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谢映海 杨维 许昌龙



谢映海, 杨维, 许昌龙

M-dimensional space-time error correction code theory for switch node based on omnidirectionalradiation of electromagnetic wave

Xie Ying-Hai, Yang Wei, Xu Chang-Long
  • 电磁波在自由空间中的全向辐射特性在无线通信领域一直被认为是一个巨大缺点,但在网络环境下该特性可被用来提高无线通信系统的性能.考虑在一个无线网络中, M 个节点通过一个交换节点来相互交换各自信息.不同于传统传输方式,交换节点将对自己接收到的这 M 份独立信息进行联合编码,再利用电磁波全向辐射特性向所有节点同时发送相同码字.对于这种新型网络编码方式,本文给出了它对应的 M 维空时纠错码的数学定义,并证明了一些关于码本性能的基本定理,为构造性能较好的码本奠定了基础.这种同时引入空域和时域冗余的纠错码本有效地提高
    In wireless communication field, the omnidirectional radiation of electromagnetic wave in free space is always considered as a big shortcoming, nevertheless, it can be used to improve the performace of wireless communication system in network entironment. Here, we consider that M nodes use a switch node to exchang their information in a wireless network. Differert from the conventional method, the switch node will take the joint coding method for the M independent information, then transmit the same codeword to all M nodes simultaneously through the omnidirectional radiation. For the novel network code, the mathematical definition of the M -dimension space-time error correction code is proposed, and some theorems about its performance are proved to lay a foundation to construct good codebooks. The redundancy of time and space domain is added to the novel codebook at the same time, and the efficiency of the transmit power is improved, so we can design high-rate codebook with good error detection and correction capability. Moreover, the complexity of its decoding algorithm can be reduced, owing to the distributed data processing. Here, we emphasize that contrary to one’s intuition, our proposed codebook reveals that it is in general not correct to take the rate of codebook which has the error detection and correction capability to be less than 1.
    • 基金项目: 国家科技重大专项(批准号:2009ZX03003-005)、教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划(批准号:IRT0949)、轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室自主研究课题(批准号:RCS2009ZT014)、西安电子科技大学综合业务网理论和关键技术国家重点实验室(批准号:ISN11-10)资助的课题.

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    Yin J W, Hui J Y, Wang Y L, Hui J 2007 Acta Phy. Sin. 56 5915 (in Chinese)[殷敬伟、惠俊英、王逸林、惠 娟 2007 56 5915]


    Rudolf A, Cai N, Robert L S 2000 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 46 1204


    Robert L S, Raymond W Y, Cai N 2003 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 49 371


    Raymond W Y, Robert L S, CAI N 2005 Network Coding Theory (Foundation and Trends in Communication and Information Technology) P15


    Jaggsi S, Sanders P, Chou P A 2005 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 51 1973


    Zhang S, Liew S, Lam P 2006 Proceeding of ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Compnting and Networking Los Angeles, USA, 23—26 S, 2006 P1022


    Ho T, Medard M, Koetter R 2006 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 52 4413


    Wu Y, Jain K, Kungs Y 2006 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 52 2398


    Xue B L 2006 IEEE Trans. Nework 52 2433


    Shah M, Wong V 2010 IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. 9 1924


    Jovicic A, Wang H, Viswanath P 2010 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 56 4941


    Sengupta S, Rayanchu S, Banerjee S 2010 IEEE/ACM Trans. Nework 18 1158


    Parag P, Chamberland J F 2010 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 56 1890


    Cai N, Raymond W Y 2002 Proceedings of IEEE Information Theory Workshop Bangalore, Iindia October 2002 p119


    Raymond W Y, Cai N 2006 Commun. Inf. Syst. 6 19


    Cai N, Raymond W Y 2006 Commun. Inf. Syst. 6 37


    Zhang Z 2006 Proceedings of IEEE Information Theory Workshop Chengdu, China, 22—26 October 2006 p88


    Zhang Z 2008 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 54 209


    Mac W F J, Sloane N J A 1977 The Theory of Error-correcting Codes (Amsterdam:North-Hoalland) p101

  • [1]

    Wu J G, Wu Z M, Lin X D, Zhang Y, Zhong D Z,Xia G Q 2005 Acta Phy. Sin. 54 4169 (in Chinese)[吴加贵、吴正茂、林晓东、张 毅、钟东洲、夏光琼 2005 54 4169]


    Yin J W, Hui J Y, Wang Y L, Hui J 2007 Acta Phy. Sin. 56 5915 (in Chinese)[殷敬伟、惠俊英、王逸林、惠 娟 2007 56 5915]


    Rudolf A, Cai N, Robert L S 2000 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 46 1204


    Robert L S, Raymond W Y, Cai N 2003 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 49 371


    Raymond W Y, Robert L S, CAI N 2005 Network Coding Theory (Foundation and Trends in Communication and Information Technology) P15


    Jaggsi S, Sanders P, Chou P A 2005 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 51 1973


    Zhang S, Liew S, Lam P 2006 Proceeding of ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Compnting and Networking Los Angeles, USA, 23—26 S, 2006 P1022


    Ho T, Medard M, Koetter R 2006 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 52 4413


    Wu Y, Jain K, Kungs Y 2006 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 52 2398


    Xue B L 2006 IEEE Trans. Nework 52 2433


    Shah M, Wong V 2010 IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. 9 1924


    Jovicic A, Wang H, Viswanath P 2010 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 56 4941


    Sengupta S, Rayanchu S, Banerjee S 2010 IEEE/ACM Trans. Nework 18 1158


    Parag P, Chamberland J F 2010 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 56 1890


    Cai N, Raymond W Y 2002 Proceedings of IEEE Information Theory Workshop Bangalore, Iindia October 2002 p119


    Raymond W Y, Cai N 2006 Commun. Inf. Syst. 6 19


    Cai N, Raymond W Y 2006 Commun. Inf. Syst. 6 37


    Zhang Z 2006 Proceedings of IEEE Information Theory Workshop Chengdu, China, 22—26 October 2006 p88


    Zhang Z 2008 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 54 209


    Mac W F J, Sloane N J A 1977 The Theory of Error-correcting Codes (Amsterdam:North-Hoalland) p101

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  • 收稿日期:  2010-12-11
  • 修回日期:  2011-02-17
  • 刊出日期:  2011-03-05

