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弭光宝 李培杰 Охапкин А В Константинова Н Ю Сабирзянов А А Попель П С



弭光宝, 李培杰, Охапкин А В, Константинова Н Ю, Сабирзянов А А, Попель П С

Relationship between liquid structure and property Ⅰ— Kinematic viscosity of magnesium melt and its relationship with the microstructure

Сабирзянов А А, Попель П С, Mi Guang-Bao, Li Pei-Jie, Охапкин А В, Константинова Н Ю
  • 采用坩埚扭摆振动法测量Mg熔体的运动黏度,得到935—1190 K温度区间高精度的黏度-温度关系曲线v(T),发现升温和降温过程中Mg熔体的黏度随温度变化呈指数规律单调递增(减),没有发生异常变化和滞后现象.同时,利用液态结构中原子集团演变行为的物理模型,计算得出该温度区间Mg熔体的主要结构信息参数——原子集团尺寸-温度关系曲线d(T);通过对实验和计算数据的综合分析,发现Mg熔体的运动黏度和原子集团尺寸均为温度的单值函数,且二者之间存在线性的函数关
    The method of crucible rotating oscillation damping was employed to measure the kinematic viscosity of magnesium melt and the curve of viscosity v versus temperature T from 935 K to 1190 K was obtained. It is exponential increase (decrease) law of viscosity with the temperature during heating and cooling process; Besides, based on the physical model for evolution behavior of atomic cluster in liquid structure, the main structural information of magnesium melt in this temperature interval — the curve of size d of atomic cluster versus temperature T was obtained; By analyzing the experimental and calculated data, it is found that both kinematic viscosity and size of atomic cluster of magnesium melt are monodrome function of the temperature and the relation between them is linear function, i.e., v=v0 + K·d(T). This relation reveals the change characteristic of viscosity for magnesium melt microstructure, which presents a new way for calculating kinematic viscosity of metal melt and understanding the micro-nature deeply.
    • 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2007CB613702)和国际科技合作项目(批准号:2007DFC50090)资助的课题.

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    Assael M J, Kakosimos K, R Banish M 2006 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 35 285


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    Bazin Yu A, Zamrtin V M, Hasiipov Ya A 1985 Trans Higher Educ-Ferrous Metall 5 28 (in Russian)


    Glazov V M, Vobst M, Timoshinko V I 1989 Research methods for the nature of liquid metals and semiconductors ( Moscow: Metallurgy Press) p245 (in Russian)


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    Skrebcov A M 2009 Trans Higher Educ-Ferrous Metall 2 28 (in Russian)


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    Levin E S, Geld P V, Yakubchik V P 1975 Acta Metall Sin. USSR Acad Sci. 5 80 (in Russian)


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  • [1]

    Wang Q, Lu K Q, Li Y X 2001 Chinese Science Bulletin 46 1431


    Baum B A, Hassin G A, Tyagunov G V 1984 Liquid Steel (Moscow: Metallurgical Industry Press) p6 (in Russian)


    Angell C A 1995 Science 267 1924


    Geng H R, Sun J C, Yang Z X, Wang R, Ji L L 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 1320 (in Chinese) [耿浩然、孙春静、杨中喜、王 瑞、吉蕾蕾 2006 55 1320]


    Li Y X 2005 Principle of material processing (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) (in Chinese) [李言祥 2005 材料加工原理 (北京:清华大学出版社)]


    Iida T, Rodarick I L 1993 The Properties of Liquid Metal (Ox-Ford: Clavendon Press) p148


    Assael M J, Kakosimos K, R Banish M 2006 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 35 285


    Zhang W, Liu C C, Wang H Y, Xu Y S, Shi Y Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3875 (in Chinese) [张 雯、刘彩池、王海云、徐岳生、石义情 2008 57 3875]


    Sklyarchuk V, Plevachuk Yu, Yakymovych A 2009 Int. J. Thermophys 30 1400


    Samsonov G V 1976 Handbook of elemental nature-the first part: physical nature (Moscow: Metallurgy Press) P235 (in Russian)


    Cmitls K R 1980 Metal manual (Moscow: Metallurgy Press) P335 (in Russian)


    Regel A R, Glazov V M 1980 Physical property of electron melt (Moscow: Science press) P13 (in Russian)


    Iouns W R P, Bartlett W L 1952 J. Inst. Met. 81 145


    Alsenchiyev P P 1982 Iron 5 14


    Qin J Y, Bian X F, Wang W M, Sliusarenko S I 1998 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3875 (in Chinese) [秦敬玉、边秀房、王伟民、Sliusarenko S I 1998 47 438]


    Poole P H, Grande T, Angell C A, McMillan P F 1997 Science 275 322


    Reichert H, Klein O, Dosch H, Denk M, Honkimaeki V, Lippmann T, Reiterk G 2000 Nature 408 839


    Shvidkovskii E G, Goriaga G I 1956 Journal of Moscow State University 6 33 (in Russian)


    Yang Z X, Geng H R, Tao Z D, Sun C J 2004 Journal of atomic and molecular physics 21 663 (in Chinese) [杨中喜、耿浩然、陶珍东、孙春静 2004 原子与分子 21 663]


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J 2010 Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron 53 1571


    Mi G B, Li P J, He L J 2010 Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron 53 1823


    Shvidkovskii E G 1955 Some problems in the viscosity of molten metals (Moscow: Gostekhizdat) p83 (in Russian)


    Bazin Yu A, Zamrtin V M, Hasiipov Ya A 1985 Trans Higher Educ-Ferrous Metall 5 28 (in Russian)


    Glazov V M, Vobst M, Timoshinko V I 1989 Research methods for the nature of liquid metals and semiconductors ( Moscow: Metallurgy Press) p245 (in Russian)


    Chhabra R P, Seth D K 1990 Z. Metallkde 81 264


    Kolobnev I F, Krimov V V, Polianskii A P 1957 Caster manual-shaped castings of aluminium and magnesium alloys (Moscow: MASHGR) p5 (in Russian)


    Li P J 1994 Ph D Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology) p64—72 (in Chinese) [李培杰 1994 博士学位论文(哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学) 第64—72页]


    Skrebcov A M 2009 Trans Higher Educ-Ferrous Metall 2 28 (in Russian)


    Qi J G 2006 Ph D Dissertation (Beijing: University of Science & Technology Beijing) (in Chinese) [齐锦刚2006 博士学位论文 (北京: 北京科技大学)]


    Zhang R L 1993 Empirical Electron Theory of Solids and Molecules (Jilin: Jilin Science and Technology Press) (in Chinese) [张瑞林1993 固体与分子经验电子理论 (长春:吉林科学技术出版社)]


    Dean J A 1999 Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry (15th Ed.) (New York: McGraw-Hill) P6.124


    Levin E S, Geld P V, Yakubchik V P 1975 Acta Metall Sin. USSR Acad Sci. 5 80 (in Russian)


    Roik A S, Samsonnikov A V, Kazimirov V P 2006 Metal 3 24 (in Russian)


    Byharenko V V, Chen S Sh, Ilinskii A G 1991 Metal Physics 1992 (in Russian)

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  • 收稿日期:  2010-08-25
  • 修回日期:  2010-09-16
  • 刊出日期:  2011-02-05

