lee R T P, Samudra G S, Kwong D L, Yeo Y C 2007 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium p1
[48] Sivasubramani P, Boscke T S, Huang J, Young C D, Kirsch P D, Krishnan S A, Quevedo-Lopez M A, Govindarajan S, Ju B S, Harris H R, Lichtenwalner D J, Jur J S, Kingon A I, Kim J, Gnade B E, Wallace R M, Bersuker G, Lee B H, Jammy R 2007 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology p68
[49] [50] [51] Lim A E J, Lee R T P, Samudra G S, Kwong DL, Yeo Y C 2008 IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 55 2370
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